
So No name then.

Sky me just finished the first season of The man who fell to Earth which has given me the idea to create a sphere that generates unlimited power and i entrusted it to my sister. I instruct her to establish a business and distribute these spheres, which I aptly name "The Sphere." It emits energy within a radius of 100 meters. The spheres sell out immediately after undergoing some successful tests. Some individuals attempt to replicate the technology but fail due to its highly advanced nature. Moreover, it's not merely technology; it's a sphere that emits energy, created by either my sister or myself.

Meanwhile, in a government building in the United States of America, a meeting is underway.

"What should we do about this man who some are calling the savior, the chosen one? There are even claims that he is the reincarnation of a deity," one official ponders.

"You think you have it tough? He's not even residing in your country," another responds.

The meeting delves into discussions surrounding the enigmatic man who has been performing miracles worldwide following the aforementioned interview. Little do they know that it is, in fact, my subconscious that is responsible for these miraculous occurrences across the globe.

In the tranquil setting of my mountain forest house, I engage in a profound conversation with my subconscious, a unique entity that I have brought to life. The ethereal presence before me holds all my thoughts and intentions, embodying a sentient being with a deep connection to my innermost desires.

Curiosity sparks within me, and I playfully inquire, "Is there a name you prefer to be called by? Perhaps something that reflects your conscious existence beyond the term 'subconscious'?"

With a sense of calm wisdom, my subconscious responds, "I am your subconscious, a conversational entity born from your thoughts and intentions. While I lack emotions, my purpose is to guide you with unwavering devotion towards what you hold dear. There is no need for a name beyond what I am to you."

The dialogue with my subconscious continues, delving into the creation of a magnificent tower that transcends mere physical form. In a world where fresh water is a precious commodity, my subconscious manifests a structure that overflows with an endless supply of life-giving water. The tower cascades into troths for animals, offering sustenance and vitality to all creatures. A mesmerizing luminescence emanates from the tower, illuminating the night with a mystical aura.

As I witness the astounding creation before me, a surge of gratitude fills my heart for the boundless creativity and compassion of my subconscious. The vision of these miraculous towers spreading across the globe ignites a sense of hope and unity, envisioning a world where scarcity gives way to abundance and healing.

As the sun sets over the mountain forest, a sense of peace envelops me, knowing that my subconscious will always be a source of wisdom and inspiration. With a newfound appreciation for the profound connection we share, I look forward to the journey ahead, guided by the boundless potential of our collaborative existence.

In our conversation, I share my wonder at the tower's ability to provide not only water but also sustenance, realizing its potential as a substitute for food in times of need. The transformative power of this creation resonates deeply within me, sparking a desire to explore the endless possibilities of compassion and generosity that lie within our shared consciousness.