
Time to dream

I find myself lounging on my exquisitely comfortable couch, carefully designed to give the sensation of sitting on a fluffy cloud. As I revel in the coziness, my mother enters the room and notices my somber expression. Concerned, she approaches me and inquires, "What's wrong, my dear?"

With a sigh, I respond, "I'm not quite sure, Mom. I just feel a bit down, and I can't seem to figure out what to do about it."

She ponders for a moment before offering her wisdom, "Well, why not take matters into your own hands and uplift your spirits? You possess the power to make yourself feel better, just as I did when I decided to feel years younger."

In that precise moment, a surge of inspiration courses through me, igniting a whirlwind of ideas. I swiftly sit up, causing a holographic screen to materialize before me, showcasing an extensive range of emotions, each accompanied by a vivid description of how they feel.

An epiphany strikes me as I marvel at the screen's contents, exclaiming, "How did I not think of this before?"

As I delve into the catalogue of emotions, I come to realize that feelings are simply a result of the intricate chemistry within our bodies, sparking profound sensations within us. I discover that the most gratifying emotions are those of contentment and fulfillment, while another enticing option is an overwhelming surge of pure energy that empowers and invigorates.

Determined to lift my mood, I decide to embrace the feeling of contentment and fulfillment. With a newfound understanding of the mechanisms behind emotions, I manipulate the holographic controls to infuse my being with a surge of pure energy, allowing it to course through every fiber of my being. I carefully adjust the intensity until it reaches a level that feels comfortable and invigorating.

In this moment of empowerment, I realize the truth in my mother's words. She transformed her own reality by choosing to feel younger, and now, armed with this newfound knowledge, I wonder what kind of emotional state I would like to experience.

A couple of days have passed since my transformative realization. I have taken action and booked a stage for an upcoming event. Standing backstage, I engage in a conversation with one of the staff members.

"Are you ready to go on? You're up next."

"Yes, I am ready to go on."

As I am about to step onto the stage, the staff member attempts to hand me a microphone, but I politely decline, assuring him that it won't be necessary. With a confident stride, I make my way onto the spotlight. The staff member gives me a worried look as i walk onto the stage.

The stage is set, and although the audience may not be as numerous as in previous shows, I remind myself that my chosen stage name, "enchanted melodies," may not have been the most captivating. Undeterred, I take a moment to introduce myself as a magnificent magician, projecting my voice to reach every attentive ear in the area.

"Now, let's get this show started!"

With those words, I raise my hands above my head, and as if guided by an unseen force, the lights gradually dim themselves. A burst of mesmerizing blue fire emerges from behind me, dancing in sync with the rhythm of my voice. I begin to sing, utilizing my newfound abilities to deliver flawless lyrics that resonate with the entire audience. The stage comes alive with perfectly timed music emanating from the speakers. The enchanting song progresses, weaving a captivating tale that entices more and more people to gather around the stage, eager to witness the unfolding performance.

As I continue to sing, projections of vivid characters materialize on stage, bringing the story to life. The entire set transforms, mirroring the world where the narrative unfolds. The audience is transported into a realm where a humble man rises to become a mage, falling deeply in love with a princess and embarking on a perilous journey to confront the king's nefarious enemies, ultimately facing off against an evil demon lord. With skill and determination, the protagonist triumphantly defeats the demon lord, sealing their fate. The story culminates in a joyous celebration as the hero weds the princess. Spectacular fireworks burst into the sky, but unbeknownst to the crowd, they are not mere pyrotechnics but manifestations of true magic.

A moment of silence envelops the audience, their senses still tingling with awe. Then, the room erupts with thunderous applause and cheers of admiration. The stage host steps forward, delivering a heartfelt speech, acknowledging the captivating performance, and gracefully inviting the next artist to take the spotlight.

The following day, news outlets and various platforms showcase the extraordinary performance, spreading the enchantment and wonder to a wider audience.

I'm sitting on the couch in the lounge room when my sister enters.

"There you are! I've been looking for you."

"You know, you can just use your power to know where I am."

"True, I'll try to remember that."

"But you don't have to. You can just make it so you remember."

"Okay. Anyway, what did you want?"

"Oh, I just wanted to hang out. Maybe watch a movie or talk. It feels like we haven't really been spending much time together recently."

"Yeah, true. Here, take a seat."

"So, what have you been up to?"

"A few things have happened. Haven't you been watching the news? Well, I guess I wouldn't either. So, I made my subconscious into a person and..."

"Wait, you made your subconscious into a person, what does that even mean?"

"It means... Ah, just let me show you."

I wave my hand at the TV, and it turns on. My subconscious appears, dressed as a news reporter, and starts talking about what I've done. My subconscious also mentions the water towers that have appeared all over the world, providing water that can be used as a substitute for food.

Me: "Oh, my friends have been talking about the water towers. I didn't realize that was you, but it makes sense."

My subconscious continues to talk about the performance I put on a couple of days ago showing some of my performance on the tv.

"I didn't know you could sing"

"Ive been telling you we can do anything now so i just made it so i could sing and not just sing but that my words would make sense to whoever is listening and be profound and captivating."

"Isn't that cheating?"

"Yeah and we have the cheat codes"

"So It's been a couple weeks now that you've had your power for, what have you done with it and how's the business going?"

Me and my sister talk for a while and then put a movie on to watch after that i go to bed. I find great comfort in lying in my bed, even when sleep is not necessary. It allows me to relax and let my mind wander into the vast cosmic expanse, where I can delve into new realms and encounter unique experiences.