
Chapter 61

Rohan remained pristine. He looked like a god and I looked like the aftermath of a dumpster fire. A dank-ass, gooey, dumpster fire of demon pus. Awesome.

I strode toward him, my hair dripping with sweat and filth, my skin and clothes not even that clean, determined to make him pay.

He snicked out the blades of one hand as I neared, warding me off.

Ignoring the threat that wasn't, I swiped his coffee cup, tipping it back for those last few swallows. "Mmm, caramel." I licked a drop of foam off my lip with deliberate slowness, gratified by Rohan's nostril flare. Yeah, our attraction was a two-way street, with both of us engaged in a high-octane game of chicken to see who'd blink first.