
Cave Life

The first thing i remember is being hungry and this cave I'm in.

As I stumble through the dimly lit cave, my stomach growls loudly, reminding me of my intense hunger. The musty smell of damp stone and age-old earth fills my nostrils as I search for any sign of sustenance.

I leave the cave in search for food. As I step out of the cave, the bright sunlight temporarily blinds me. Shielding my eyes with a hand, I squint and look around. The immediate area appears to be a barren wasteland, devoid of any vegetation or signs of life.

I see a small herd of creatures grazing in the distance. They appear to be some kind of antelopes, their fur gleaming in the harsh sunlight. As I approach them, they sense my presence and start to panic, their hooves thundering against the dry earth.

I leap towards one of the animals, my claws extended. The antelope sees you coming and attempts to dodge out of the way, but you're too fast. My claws rake across its furry flank, drawing blood.

The antelope let out a high-pitched scream and stumbles to the side, its movements growing slower and weaker. It's clear that my attack has weakened the creature significantly. With a final effort, the antelope manages to break free from my grasp and runs off, leaving a trail of blood behind.

As I watch the antelope flee, I can't help but feel a pang of guilt for my actions. However, the smell of fresh meat is too enticing to ignore. I follow the trail of blood left by the injured animal, hoping it will lead me to my meal.

I step carefully over the rocky terrain, following the trail of blood. The smell of fresh meat grows stronger with each passing moment. Suddenly, I hear a rustling in the bushes ahead. I freeze, my senses on high alert.

The rustling continues, and then a small creature emerges from the bushes - it's the injured antelope I attacked earlier. The animal is clearly weakened, its movements slow and labored. It tries to run away from me again, but it's clear that it doesn't have the strength.

I decide to end its suffering swiftly. I stalk forward, my movements silent and deliberate.

I leap forward, my claws extended, and deliver a fatal blow to the creature's neck, ending its suffering instantly. The antelope's limp body falls to the ground with a thud.

As I return to my cave with the freshly killed antelope, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment mixed with guilt. The antelope's meat will provide me with much-needed sustenance, but the memory of my attack and the animal's suffering lingers in my mind.

As I enter the cave, I carefully lay the antelope's carcass on the ground and retrieve my makeshift tools for butchering. With a determined look in my eyes, I begin to slice through the tough hide, revealing the juicy flesh beneath.

As I work, the aroma of freshly spilled blood and raw meat fills the cave. My stomach growls in anticipation, but I force myself to focus on the task at hand.

I manage to butcher the antelope, separating the choice cuts of meat from the bones. The smell of cooked meat fills the air as I toss the meat onto some hot stones I've gathered for a makeshift fire. 

I sit back, watching as the meat sizzles and begins to cook. As i wait for the meat to cook. I can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction from the meal I've prepared. The meat is tender and juicy, and I savor every bite. However, the guilt from killing the antelope lingers in the back of my mind.

As I finish my meal, the fire crackles and casts dancing shadows on the walls of the cave.

As I settle into my routine life in the cave, I continue to hunt for food when necessary, but the memories of the animals I kill and the guilt that came with it remain with me. Despite this, I manage to gather supplies, make tools, and even attempt to create shelter within the cave.

As time passes, and I become more skilled in my survival abilities. I manage to create a makeshift bed out of leaves and furs, which provides me with some comfort during the cold nights. I also discovered a nearby river, where I can find fish and other aquatic animals to supplement my diet.