
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[3.15] Recruitment Match Part 2

The exciting part of the recruitment match is about to begin.

"Fauzan and Johan, to the center immediately," Luna said.

The two headed to the center and faced each other.

"Hey, you have the power of a lion, right?" said Johan.

"Yes, it is," Fauzan said.

"If so, let's have a power struggle," said Johan.

"Huh?" said a confused Fauzan.

"I have the power of a mutant tiger. Let's fight, is the tiger or the lion stronger?" said Johan.

"Oho, interesting," Fauzan said.

At the edge of the field.

"The fight is interesting this time," Luna said.

"Why?" said Radit.

"Fauzan's opponent is a tiger mutant power user," Luna said.

"Woh, who is the king of the forest fighting? Hahaha," said Radit.

"Okay, you two, ready... go!" said Luna.

Without thinking, the two immediately attacked each other.

They both hit each other.

After a 3-minute sparring match, Johan showed weaknesses in his areas of strength.

Johan mostly avoided moving, while Fauzan continued to attack with full force.

A few minutes later, Fauzan began to look tired. Joko took the opportunity.

Joko's attacks began to be more effective and always hit.

After some time, Fauzan backed away.

"Hey, why did you run away?" Joko said breathlessly.

"You're sneaky, you say you're fighting for strength, but you're more often avoiding," said Fauzan, who was also panting.

"The brain is also a strength," Joko said.

"Oho, you want to fight too?" said Fauzan.

"Ehe, I will definitely win," said Joko.

"Then let's prove it now!" said Fauzan, who immediately darted over to him.

Joko was shocked and unprepared for his impromptu move. Fauzan grabbed him by the collar and smashed his head against Joko's head.

"Akh, shit," said Joko in pain.

"Aha, my head is stronger!" said Fauzan.

"That's not what I meant, you idiot," said a very annoyed Joko, who immediately approached Fauzan and gave him a combo punch that Fauzan could not reply to.

Punch after punch was thrown. Fauzan almost lost consciousness.

But Fauzan was waiting for that moment. Joko's combo punches began to slow down and in a moment, Fauzan was able to counter punch with his remaining full power.

Fauzan hit Joko twice which made him fall down. First, Fauzan hit Joko's right face very hard and made Joko lose his balance and finally hit Joko's solar plexus.

The final blow immediately knocked Joko down, but Fauzan, who had received a lot of punches, also lost his balance and almost fainted.

In the end, Fauzan also fell and lay on the ground. The fierce fight had unknowingly attracted the attention of other students who were practicing as well and made the surrounding arena quite crowded.

Luna herself really enjoyed the fight between mutants with similar abilities.

"Kak Luna, how did it go?" said Radit.

Luna saw the two lying down. "Both are down! The match is declared a draw!" said Luna, causing everyone to focus on her.

However, people looked at the arena again. Fauzan stood with a battered body.

"Kak Luna, look, I can still stand," said Fauzan, getting up.

Everyone there who saw the match was focused on Fauzan. Luna saw that her student was very tough, making her a little proud.

"The winner is Fauzan!" said Luna announcing once again the result of the battle.

Instantly, everyone around the arena cheered. Radit immediately approached the battered Fauzan.

"Hey-hey, are you okay?" said Radit.

"What do you think, bang?" said Fauzan.

"Yeah, you're not okay," Radit said.

"Good, good show," said Raka.

"When did you wake up?" said Radit.

"I saw the match when it started to get into the fun part," Raka says.

"Hey, you go to the infirmary. The ring isn't active, but you two got beat up in a physical fight," Luna said.

"Yes, brother," said Fauzan.

"Hey, Mira, Dorenzo, take this kid to the infirmary too," Luna said.

Mira and Dorenzo helped bring Joko who fainted to the medical room, as well as Fauzan.

Luna looked around and didn't realize that many people were watching her training match.

"Hm, many are watching too, want to continue?" said Luna.

"Of course, continue! It's not only good, it's even more lively and the club can show off its skills," said Raka.

"Ok, then, the next match is... Radit versus Citra!" said Luna.

"Ouch, my opponent Radit," Citra said as she walked to the center of the arena.

"Okay, you two, ready... go!" said Luna.

The two did not attack immediately.

"Your element is fire, right?" Citra said.

"Right, so what?" said Radit.

"I have the power of fire and water, so even with water, you will lose," Citra said.

"Try it," said Radit.

"Then feel this, the waves of the sea!" Citra said.

However, nothing happened. Everyone looked strangely at Citra.

"Woi, don't shout the moves but no elements!" said Raka.

"Uh, uh, why?" said Citra in confusion.

"Ehehe, you still can't control your power, chance, feel my fire!" said Radit.

"Uh, wait!" said Citra in panic and accidentally made a fire shield.

"Oh, I survived," Citra said.

"You're so rude to women, what if my skin burns," Citra said once again in anger.

"Yes, we are fighting," said Radit.

"Huh, you bastard, feel this fireball shot!" Citra said, shooting a fireball at Radit.

Radit continued to avoid Citra's attacks, but Radit felt Citra's shots getting faster and more accurate. Radit was also unable to get close to Citra.

However, it did not leave Radit injured or affected by his attack.

Radit, who kept running away, started to get a little annoyed.

"Akh, how complicated! Time to break through," said Radit.

Radit made a fire shield in his right hand, then continued to run towards Citra while deflecting the fireball shots with the fire shield.

When he was in the position where Citra was standing, Radit smashed his body with his fire shield into Citra.

Citra was pushed backward but did not fall.

Radit reflexively punched Citra hard in the face, but her punch was blocked.

Radit held back his punch because he saw Citra close her eyes before being hit.

Citra who felt strange because she didn't feel hit opened her eyes slowly, then she saw Radit's fist right in front of her eyes.

Radit's fist then flicked Citra's forehead, not to hit her.

"Ouch!" said Citra who was flicked on the forehead quite strongly by Radit.

"This is you! When you're fighting, you close your eyes when you're about to be hit," said Radit, who was annoyed with Citra.

Citra was confused to see Radit angry, because she and the others rarely saw Radit angry and irritated because he was more often silent.

"You should have kept your eyes open during the fight, you stupid girl," Radit said as he pinched Citra's cheek.

"Owooo, I'm sorry," Citra said feeling Radit's lecture.

"Citra," she said.

"So, Kak Luna?" said Raka.

"Ekh, the match is over. The winner is Radit," Luna said.

Citra and Radit headed to the edge of the arena where Luna's training group gathered.

"Why do you lose so easily?" said Ratna.

"Radit is cheating, you know," Citra said, annoyed with Radit.

"How can you cheat? What is cheating?" said Radit.

"You pushed me and wanted to hit me," Citra said.

"Well, this is a match, so physical attacks are also allowed. Didn't you see the previous matches using physical attacks?" said Radit.

"I told you to join a martial arts club too, but you wanted to join a cooking club instead," Ratna said.

"Yes, because I'm a cute girl, not like you, a muscle girl," Citra said.

"Hah!" said Ratna, pinching Citra's cheek.

"Ouch, towlong hewntikan, mawafkan awku," said Citra, whose cheek was played by Ratna.

"Citra, it looks like I'm going to give you special martial arts training," Luna said.

"Uh, why?" said Citra in surprise.

Then, the matches will resume again soon. Who's next?

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