
One Piece: A Truly Broken person

The_Wild_Trill · Cómic
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35 Chs

Entering Marineford in style

(Two Days Later)

A young man can be seen deep below the earth's surface as he was in the middle of magma. He had golden talons for his feet while his hands were now fiery golden wings. He had now unlocked his hybrid form which he only unlocked due to the pressure constantly crushing his body and this happened repeatedly until it forced his fruit to awaken.

Flare: "What are my current stats?"

[Name: Gol D. Flare/ Jahvon

Age: 18

Race: Ancient Fallen Angel

Overall strength: Base-Admiral (low)> Hybrid Form-Yonko (low)

Bloodline: None

Haki: Busoshoku Haki (High-Advanced), Kenbunshoku Haki (Low-Advanced), Conqueror's Haki (Mid-Intermediate)

Martial Arts/ Swordsmanship: Hassoken (High-Advanced), Swordsmanship (Peak-Master)

Devil Fruit: Bird-Bird fruit: Model Sun Phoenix (AWAKENED)

Weapons: Exacalibur(Destruction), Ace

Perks: The Translator, Godly Mortal

System Points: 99 Trillion+ points

Inventory: Bat-Bat fruit: Model Vampire, Human-Human fruit: Model Adam, Fish Fish fruit- Model Crimson Dragon]

Flare: "So I finally did it, it finally awakened... maybe I can use this place to train durability. I need to get stronger to go deeper into the earth, maybe I can reach the outer core this time but it would be really dangerous so let's not to that now. I think it's time to head back."

Flare took off in a burst of speed as he shot towards the surface. He immediately flew towards the ship that he left there. As he landed on the ship he removed the anchor and set sail as he turned the engines on. Soon the ship was moving and on it's way to marineford, he bought a log pose so he knew he was sailing in the right direction. While on the ship he made 20 shadow clones to constantly use ryou so he could get it up to semi-grandmaster level. The system said that only 5 people have ever reached this level and those people are: Monkey D. Garp, Imu, Joyboy, Tai Won and Judas D. Lucifer.

1. Monkey D. Garp- He is known as the hero of the marines and also the man who hunted the pirate king Gol D. Roger. He is a navy vice-admiral but he is the most powerful marine and even though he is old, he has maintained most of his previous strength due to his workout schedule. He's currently Semi-grandmaster (Low)

2. Imu- She is the one who rules the world behind the shadows. As a person that has immortality due to the Op-Op fruit, she has knowledge of the void century and even before the void century even existed. She existed along side Joyboy but decided to betray him for her own personal benefit. She is currently Semi-grandmaster (Peak).

3. Joyboy- He is the man who liberated the people of the world 800 years ago. He wanted to united the world but was betrayed by his close friend Imu. He used the last of his haki and will and infused into his soul, imbuing his every devil fruit with his will. His devil fruit (Hito-Hito: Model Nika) can only be eaten by a human who is free of all burdens and shackles as this was the man who joyboy embodied and it attracts the man with the most freedom in his heart. He was Semi-grandmaster (Peak) when he died.

4. Tai Won- He was one of Joyboy's closest friends and most loyal followers. He was also Joyboy's right hand man and best friend. He fought with joyboy in countless battles and was known as the Sword Demon. He was said to have wielded the very first of the 13 supreme swords which is currently lost and is known as the strongest of the 13 supreme swords. He was Semi-grandmaster (High) when he died.

5. Judas D. Lucifer- He is the most evil man to ever exist and was joyboy's brother and strongest enemy. He fought Joyboy for 2 weeks without sleep or food and destroyed 78 different islands with their clashes. He ended up dying while fighting both Joyboy and Tai Won and ended up killing them both as well due to Imu betraying them both and injuring them as well. He was Semi-grandmaster (Peak) when he died. Similar to Joyboy he imbued his will and haki into his devil fruit (Yami-Yami fruit) causing it to only be eaten by someone who is someone who is the reincarnation of evil as it attracts the most evil person towards it.

Flare was shocked seeing new names but Flare was shocked to see Garp on the list as even Roger wasn't on the list. One piece titans like Kaido, Rocks D. Xebec or even Whitebeard weren't on the list. How was Garp there when they weren't, it was kinda impressive as Garp was an old man currently.

Flare: "How the hell does Garp have this but even Roger doesn't? Is there something I missed in One piece or is this a spoiler? Just give me an answer."

[Garp doesn't possess a devil fruit nor does he possess conquerors haki, so he was somewhat at a disadvantage against someone who possessed them. However due to fighting monster such as Roger, Rayleigh, Whitebeard, Shiki and Rocks who possessed immense conqerors haki and even infusion, it pushed his armament haki to the peak of advanced and eventually broke to semi-grandmaster level which caused him to clash on equal grounds with them even though he didn't possess any devil fruits nor conqerors haki]

Flare: "That's cool, what does that level of armament haki do?"

[Semi-grandmaster level armament haki infuses your ryou to the point of explosion. While Ryou can be used to destroy an object from the inside, this technique explodes the object from the inside. It's similar to Naruto's wind style rasenshuriken. It destroys and explodes the inside of an object causing it to be destroyed instantly, only strong enough beings with a similar level of Haki or Conqerors Infusion which is an advanced form of conqerors haki can withstand this level of power which is why it's the perfect counter to it. Using this will automatically overpower any armament haki which is weaker including ryou.

This level of armament haki was the counter to advanced conqerors coating which is why garp could fight roger and xebec on equal terms without being blown away by their conqerors infused attacks. It also gives the person an invisible shield around their body which disrupts and stops a person from using armament haki in the area where was hit for a moment.]

Flare: "Wow, that old man really is something else. That means that he will be the most dangerous person there because whitebeard is sick and literally dying so he's not at his strongest but garp is actually not too far from his prime strength. Maybe I should buy a bloodline to be extra careful, I don't have some plot bullshit to help me like Luffy cause I remember Garp literally one shotting Marco who clashed with the admirals on multiple occasions."

Flare decided not to buy a bloodline, as it would be too boring. He actually saw a lot of overpowered bloodlines such as Otsutsuki, Legendary Super saiyan, Alucard, Dragon God, Creation God...etc but he didn't buy any even though he could afford them. He thought that it would be too easy, it wouldn't feel like he earned it. He eventually wanted all these bloodlines but he wanted to get them when he was already stronger than everyone. He watched one punch man and saw how bored saitama became after he became the strongest, he wanted to fight and actually enjoy the feeling rather than being bored and easy destroying everyone, it was just too boring.

Then next 3 days passed as he arrived in marineford. When he got closer he saw multiple ships at the gates while an entire segment of the ocean was turned into ice. He put his boat in his inventory as he took out his wings. Previously he only had one pair but now he had 8 jet black feathered wings which he used to take off into the air. He looked below him to see multiple pirates fighting and luffy standing next to whitebeard. He sped up as he approached them knowing that luffy had just proclaimed his dream to whitebeard.

(3rd POV)

Pirates and Marines were fighting each other as everyone was focused on killing each other. They stopped momentarily as they heard the young pirate named Monkey D. Luffy proclaim to the world's strongest man that he would become the king of pirates. They couldn't believe that someone was that brave to say that to whitebeard's face. Before anyone could say anything someone saw something in the air.

Random Marine #1: "What the hell is that black blur?"

Random Marine #2: "Wait a minute, EVERYONE MOVE!!!"

Before the marines could run, the blur crashed into the ground causing a massive explosion. Close to 20 marines died in the explosion while a couple were sent flying away heavily damaged. Everyone was shocked to see another newcomer. When the dust cleared, they saw a young man who was in his late teens. He had black hair with white tips as well. He had golden eyes that looked as if they were glowing like a demon.

Sengoku and the high ranked marines looked shocked a they didn't recognize the newbie. He killed multiple marines just by landing and he could tell that this young man was a lot stronger than he seemed.

Flare: "Well I'm late but I'm here."

Buggy: "EHH!!! Who the hell are you?"

Flare turned around to see buggy along with his crew of idiots. It was kinda funny seeing him in real life as he looked so weird with the clone makeup.

Flare: "I'm a friend, I'm here to rescue ace."

A bunch of Marines started approaching but flare didn't have time for them. A strong pressure washed over the battlefield causing everyone's eyes to widen as they felt a strong force wash over their entire body. Soon people began to faint as both pirates and marines fainted. The people who were rear admiral level and below all fainted greatly reducing the amount of marines since there were more marines than pirates.

Aokiji: "What a strong presence."

Kizaru: "Indeed, terrifying young man."

Akainu: "Another worthless pirate? this one needs to die today."

As people fainted flare quickly jumped up to where whitebeard and luffy were currently. As he landed they both looked at him with a different look.

Luffy: "That was awesome! What was that? Who are you? Did you fly?"

Flare only looked at luffy with a sigh, he was a great friend, but he was stupid.

Whitebeard: "Guraguraguragura, kid you got quite the haki.... what's your name?"

Flare: "Oh, my name is Gol D. Flare."

The entire battlefield became quiet as buggy ha aimed the den-den mushi towards them amplifying the sound. When everyone heard the name of the pirate king their eyes widened. Sengoku, the 3 admirals, whitebeard and even luffy had his eyes wide open.

Whitebeard: "Gol D. Flare? are you related to Gol D. Roger?"

Flare: "Yea, he was my uncle. My dad and him were brothers but they died along time ago."

Whitebeard: "Gruraguraguragura, I never expected another one of you alive."

The people who were listening became confused when whitebeard said 'another one of you' as some understood it's true meaning. Sengoku took the speaker as he decided to speak.

Sengoku: "It seems we have the nephew of the pirate king here, but people don't know that Roger also had a son. The son that he had wasn't captured and evaded us for over 20 years until now. Portugas D. Ace is the son of Gol D. Roger."

Everyone's eyes widened even more as both Roger's son and his nephew were alive. The son and the nephew of the pirate king should have never existed since the Marines and the world government had tried to kill everyone close to Roger but they still didn't succeed.

Flare: "Well, it's time to make my entrance into the world, bring it on you fuckers. Luffy we're gonna rescue ace while the other make way for us. I'll defend you but you gotta get to the top and free ace alright."

Luffy: "Alright! Thanks for helping me save ace."

Flare: "Well he's my cousin so I can't let him die. Old man, will you back me up?"

Whitebeard smiled as he heard flare's insult.

Whitebeard: "Don't judge kid, I might be old but I can still beat these weak marines to hell. I am the strongest man in the world! EVERYONE!!! lend your strength to strawhat luffy and Gol D. Flare."

Flare smirked as he jumped down with luffy by his side, he also saw Vista and Marco coming behind him along with some other pirates. He just continued to run as he faced the marines in front of him