
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
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77 Chs

[3.14] Recruitment Match Part 1

Luna has determined who each opponent is from the recruitment of members and at the same time as Luna's training.

"First of all, hold this for all of you," Luna said.

"What is this ring?" said Radit.

"This is a safety device, so that you don't get seriously injured during the match," Luna said.

"Hm... another weird tool from you guys. It's like a buff tool in a game," said Radit.

"Remember, everyone, if the shield on this ring activates, you too can be considered defeated," Luna warned.

"Okay! Now, the first match: Raka and Mira. You two come here, and the others please keep a little distance," Luna said.

"My first opponent was a girl, huh... boring," Raka said.

"Are you underestimating me?" said Mira.

"Not really, I'm not that kind of person. But just don't hold back," Raka said a little threateningly.

"Raka, don't be arrogant. And Mira, don't hold back, she's a little skewed," Luna said.

"Who's brain is skewed, HAH!" said an offended Raka.

"Ok, fine, you two take 10 steps back," Luna said, then moved away from the center of the fighting position.

"Okay, ready... go!" said Luna.

Luna's startled scream rang out. Raka unceremoniously attacked with the lightning element.

Mira, who has earth power, put up a defensive wall.

Without thinking, Raka ran straight to the earthen wall and climbed it.

Mira, whose vision was blocked by her own protective wall, did not expect Raka to be on top of her.

Seeing Mira panicking gave Raka a great opportunity to go on the offensive.

"Feel this, Needle Lightning!" said Raka. A thin element of electricity rushed towards Mira and shocked her.

"Stop! The match is over, the winner is Raka," Luna said instantly.

"I told you to be serious," Raka said a little disappointed.

"Woah, Bang Raka is crazy, he has no mercy on women, not even using the water element," said Fauzan.

"Mira, don't be so angry. You two just shake hands, so there's no grudge," Luna said.

When shaking hands, Mira looked upset with Raka. "I'll beat you the next day," said an annoyed Mira. "Oho! I'll wait for that day," said Raka looking smug.

Then they both went to their respective places.

"Raka, you're creating unnecessary animosity," Radit said.

"Enemies?" said Raka, a little confused and feeling like there was a problem.

"Never mind, let it be," said Radit.

"Next. Fauzan - Dorenzo, please come to the center here," Luna said.

"Oho, my opponent is junior," Dorenzo mocked, but Fauzan didn't seem to care.

"Ok, ready... go!" said Luna.

Unlike Raka and Mira's match. In this match, both of them observed each other.

"Hey, junior, you're not attacking?" said Dorenzo.

"Why not, Bang Jago who talks a lot will go first," said Fauzan.

The provoked Dorenzo attacked first with his ice element.

The ice elementals quickly rooted towards Fauzan, but he managed to dodge them with ease.

"So this is it? Bang Jago, this sucks," said Fauzan.

Hearing this, Dorenzo was further provoked and continued to attack Fauzan, but never hit him.

In the audience, Raka was a bit annoyed to see Fauzan playing around.

"Oi, Fauzan! Hurry up and attack, don't mess around," said Raka, shouting at Fauzan.

"Just relax, he said he wanted to see their ability to recruit to the club," said Fauzan while avoiding.

"Just hurry up, don't mess around!" said Raka.

"Bang Raka, you're in-" Fauzan was interrupted when his hand was pierced by an ice thorn that appeared from below.

Fauzan was caught off guard by Raka's conversation.

"Aha... feel that, a coward who can only dodge," Dorenzo said.

"Ouch, because of Bang Raka, my hand was stabbed," Fauzan said, then pulled out the ice that was stuck in his palm.

"Why is it my fault? After all, he's mostly playing around," said Raka.

"Time to finish it quickly," Fauzan said, glaring at Dorenzo.

At first glance, Dorenzo felt intimidated, and reflexively attacked. Fauzan ran very fast to Dorenzo and avoided his ice attack.

Dorenzo brought the long icicle up beside him, broke it, and shaped it like a spear, then threw it.

From a short distance away, Dorenzo threw the spear. Fauzan was able to dodge it, but scratched his cheek.

Within seconds, Fauzan was right in front of Dorenzo.

Fauzan prepares to attack Dorenzo with a punch. Dorenzo stutters, panics, and doesn't think clearly.

Fauzan then delivered a powerful punch to Dorenzo's stomach that sent him stumbling backward.

Dorenzo collapsed and didn't move at all.

"The winner, Fauzan!" said Luna.

"Fauzan, you're overdoing it, to the point of making him faint," Luna said.

"Yes, when you said this ring would protect me from getting seriously injured, I put all my energy into that one punch," Fauzan said.

"You're such an asshole. Oh yeah, you got a scratch on your cheek earlier, right?" said Luna, curious that there was no scratch on her cheek.

"Ah, calm down, it's gone," Fauzan said.

"Missing? Then your hand?" said Luna.

"Relax, brother, look, my hand is fine," Fauzan said, showing his palm.

"Hey-hey-hey, you have regeneration powers huh?" said Luna, a little surprised.

"What's wrong, sis?" said Radit.

"Look at her hands, there are no wounds, she has the unique power of regeneration," Luna said.

"Look at your hand, Zan," Raka said, and examined his ice-pierced palm.

"Oi-oi-oi, the wound is gone," said Raka. Then it was Radit's turn to examine him.

"Lah, yes, gone! There are only traces of blood," said Radit.

"Oi, Zan, when did you get this ability?" said Raka.

Luna who was nearby was also curious, and the other students around her were also curious because they heard something amazing.

"I don't know exactly when," said Fauzan.

"So when?" said Raka.

"Yesterday, I was relaxing in the park with Steven. Then I heard a child crying because his balloon was loose and stuck in a tree. So I went over, climbed up, and got the balloon. When I got the balloon and was still up in the tree, I fell and scraped my knee. That's when Steven and I were surprised, after I showed the wound to Steven, it turned out that my wound healed like magic," Fauzan said.

"Just because of that?" said Raka.

"Yes, that's the only story. Then, I still couldn't believe it, so I sliced the skin on my hand until it was dripping with blood," Fauzan said.

"Uwah... stop it, I'm getting goosebumps," Radit said, feeling itchy from hearing Fauzan.

"So what?" said Raka, very curious, as were the others.

"Within a few seconds, hm... maybe about 3 seconds, the blood in the wound stopped flowing and the scar disappeared," Fauzan said.

"Akh... damn, lucky guy, it's that easy to get unique powers," said Raka, a little depressed.

"Didn't you also activate the unique ability of intuition, some time after the elemental power appeared? Didn't he realize?" said Luna in her heart, wondering about Raka.

"Ok, well, that's enough of your amazement, let's continue the match," Luna said.

"Radit, Johan, take the unconscious child away from the arena," Luna said.

"Ok, next up is Raka against Joko," Luna said.

Without direction, the two headed straight for the center of the area.

"Okay, ready... go!" said Luna.

They both looked at each other. Joko had known his electric element, but not his water element, while Raka didn't know Joko's element at all.

Joko suddenly moved his hand, then the ground shook around Raka and there was a crack in less than 2 seconds.

Raka who was a little panicked and wanted to avoid the place, but he thought once again not to avoid.

"Did he fail to control his power? It looks like he has an earth element. If so, like fighting earlier, just dart straight ahead," Raka said in his mind.

However, Joko has a special trick up his sleeve.

Joko took out a shield wall in front of Raka and blocked his view.

"Another wall, three walls already. This won't work on me!" said Raka.

When Raka wanted to climb the earthen wall with his electric element, the ground suddenly shook and the cracks got bigger.

"He wants to take me down? No, this is... bad!" said Raka.

Raka saw the light from the crack and hurried away, and a burst of fire came out of the crack.

Raka continued to dodge and dodge, while Joko continued to attack him from afar.

However, Joko did not realize that Raka was getting closer to him.

When he was in range of his punch, Raka was surprised because Joko pulled out a blunt spear of thorns towards Raka and made his waist hit and slightly thrown.

When he was floating in the air, Joko immediately wanted to roast Radit with a burst of fire from his hand.

However, Raka, who saw Joko's movement, immediately activated the water shield, and the burst of fire was deflected.

"Crazy, very dangerous," said Raka.

"You're doing great," said Joko.

"You too, but this time you lost," said Raka.

Raka immediately approached quickly using her electric element, and just as she was about to hit, a shield of fire and earth appeared. Then Raka immediately blocked her attack and retreated.

Raka and Joko attacked each other. Raka was always slightly burned and hit with her earth element, while Raka could not hit Joko at all with her electricity element, but Raka managed to make Joko soaked with her water element.

10 minutes in, Raka seemed to have figured out Joko's attacking and defending patterns.

At that very moment, Raka darted close to Joko, while running, Raka sprayed electric elements, but it was a trick.

The power of the electric element is very weak, so it did not reach Joko, but Raka immediately released quite a lot of water element.

The water soaked around Joko, the earthen shield and the fire went out. Raka from beside Joko immediately launched a close-range punch.

Weaknesses are evident in close combat, as Joko has no martial arts skills.

Joko took Raka's punches, and during the final blow, he hit with all his might with his electric element.

After receiving the final blow, Joko fell to the ground.

However, Raka forgot that the electricity was also electrocuting him because the surroundings were wet and Joko was also soaking wet because of the water from Raka's element.

Raka also fell down with his own electrocution.

Luna and the others were surprised to see this, and declared the outcome of the fight.

"The result of the fight is a draw! Both were unable to continue the fight!" Luna said.

"He's really stupid," Radit said, looking at Raka in surprise.

"Fauzan, drag these two to the sidelines," said Luna. "Ok, ready," said Fauzan, then dragged Joko and Raka with the help of his mutant powers.

"Hm... seriously, your friend is this stupid, isn't she?" said Luna.

"Yes... sometimes he can be stupid if he gets too excited," said Radit.

"Never mind, let's continue the match," Luna said.

Luna will announce the next match. Who fights next?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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