
Nava Katz

Autor: Deborah Wilde
Fantasy Romance
Terminado · 5.9K Visitas
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What is Nava Katz

Lee la novela Nava Katz escrita por el autor Deborah Wilde publicada en WebNovel. The mission: kill demons. The catch: infuriating hot guy. The challenge: don't confuse the two. When Nava Katz interrupts her twin brother's induction ceremony into a secret supernatural society, she ...


The mission: kill demons. The catch: infuriating hot guy. The challenge: don't confuse the two. When Nava Katz interrupts her twin brother's induction ceremony into a secret supernatural society, she doesn't expect to accidentally torch his life-long dream and steal his destiny. Horrified she's now expected to take his place, she's faced with the one thing she swore off forever: a purpose. The all-male squad isn't cool with a woman in their ranks and assigns her to Rohan Mitra: former rock star and their most ruthless hunter. He may be the perfect bad boy fling with no strings attached, but what happens when he won't let her run—not even from herself? Series includes: The Unlikeable Demon Hunter, The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Sting, The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Need, The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Crave, The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Fall, The Unlikeable Demon Hunter: Burn, and Leonie Hendricks, Demon P.I. Nava Katz is created by Deborah Wilde, an eGlobal Creative Publishing author.

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The book is a true love story of a young man who is very intelligent and willing to bring transition into the world. His fate begins when he realises he is in love with his cousin ALICEZAKS. He abandoned his career and jumped into several businesses in search of financial opportunity to marry his beloved cousin. Unknown to them, Alicezaks was married to demons since she was a child. And also, the demons claim that they are the cause of ALIICEZAKS AND SMITH’S love.! As Smith went mad in search of financial opportunities to marry his beloved one, the Demons followed him and destroyed every opportunity he had gotten and left him with a crisis. They also separated Alicezaks and Smith by taking Smith somewhere far away from Alicezaks and gave him a difficult task to perform and also keep hurting Alicezaks with a severe illness which makes her unable to even understand herself or where she is. After Smith understood how they were hurting his beloved Alicezaks, they made a bargain with the demons that they would stop hurting his beloved Alicezaks and leave her if Smith abandons his career and stayed in whatever difficulties he found himself in. Smith agreed with the condition of the demons, and they were giving him difficult tasks while his beloved one Alicezaks remained steady, healthy and cheerful. The chaos begins when Smith realised that Alicezaks left him and found another guy whom he was dating. Smith feels very disappointed after all he did to her, she changed him with another guy, even though it was unknown to her and everybody around him.

ibako1 · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Menikah tapi benci

"Jangan karena orangtuaku berhutang budi padamu, aku tidak bisa menghancurkan hidupmu! Sebaiknya kamu tolak lamaran ini jika kamu tidak ingin hidup menderita!" Ancaman itu terdengar jauh lebih menyakitkan karena terucap dari mulut cinta pertamaku. Tapi aku sudah bukan lagi gadis polos yang bodoh, "Lakukan saja, setidaknya aku bisa mendapatkan setengah harta mu saat kita bercerai nanti." Aku mendengar dia menggeram, aku yakin dia sedang mengeratkan rahangnya sekarang. "Katakan berapa yang kamu inginkan, aku akan memberikannya sekarang juga tapi setelah itu menghilang lah dari kehidupan ku!" Aku tersenyum, aku yakin dia akan segera meledak sekarang juga melihat wajahnya yang memerah menahan amarah. "Aku mau semuanya..." "Apa maksudmu?" "Semua hartamu sekarang juga jika kamu ingin aku menghilang dari hidup mu jadi cepatlah hubungi notaris karena lima belas menit lagi aku akan menemui ibu mu dan menerima lamarannya!" *** Laura Milanov bosan hidup dalam situasi pemain figuran yang tidak berarti dan tersingkirkan. Keluarganya, pertemanannya bahkan kisah cintanya selalu mengecewakannya. Ia muak ketika cinta pertamanya Dimas Dirgantara lebih memilih sahabatnya Wendy karena dia lebih cantik sehingga Laura sempat berpikir untuk bunuh diri. Tapi patah hati pada kehidupan yang selalu mengkhianatinya membuatnya menjadi keras dan mencari jalan lain untuk membalas setiap hal tidak adil yang pernah ia alami. Laura diam-diam bekerja di perusahaan milik orangtua Dimas dan mengambil simpatik mereka sehingga mereka menjodohkannya dengan Dimas. Bertekad mengubah hidupnya yang sebelumnya hanya figuran menjadi pemeran utama dalam spotlight meskipun harus menjadi wanita antagonis.

mrlyn · Adolescente
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183 Chs
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Volumen 1 :1


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