
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[3.13] Member Search Part 1

After Adinata's words, and all of them having set their goals, everyone started looking for suitable members for their clan.

Radit, Raka, and someone went looking for students who were worthy of joining the club.

"Huh, even if you say that, how will people want to join our club?" said Raka.

"I don't know, just invite random people," said Radit.

"How can that be," said Raka.

"Yes, then how do you find it?" said Radit.

They both thought about how to find new club members. This time, they were more confused than before because this time they had to find members who would also join the clan.

"How do you do it with a power struggle?" said Fauzan.

Radit and Raka were surprised that someone was following them.

"Woh, don't be so surprised," said Radit.

"Why are you following us?" said Raka.

"Don't do that, we are still one club," said Fauzan.

"So what did you say?" said Radit.

"Oh, just now, how do we find members with power. Our club will become a clan, right? Then we also need strong people," Fauzan said.

"A strong person, who is it? Almost all of the students here have just activated their powers and there are still many who have not activated their powers," said Raka.

"What about the three of them?" said Radit.

"Them?" said Raka and Fauzan.

"That's Daniel, Citra, and Ratna. We know them, after all, so trust is guaranteed," said Radit.

"That's right, why didn't I think of it," said Raka.

"Who are they?" said Fauzan.

"Where are they?" said Radit.

"Most of them are practicing because they haven't recovered their strength from yesterday," said Raka.

"Right, then let's check there," said Radit.

Radit, Raka, and Fauzan arrived at the supernatural power training field, but suddenly Radit looked strange.

"Hm, where are they," said Raka. While watching the students practice on the field, he noticed that Radit looked strange.

"Hey, Radit, what's wrong with you?" said Raka, seeing Radit holding his forehead and looking in pain.

Radit himself was confused, his vision began to darken. The voices of Raka and Fauzan calling him faded.

When all his vision was almost dark, he saw Daniel who was looking at him, but not only Daniel, there was a woman beside him who was holding Daniel's hand.

But for some reason, Radit felt hatred towards the woman.

After that, Daniel and the woman disappeared from his sight and there was a vision of a place where it looked like a bar, and there he saw someone lying there with blood.

Radit seemed to recognize him even though his face was not visible. He approached the lying body, but in front of him he saw a woman's body with open clothes covered in blood. Even her face was unrecognizable and the dead people around her, but Radit looked upset to see it.

Radit then looked at the body of the man who was lying down earlier, when he wanted to turn the lying body that he might recognize, suddenly a voice was heard, "I'm late again," and his vision returned to normal.

When things returned to normal, Radit saw himself being held and shaken by Fauzan.

"Bang Radit!" said Fauzan, and Radit immediately realized.

"Ah yes..." said Radit.

"What's wrong with you?" said Fauzan.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired," Radit said.

"Don't make us worry," said Fauzan.

"Hahaha, yes, sorry," said Radit.

Raka was a little panicked to see Radit, but he knew what was going on.

"Then let's go to the training building, in case we see them. Come on, Dit," said Raka.

"Eh, wait, Bang Radit has a headache," said Fauzan.

"Feeling better, Dit?" said Raka.

"Ah yes, I'm fine," said Radit.

They walked to the training building while searching among the students practicing on the field, and one called out to them from the field.

"Oi, Raka, Radit," Citra said. Raka, Radit, and Fauzan turned their heads in the direction of the voice and found Luna, Daniel, Citra, and Ratna with other students practicing.

"Oh, it's them," said Raka. The three of them then approached Citra and the others who were practicing.

"Oh, we have a special senior guest," Luna said.

"Dih, what senior, Sis," said Fauzan.

"You three are seniors in this science, right?" said Luna.

Fauzan compared himself to a student practicing with Luna.

"Ah, that's right, I'm better than them," said Fauzan, flattered.

Raka saw Daniel with a woman.

The woman held Daniel's hand, and they both looked close. Raka seemed to recognize her because he had been recognized by Daniel himself.

"Hey, Daniel, that's your girlfriend, right?" said Raka.

"Ah yes, you still remember," Daniel said.

"Of course I remember, you were showing off at that time," said Raka.

"Really? I don't even remember. Hahaha," Daniel said with a laugh.

"You guys are so annoying now, showing off your intimacy here," said Raka.

"I'm jealous," Daniel said with a grin.

"Sure, damn it," Raka said, annoyed and jealous but very honest.

Daniel's girlfriend looked nervous and whispered something to Daniel. Then after whispering something, she turned to Radit.

Radit showed an unfriendly aura and appeared to be very angry.

"Hm, Raka, it seems your best friend is looking at us very upset," Daniel said.

"Who, Radit?" said Raka, turning to Radit.

Raka was very surprised to see Radit who looked very upset. It had been a long time since he had seen Radit that upset with someone since he was trained by his grandfather.

Raka immediately approached Radit and shook his body.

"Hey, Radit, what's wrong with you?" Raka shouted, and Radit realized she was calling him.

"What's wrong with you? Looking at the others, I'm a bit scared," said Raka.

"Ah, hm, no," Radit said while looking at the faces of the people from Luna's practice group.

"Do you have a problem with Daniel? Why are you so upset?" said Raka.

"No, for some reason I'm a little annoyed, but not at Daniel," Radit said, his voice a little low, only Raka heard him.

Then Radit tapped Raka on the shoulder and walked a little forward, then he apologized.

"Sorry, I'm suddenly a little upset, but I didn't intend to intimidate you," Radit said. Everyone was silent at his behavior.

"Ah, Radit, you're a senior who wants to act fierce," Luna said to calm the atmosphere.

"No, I'm a good senior," said Radit.

"Oh, so you've admitted that you're a senior?" said Luna.

"Of course, I'm strong," Radit said in a cocky tone.

When Radit and Luna tried to break the ice, Raka saw Radit with a flat face and recalled the time when he was very upset because of mental training with his grandfather.

"Is his strange power active again? What did he see this time to be that upset," Raka said to himself, then he turned to Daniel.

"She said it wasn't because of Daniel, but she was looking at him. Could it be because of her boyfriend?" said Raka.

When Raka was thinking about it, he was suddenly called by Luna.

"So, Raka, you're not here to train are you?" said Luna.

Raka who was seriously thinking suddenly stopped thinking.

"Of course," said Raka.

Then Raka announced to everyone who was practicing with Luna.

"Introducing, I'm Raka from class 11-B, the three of us from the club are looking for helpers. The conditions are easy, just beat one of us or draw or make us interested, then you can enter our club," said Raka.

"Eh? Did we plan to do that earlier?" said Radit.

The 8 students Luna was training all fell silent looking at Raka.

"Interested?" said Raka.

"What club is that?" said one of the students.

"Don't you know? They're from a club that likes to help other clubs," said one student.

"Relax, if you join you will enjoy exclusive facilities later," said Raka.

But it seemed that all of them were not interested in joining the helper club. "Here, I'll add, if you beat them, you can immediately stop training and I'll also lighten the next training," Luna said.

Those words made the student practicing with Luna excited.

Radit, Raka, and Fauzan were surprised to see them. "Sis, how hard did you train them?" said Fauzan.

"Just normal training," Luna said.

"It's normal to say it's light, it means it's heavy," said Fauzan.

"Ok, all right, now I'm a group, who are your opponents," Luna said.

After a few minutes, Luna thought about who the sparring partner of the student she was currently training would be.

And the sparring exercises against Radit, Raka, and Fauzan have been decided. Who will succeed in defeating Radit, Raka, and Daniel?

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