
One piece (Raging flames)

[currant date] |1470| [24 years before the great pirate era] Ryū no Shima was an island located near the land of wano. It was home to a clan of many highly skilled swordsmen that were said to be the descendants of the sword god ryuma, the island was a peaceful place one with amazing waterfalls, rivers, and grasslands. One day pirates flying the jolly roger of the R.O.C.K.S pirates attacked the island leaving nothing behind except for a child... A boy no older than 5 years old [Note] there will be no harems or anything like that this story is PG18 For it's graphic depictions of violence and death. P.S this is my first ever time writing a fanfic or anything of the sort so don't judge me since I'm on my phone because autocorrect is a bitch

Lazy_author_Sama · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
55 Chs

(Chapter 10) Marines and forgiveness


A large slim man sat on the fleet admiral seat as he read some reports on the Rocks pirates

"It seems there on the move again, hopefully, it's nothing too serious" he thought before getting an idea

He soon picked up a den den mushi that lay on the table in front of him as it rang a few times

'Peru peru per peru'


'Peru peru peru peru'

'Moshi moshi?' Came a voice from the other line 'Could you please send in admiral kong' he asked the person on the other end

'Of course fleet admiral Wukong' he replied before hanging up, The room went silent once more before steps could be heard outside

A few moments went by before a large man came in, The man had a black weirdly shaped head of hair with a very similar beard and wore a brown shirt along with some black leggings and had an admiral coat hung on his shoulders that had the words "Strong Justice" emblazoned on the back

'You called fleet admiral Wukong' asked Kong as he closed the door behind him, The lanky man gestured for him to sit down on one of the chairs in front of the desk

The man just shrugged before sitting down as he pulled out a bag of rice crackers seemingly out of nowhere as he munched on them

'Yes I called you here to give you a new mission', soon after he said that a document materialized out of thin air in his hand before he gave it to kong

'You are to sail towards Wano and intercept the rocks pirates there, and also look out for the Roger pirates as they just arrived in the new world' soon after telling him what he wanted the doors opened magically as he gestured for the man to leave

Kong just sighed and nodded before leaving muttering about magical monkeys or something along those lines

Wukong just smiled as he stood up and faced the window behind him that overlooked the entirety of Marineford.


{Marineford: SeaKing Buffet}

'Garp you baffon!' screamed out a young man that had a majestic-looking afro while a purple-haired man sat behind him smoking a cigar, as a young woman sat next to him as she sighed and held the bridge of her nose

There was also another man trying to stuff all the food he could see into his mouth while he was getting shouted at by the Afro man

These four were non-other than the future fleet admiral, the future leader of the neo marines, the future strategist of the Marines, and the hero of the Marines

'Ah don't worry sengoku there's plenty here for everyone' said Garp as he talked while chewing on his food

Sengoku just face-palmed before sitting down on his chair as he tried to register why the guy in front of him can't be civil for once in his life

'Just stop there's no point, he'll change' said Tsuru as she sipped a glass of wine

'Come on now don't be like that I'm sure he will change once in a blue moon' Joked Zepher as he took a drag of his cigar before puffing out a huge plume of smoke, snickering to himself as he did so

A few moments later they heard the door ring as a large man walked in, Everyone in the restaurant stood up including the aforementioned group

'Admiral Kong sir!' They said in unison as he walked in and started making his way towards the group

'You four' he pointed towards them 'Fallow me I have a new mission' he said as he started leaving without saying another wors

Garp just groaned as Sengoku quickly stood before going fallowing the man, tsuru right behind him while Zepher carried Garp on his shoulder

'Come on you dunse didn't you hear what the admiral said' as he walked out with the fuming Garp on his shoulder

'Let me down you Grape-haired bastard!' he shouted out before the door closed behind them

The marines who were in the restaurant let out a breath they didn't know they were holding as soon as they left before going back to their own business



Ryu allowed his grandfather as they passed many stalls situated on the sides of the streets before they arrived at a small home

'This is it' said Minamoto before knocking a few times, a bit of suffering could be heard from the other side before someone opened the door

'I SAID IM BUSY, IM NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR COOKIES YOU DAMNED BRAT' but before she could continue she opened her eyes to see a large figure in front of her

'Oh Minamoto-Sama W-what brings you bye' as she stuttered a bit in an embarrassment tone

'Did I come at the wrong time Toru-san?' he asked, as he stroked his beard

'Not at all, please do come inside' she said as she ashured them inside before closing the door

'so this is your grandson' she said as she poked him with her walking stick

'Y-yes my name is Ryu, it's very nice to meet you toru-san' he said as he sat next to his grandfather

'So what brings you by Minamoto-sama you rarely visit anymore' she said as she poured them some tea before sitting down across from them

'Oh yes Masamune-san told me that the sheath for the blade was finished so I came to deliver it to him' he said as he took a sip of the tea in front of him

'Oh is the blade he's crafting for you?' she asked before continuing 'Because you rarely come all the way here just to run an errand for a blacksmith of all people'

'Not exactly' he coughed out, she soon stood up before going to the back and brought out a wrapped parcel

'there you go, but I'm curious what kind of blade is he crafting for such a sheath' she asked him as he stood up preparing to leave

'Let's call it a surprise' he said before taking his leave Ryu in tow, they closed the door behind them before starting to walk towards the gates

'Ryu-chan!' a tired voice came from across the street as a boy wearing a black kimono ran down towards the both of them

It was Daichi! As he got closer it became apparent how tired he looked as he had bags under his eyes

'Are you ok Daichi?' Ryu asked, but instead of an answer something else came out of Daichi's mouth

'Forgive me for what happened earlier today' he said as he bowed at a 90° angle,

'Wait no I should be the one apologizing, after all, I almost took you life' said ryu frantically, as he panicked a bit

'No!' he said as he sniffled a bit 'I should have not taken it too far it's my fault' Ryu's face softened as he raised his hand

'Let's just call it even, and start over' said Ryu as Daichi's eyes widened a bit, before he shook Ryu's hand

Minamoto smiled gently before asking Ryu 'Ready to go?' Ryu just smiled before he waved Daichi as he followed behind his grandfather


First of all no I did not get any sleep ;v;

Second is you're welcome.

Third well I don't really have much to say other than leave power stones (づ ◕‿◕ )づ