
Chapter 250

I couldn't keep living in this limbo. I had to know where we stood but I dreaded it at the same time. We were very different people and our relationship had had its share of challenges, but I thought we'd make it. Had that deal with Lilith proven to be one thing too many for him to accept? If we were reunited, would he always look at me and see her?

Had all my previous fears about us being us until we weren't come true and Ro had ditched the relationship persona for the singer-songwriter one?

Or had he found someone else in L.A.? Someone easier to be with?

I don't know how long I lay there, staring at nothing, feeling everything. Clinging to the thought that at least I hadn't fallen in love with him like I had with Cole. At least I hadn't been that stupid.

My own silver lining.

The lights flicked on and I was crushed by a heavy, sweaty body making kissing noises.