
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Película
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56 Chs

Reminiscing and the Date

It has been a few days since Naruto had his coffee 'date' with the red headed botanist and it had turned out pretty well. The two well enjoy each other and had a very nice conversation which consisted of small talk of recent events which soon developed to a discussion about what Pamela's further plans are with the investment she gotten the previous night. They didn't get deep into their get together as Ms. Isley had to head over to work to get further into her testing and research. Before she left though she had asked if they could do this again soon and Naruto complied as he would contact her for any availability or vice versa.

Currently Naruto was in his office going over several things on his list for the day on the basic day to day happenings at his company. This was mostly consisting of heading over to the art and advertising department to check up on current projects, going to check on the journalists under his employ to see what should be put into the next issue of their magazine and lastly there were several books he had to go over before contacting the authors if he would sign them on or ask for specific fixes before sending the work to the editors.

The life of being the Editor in Chief and head of a publishing company everybody.

The publisher was about to go over the first book for the day when he ended up getting a call on his intercom speaker.

"Mr. Uzumaki, there is a Lois Lane on Line 1 for you." Jillian said on the other line getting Naruto to gain a questioning look.

'Huh wonder why she is contacting me after all this time?' he thought before pressing a button. "Thank you Jillian."

He cleared his throat before answering the reporter.

"Hello Lois, long time no hear. How have things treated you since we last spoke?" Naruto said with a smile.

"Oh doing well on my end. Just working in what I enjoy doing in life." Lois said with a smug tone.

"I bet. With you being Perry's star, award winning reporter I might add." The former shinobi added. "Speaking of, how is he? Haven't spoken to him in like 4, 5 years I believe."

"Around that amount of time and yeah, Perry is doing well."

"Still grouchy as ever." He said getting a little laugh from Lois.

"As always Whiskers."

"So don't mind me asking, but why are you calling me all of a sudden?" Naruto said as he turned his chair around to look outside of the window. "It's been years since we last spoke with me finishing up my time as an intern at the Daily Planet."

"Well I had nothing going on at the moment with things being quite slow and I was browsing through old photos on my computer. When I ended up seeing pictures of us together I wanted to call and see if we could catch up for old times sake." Lois replied making Naruto turn around to his computer and ended up pulling up photos from his time at the Daily Planet.

There were several photos of him when he was around twenty years old being with a younger Lois who was around her early twenties. He scrolled over a few till showing another set of photos of the two being with a shoulder length blonde haired, blue eyed woman who was the same age as Lois. Soon various memories started coming back around making him smile.

"Yeah that would sound fun. You, me and Cat together again right?" Naruto suggested "I mean I know that Cat no longer works there being Perry's assistant last time I heard, especially with her leading CatCo but it would be good to see you two again."

"Yeah….it could be…..fun." Lois dryly said getting Naruto to frown.

"Lois, what's wrong? The moment I mentioned Cat you sounded bitter all of a sudden." he said hearing a sigh in response.

"It's just that…..when you were over here at Metropolis and was interning at the Planet, you became our good friend and despite Cat and I arguing you would be our mediator to keep things settled. When you left though... Things didn't go all that well. We argued more and things lead to us no longer being friends." The reporter explained getting the editor to sigh.

"Lois, if things were going on like that then either one of you could've called me. You know me that I would've done anything to help those that were precious to me." he said.

"Yeah….I know."

"So why didn't you?"

"I don't know Naruto. I think it was a mix between too many deadlines at the time to you writing and starting up your company. I can't really remember at the moment." Lois said feeling slightly frustrated on thinking on the reasons back then.

"Hey don't worry Lois. I don't blame you or Cat at all. I just wished I would've known sooner to help your friendship with her."

"Heh, typical Whiskers. Always helping others when needed." Lois said with a little laugh.

"Hey I saved your butt more times than one especially when dealing with your general of a dad. I can't remember how many times I pulled you and your sister, Lucy, out of that particular fire pit."

"Ugh don't remind me." she said on the other end. "Hey I gotta get off now. Seems Perry needs me for something."

"Well it's been good talking to you Lois. We should do this again sometime. Maybe I could stop on by Metropolis sometime when I'm there on business so we can make up for lost time."

"Th-That would be great!" She happily said in a higher tone before coughing to compose herself. "I-I mean we definitely should. You got a handful of things to make up for mister and I won't take no for an answer."

"Oh don't worry, I don't plan on refusing Lois. Maybe to help sweeten the pot I could sign your copies of what books you have of mine." he added in before he heard her stammer.

"Y-You mean….all of them."

"Wait…. you mean you-" "Oh Perry is yelling now. Gotta go bye." Lois said as she quickly hung up.

The former shinobi looked at his phone before guessing that she had his Icha Icha works and didn't want to say it out loud at the workplace. He shook his head and hung up his phone before glancing over to his computer screen seeing the photo of his two Metropolis friends. Naruto was gonna go back to his work but had the nagging feeling for him to check on Cat.

Going through his computer to find the contact information for CatCo Worldwide Media before calling their office building. After hearing a few 'rings' on the line the silverette heard someone answer.

"Hello. This is CatCo Worldwide Media. Tori speaking."

"Hello, I was wondering if you could redirect me to Ms. Grant's office." Naruto said

"And why would you want to chat with Ms. Grant? She has been pretty busy as of late." Tori said on the other end.

"Just tell her that an old friend is calling would you please."

"Eh….ok. Hold please." After holding for a minute Naruto heard a stern, feminine voice on the other end.

"Hello. This is Cat Grant speaking. You better not be wasting my time on this since I'm a very busy woman."

"Man what crawled up your butt and died? You sound really pissed for some reason. Was it your mom?" Naruto said with a little chuckle in his voice. "Seriously was it your mom since she is probably the only person to make you that cranky."

"...Who is this?"

"Well sorry if we haven't had the chance to talk since I left the Planet Kitty Cat, but you would remember your old friend Whiskers right?" he said with a smile before he heard her gasp.

"N-Naruto!" Cat said in shock before Naruto heard something drop on the other end as some fumbling around took place.

"Hey you there?"

"Y-Yes. It's just that you surprised me there Whiskers." Cat said as she tried to compose herself there.

"Well yeah since it's been roughly 4-5 years since we last saw and spoke to each other." He said with a melancholic smile.

"That sounds about right. So why did you call me all of a sudden?"

"Well Lois called me earlier and we got into a chat before having to get back to work. Got me to remember the good times together back at the Planet and wanted to try and catch up."

"Really…..you talked to her." She said as she went back to her stern tone.

"Well yeah. *Sigh* Look I heard from Lois on what happened after I left and I'm sorry on what went on. I…. I wish I could've been there to help you guys out. Don't know what exactly went on with your arguments but I wished you guys would've called me to help settle things."

"...I see. Well…. I'm glad to hear that Naruto. You were always considerate in our friendship and wanting the best out of us."

"Good to know. So I was wondering how things are going on your end leading a media company as Editor in Chief? Must be tough." He said as he wanted to shift the conversation to something else.

"Well things are doing well on my end. Just busy everyday to be sure the public is satisfied on the news in not just here in National City but other parts of the world. As for the difficulty I might as well be honest but it was actually tough at first. Eventually I was able handle all that and more."

"Well both of us now know more on how Perry was, and currently is, like at the Planet. You and me being in similar shoes working as heads and founders of our respective companies." Naruto said getting her to chuckle on the other end.

"Oh definitely. A lot of times I end up realizing the same thing."

"From the mixture of frustrations…"

"The deadlines…."

"The possible yelling and death glares./The possible yelling and death glares." They both said at the same time before laughing a little.

"Well the yelling and death glares on my end weren't that often with my employees but yeah we sometimes pick up habits from our employers right?"

"Definitely." she said in a lighter tone as nostalgia started to kick in.

"How's Adam by the way? You two doing well?"

"Yes very much so. He turned six a few weeks ago."

"Really? Well it seems I'll be needing to catch up on some delayed birthday presents then. I'll be sure to send over whatever books you don't have for the little guy."

"Whiskers you don't have to-" "But I want to Kitty Cat." Naruto interrupted her. "I need to make the little joy of your life happy and if I can make him happy just as I'll make you happy in turn."

*Sigh* "Only you Naruto, only you would go above and beyond for those you care for. You know, I still can't help but keep thanking you everyday on helping me keep Adam from him. I honestly wouldn't know what I would be like without my little bundle of joy."

"Your welcome Cat." Naruto said before seeing a light go on and off at his intercom and could tell someone is trying to call him. "Hey someone is trying to reach me over here. So I was wondering if I could stop on by National City sometime so we can hang out to make up for lost time.

"You do?!" She happily said in a higher tone before coughing to compose herself but Naruto could tell she, like Lois, seems really excited in wanting to see him.

"Well yeah I do. Maybe while over there, we could maybe partner up like the good old days. But instead of helping each other out on assignments that we could become joint companies or partners. Don't know but you get the gist."

"Well I look forward to it Whiskers. Hope to see you soon." Cat said before hanging up.

'Man having phone calls one after another. If this keeps up I'll never get into my reading.' he thought before hitting the button to answer the next call.

"Hello, Naruto Uzumaki speaking."

"Naruto, it's Pamela."

"Oh hey Pamela, whats up?"

"Nothing much, I got off work early today and I was wondering if you had any plans this evening."

"Not that I can think of, why?"

"Well….Call me silly but I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner tonight?" She said as he could pick up her nervous tone.

"Well you're not silly at all Pamela and yeah think I can be fine going to dinner tonight."

"Really! That's great! So how about picking me up around 7:30 sound?"

"Sounds good. Just let me get a pen so I can write your address down." He said as she told him her address. "Alrighty then, I'll be seeing you then."

"Same here. Later." He said as he ended the call. "Well that one was actually shorter than the previous two."

Once all that was taken care of, Naruto decided to get back into business and get his work list taken care of so hopefully he can get off on time.

-Hours Later, Pam's Apartment Complex-

It was quite easy for the Uzumaki to find her apartment complex and was walking towards her door. On the entire time getting over there Naruto was feeling a bit fidgety on the whole thing since this is honestly his first date-date with her and doesn't want to screw things up.

Once he found her apartment, he looked at himself to straighten out his clothes to seem presentable. He wore a black button up shirt with the first button undone underneath his jacket along with khaki pants and black shoes. Naruto knocked before hearing Pam yell 'just a second' on the other side of the door. After a few moments the door opened causing the silverette male to drop his jaw.

She wore a strapless red dress that hugged her figure nicely that ended past her knees and showed some of her cleavage but he didn't mind. Her hair was loose unlike the previous times they met with it tied back and it made her even more stunning with her only having very little make-up of just the subtle eyeshadow and the rose red lip gloss. Naruto ended up staring at her for a bit causing her to laugh a little on the reaction.

"Well it seems I literally took the words out of your mouth." Pamela said with a smirk.

Getting out of his trance he shook his head and pulled his hand from behind to show her an assortment of flowers: Red Camellia, Pink Camellia, White Camellia, Red Carnation, White Carnation, some Daffodils around the edges, Gloxinia, and in the center of it all was a Red Rose.

With Pamela being very knowledgeable in flora her mind already translated what he was 'saying': You're a flame in my heart, I long for you, I think you're adorable, My heart aches for you, Pure love, The sun always shines when I'm with you, Love at first sight, and finally I love you.

'So sweet.' She thought with a small blush and took a whiff enjoying the pleasant smell.

"Well I didn't know which ones you would've liked, so I asked my secretary for what would seem appropriate." Naruto said as he tried to keep eye contact but kept looking away as he tried to calm himself down.

'I'll need to thank that secretary of his when I get the chance.' she thought with a smile. "They are Naruto. I'll be right back, I want to put these in a vase so they won't dry out."

In less than a minute she came back out and locked her apartment's door before taking his held out arm.

"I'm glad you came on time." Pamela said as Naruto lead her towards his car outside. "I felt as though you might come late due to your workload."

"Well I hate to make first impressions look bad." The former shinobi said, "That and I could finish up my assigned reading tomorrow since on most days it takes all night to get that done and over with."

They approached his car and he opened up the passenger door for her before getting in himself.

"So where would you like to go Pamela? I'm all ears. If you don't have a preference I know this one restaurant that would work well for you."

"I don't know any at the moment, so let's try out where you are thinking of."

Naruto nodded as he drove off as the occupants sat in silence. It was bugging her a little so she ended up breaking the ice.

"I'm guessing you don't go out quite often. You seem rusty on dating." Guessed the botanist.

"I'm going to be honest with you Pam, but I've never went on a date before."

She recoiled at the man next to her in surprise. She actually thought that a man like him must have had a few relationships.

Not believing for a moment she asked one simple question. "Are you telling me the truth?"

The car slowly came to a stop at a red light before the former shinobi sighed and looked directly into her emerald eyes.

"Yes I am Pam. To tell you the truth I never had the chance to go out when growing up and I tried before I left my previous home. Ever since I never bothered going out until tonight."

The two lapsed in silence as the car started moving again before Pam decided to ask again on what was going on in her mind.



"Why didn't you have the chance to go out when you were younger? Surely you could've gotten at least one date." Pamela said in a slightly demanding tone.

This got him to think a little before filtering and changing a little from his childhood so he won't reveal his whole past.

"Well as you know I was born an orphan and my parents died the day I was born." He said as he could tell she was nodding. "What I didn't tell you was what went on in my childhood before I left that home. You see that I was picked on and was ignored for several years. I tried to get the attention of others through pulling pranks and wearing a kill me orange jumpsuit-"

"Sorry but you wore a 'kill me' orange jumpsuit?" Pam questioned as she ended up interrupting him.

"Yeah I did. It was one of the only forms of clothing I could get."

Pam wanted to say something but didn't want to interrupt his explanation.

"I was practically an outcast because of my combination of hair and eye colors along with my birthmarks. Was considered a 'freak' for a while by a lot of kids my age till I turned 12-13 years old and that caused me to be self conscious and not become confident enough to try to ask others out. Even people older than me considered me an outcast."

Pam got pretty drawn into the conversation and was wondering what the hell was going on at his home that made him like that.

"There was one girl I tried asking out time and time again but she was interested in this duck-butt haired asshole we were classmates with because he was so 'cool' and 'emo' and whatnot that it drove me insane. Didn't help that a lot of the other girls my age was interested in the same guy and he just outright ignored them. Most of the time me and a few other guys I eventually became friends with called him 'gay' behind his back for not being interested in girls." Naruto said with a slight chuckle in remembrance of Kiba, Choji and Shikamaru.

"So I ended up wanting to go out with not only her but others. Surprise surprise it didn't work out and eventually I decided to no longer be interested in dating. Besides I didn't have to date that young I could've been at fault for that bit."

Pam feeling slightly depressed on what she heard couldn't help but simply respond. "I-I'm sorry to hear that Naruto. I didn't know."

"Hey it's ok. It's all in the past. Lets just try to focus on the present shall we."

"But there is one question that is now bugging me?"

"Which is….?" He said drawing out for the response.

"If you haven't gone out on even one date then what is up with you writing the 'Icha Icha' books? It's just that you had a lot of great descriptions and details put into them and I thought…." Pam said trying to think of what to say.

"That I had done the deed is what you're implying?" she nodded at his response.

"Well to simply put it, no. I never done it with anyone before. With those books, they were actually written by my godfather, same with my 'Gutsy Ninja' story. The 'Arashi Rasen' story was all me. And before you ask, my godfather gave me the rights for his books since he died before getting them out there. So I had them published so I can honor his memory." Naruto said with some half-truths.

It was true in most aspects that after Jiraiya died back in Naruto's home reality, he had given Naruto full rights to his works and in turn the earnings. So when he got into this world he decided to use those rights to get the old super pervert's works out there for the world to enjoy.

"I see. It is good to know of that and you have done such a thing."

"Thanks. It means a lot hearing on that."

After a few more minutes of driving, Naruto pulled up in front of one of the fanciest restaurants in Gotham that was a few stories high.

"Well, I must admit Naruto this is certainly a great place to go to on a first date." She said examining the quality of the mere entrance of the restaurant.

"Well I'm glad this is going good so far." The former shinobi said as he got out the car and went around to Pamela's side to open her door and offered his hand. Once she got out he laced his arm with hers as the silverette handed the cabbie his keys.

"Even though you said you haven't gone out on a date you sure know what to do so far." The botanist said in a teasing tone making it sound to him that he was lying about before.

"Sometimes when I come on by here for business dinners I end up seeing other couples do this so I had to mimic honestly."

They soon made it to the podium and Naruto told the man of their reservation spot. From there they made their way to their table for the evening right by the window seeing a lot of Gotham with their surroundings very lavishly set up around them.

"If I haven't said this before I might say it now that I'm most impressed." The red haired beauty stated, admiring the mixing colors with the floral decorations.

"Your welcome Pamela. I wouldn't want to do anything less at the moment."

His date chuckled a little as a waiter approached the two, giving them two menus.

"Hello sir, madam. I shall be your waiter this evening. May I start you off with some refreshments?"

"Of course." Naruto said as he looked over to the drink section of his menu.

"Mind giving us some red and white wine. I would also like some water with lemon and lime for the both of us." The silverette said getting the waiter to nod on the selection.

"Right away sir, I shall bring you some bread to start you off." The waiter said before heading off to get the drinks. It didn't take long for the waiter to come back with the two wines in an ice bucket and with two glasses. He set the glasses both down and poured their glasses full before setting the bottles down in the ice bucket. He went back to grab the requested waters and once he returned the waiter pulled out a notepad.

"Are you ready to order yet?"

"I think so." Naruto glanced at the menu. "I'll have a chicken caesar salad with a cajun chicken alfredo pasta."

"And you my lady?"

"I shall have a greek salad with a vegetarian platter."

"Very well." The waiter retrieved the two menus and left the two once more. The two were silent as both of them were sipping their drinks and eating some bread.


As the two were chatting before their dinner arrived, they were unaware that at the moment, they were being spied upon by a very wanted, murderous male.

Minato Namikaze.

And as to why that was so, easy.

Recognition of course! Now, it's rather simple really why he would want his image to be recognized: he wants work. What? A man can't want some good references for some honest to Kami work?!

Granted bloody work but work all the same, not like he was adverse to a little murder anyway. But it couldn't just be any murder, oh no, it had to be someone special.

Someone influential.

Someone powerful.

Someone, larger than your average joe ladies and gents.

Someone that has become quite the celebrity in the past few years.

Hence his current target Naruto Uzumaki.

"And all he has to do, is die. Hehe, let the spectacle commence!" White teeth flashed manically as a glowing hand slowly aimed its way to its oh so lucky target.

The air snapped and hissed as energy warped and gathered around the black and gold clad limb. Arcing and twisting ever so archaically around him the man's smile widened as the show of power pulsed in anticipation, reveling in the concept of release from his body to a more vulnerable fleshy conductor.

Well, who was he to let it stay longer than it wanted?

-Back with the date-

"So he looks to me and asks, 'well, guess she didn't like the present!" Naruto smiled to his date sending her into a fit of giggles.

"W-w-what?! But, but how did you get the pony inside of her office?!"

"I can be very persuasive Pam."

"Persuasive enough to get a pony. In a small one person office room. On the fifth floor of the building. Without her or anyone noticing?!"

He smiled, "Yep."

By this point her giggles couldn't be contained as she laughed unabated, tears beginning to gather in the corners of her eyes as she shook in mirth.

"T-t-that is, is, is e-either the most funny thi-i-ng someone has done to someone or, OR, or the most! Most, well told lie I have ever heard!"

"Ha, you doubt me?" He 'gasped' in shock, "Well, Ms. Isley I will have you know that when it comes to pranks I never lie! Embellish a little, most certainly, but never lie."

Though before he could continue however, all the lights in the restaurants suddenly went off, causing a brief scream of panic from some frightened guests; and though he and Pamela weren't as frightened as some, they were a tiny bit concerned, until at least the restaurant's manager eased the gathered customers with a few choice words.


Their reliefs were short lived, however, because the moment the manager left, the darkened room was suddenly filled with a wave of killing intent. In response, the majority of the entire restaurant started to quiver in fear while the minority, which was just Naruto, Pam and a handful of dinner groups, were able to not be affected.

It didn't take long for the conscious people to know where the source came from as one of the windows inwardly broke with a shadowy figure coming through it. Rising from a crouch, people assumed it was Batman but they were wrong as yellow electricity started to emanate from the man to reveal his form that only Naruto could guess to recognize…..

This realities doppelganger of his birth father, the Thunder God assassin.

From the assassin's attire was a black leather jacket, with the hood pulled back, and pants with belts wrapping through various parts of his body with yellow lightning designs put on there.

Seems that he should've prepared a bit better to Kurama's warning and now it's gonna be biting him in the ass.

"Well hello good sirs and madams, I am this night's entertainment for you all! For my main trick for you to witness the murder of Naruto Uzumaki before your very eyes!" Minato yelled out in odd glee as he channeled electricity into his hands and started blasting randomly all over the place causing panic for the patrons.

Naruto reacting fast, he pulled Pam down to the ground from an incoming shot.

"Pam, I'm going to draw his attention. While I'm doing that I want you to try to get others out of here." Naruto said in a stern voice causing Pam's eyes to widen.

"Are you crazy?! He'll kill you!" She barely yelled out due to other people causing a lot of the noise.

"He's here for me and I don't want anyone else to get caught in the crossfire." He said as he tried to get up but a firm grip on his wrist tried to make him stay.

"You can't Naruto. Please." The botanist said as tears started to pool in her eyes.

"I can't Pam, I'm sorry. Please for this one time do as I say." At this she hesitantly nodded despite not wanting her date to get killed.

"As I give the signal I want you to start getting people out of here as best as you can. Will you do that?" He said as a few other bolts of electricity zoomed past them.


The publicist looked on the ground and saw various silverware lying around due to the commotion and acting swiftly he sped towards them and gathered what he can before taking precise aim at the electrical themed assassin.

As Minato was being distracted of laughing his ass off while throwing various blasts he didn't notice a kitchen knife stabbing him in the knee and another one cutting deeply into his cheek.

"GAH!" He grunted loudly as he held his face and pulled the knife out of his leg. "Who the fuck did that?!"

He didn't get a response as the silverette threw more silverware at his assailant trying to get some hits but because of the assassin being alert now, it would be a little harder. So he would need to use the dark to his advantage as best as he can.

While this was going on, Pam was getting a lot of the patrons out of the restaurant and kept on looking back in worry.

Naruto was ducking through various electrical blasts and kept throwing silverware but was running out of ammunition. He knew he couldn't keep doing this forever and was wishing he still had his chakra so that the fight could've been easier. For now he had to try to be smart in his coming approaches. Looking around in the barely lit room, he saw some fallen chairs and smiled a little on a little improve weapon idea.

Minato was getting sick and tired on this little game of 'hide and go shock' as he wanted to get his kill done and over with so he can get recognition of killing yet another celebrity.

"Now where the fuck are you kiddo? All I want is to have some fun as I roast your body from the inside out!" he said in frustration before having his face be assaulted by a chair.

Not giving the thunder themed assassin a second to breathe, the former shinobi jumped out of his hiding spot with broken chair legs on hand to smack his father's counterpart in rapid succession.

"There you are! I was wondering where-" Minato was quickly interrupted as his nose was soon broken by the rough end of a broken chair leg before another chair leg roughly hit his stabbed leg.

"You fucker!" The blonde haired man yelled as he staggered before throwing a bolt of electricity at Naruto. The silverette barely dodged before throwing one of the chair legs straight at Minato who soon caught it.

"You're starting to test my patience here you bastard. I thought that this was going to be a simple, quick and easy kill but this is getting too cumbersome for my liking." He snarled as he electrified his hand vaporizing the chair leg to ash in the effort. Using the same hand he threw arcing bolts of electricity at his desired target.

"You know, for an assassin, you do talk a lot and not move that much. Did you fail assassin academy or something since you're doing such a piss poor job trying to kill me?" Taunted Naruto as he tried to, and continued to, get onto the 'Thunder God's' nerves. "I mean seriously you are literally being a human target, punching bag just for little old me."

"Shut up and die already!"

"I think you should go by the name 'Turtle God' instead of 'Thunder God' as you are just so slow in the uptake." The former shinobi said as he tossed another chair that soon got blasted into pieces. "Maybe you're compensating for being a little quick in your electrocutions. Don't worry, I hear it's quite common with men in your age bracket."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" The assassin yelled in blind rage.

"If not then that might explain why you can't get a date!"

That did it. Now Minato was literally exploding in anger. "WILL YOU JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY?!"

He was frantically looking around for his target when said target's date came into the room looking for her boytoy.

"Naruto! Everyone's out! Where are you?!" She called out causing Minato to look at her in sadistic glee.

'Perfect!' The blonde assassin yelled in his head and threw bolt of lightning at the red headed woman.

"PAM!" Naruto yelled out and ran from his cover towards his date to block the blast. As he soon reached her he put his back towards her with his body spread out. Pam noticing what was gonna happen she closed her eyes as she screamed.

Naruto saw the bolt of lightning come towards him with deadly accuracy but when it almost hit him…..it fizzled out like it was nothing.

'What?!' Was the shared thought between Minato and Naruto and before anyone else could realize what happened a pair of boots slammed against Minato's head, making him tumble to the floor and hitting the far wall.

Minato was going to respond, he was soon showered with dust.

"Hey! *cough cough* What the fuck is with *cough* this stuff?" The assassin said in between coughs.

"Silicate dust. Completely electrical resistant. You're completely grounded." The shadowy man said before punching Minato's lights out and rendering him unconscious.

Soon the lights flickered back on to show not only the result of the entire state of the dining room but also showed who had taken care of Minato.

The Dark Knight himself, Batman.

The caped crusader soon turned towards the one couple, with Naruto being tightly hugged by Pam, before he had out pulled nullifying power cuffs from his utility belt and placed them on Minato. With that taken care of he walked towards them.

"Are you two alright?" Batman asked.

"Yeah, we're fine. Just shaken up is all." Naruto said as he was rubbing and patting Pam's head to calm her down."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't get here sooner. I had another problem across town earlier and tried to get over here quickly."

"It's fine Batman. I don't, and I guess the others, blame you at all. You did what you could." The publisher said as the dark knight nodded in response.

Soon the police arrived and properly detained the thunder themed assassin as medics soon followed to help the injured.

-Pam's Apartment Complex-

After being questioned by both the police and Batman himself on what had occurred, Naruto and Pam were able to leave.

Not wanting to spook Pam up more, he drove a bit slower and kept an eye out on the surrounding areas just in case something else popped up.

Once reaching the complex, Naruto escorted Pam to her apartment door as they soon faced each other.

"Naruto, thank you for what you did earlier and saving my life." She stated as her mood was improving from earlier. "Despite of what happened during dinner, or lack thereof, I am truly glad I spent it with you. I haven't enjoyed such an evening in such a long, long time."

"Same here Pam." The publisher humbly said. "Though I did wish it didn't have to deal with that crazy loon trying to kill me."

Pam gave her date a small smile to reassure him. Though Naruto was unconvinced, he decided not to pressure her.

"You know Naruto, after what happened earlier with the attack and what you told me of your childhood it seemed that we ended up having a little thing in common." She said getting Naruto to raise an eyebrow on what she was getting.

"You see, I've had my fair share of suffering. Though the way you would possibly say it, I don't know how mine could compare to yours." Pam said trying to collect her thoughts. "While you never grew up with parents, I did but it was never really a happy one."

Taking a breath, she continued. "My father was a violent man and took out his frustrations on both me and my mother. As a retreat from the abuse, we would go over to our garden and tend to it. It would always cheer me up even though my mother takes the majority of the abuse. She would always try to mask it but I try to be happy for her." Pam said in slight nostalgia of those pleasant times as they were some of the happiest moments of her childhood.

Naruto soon saw Pam's features darken as something was going to turn for the worse.

"Then one day my mother disappeared and I didn't know where she was at. I asked my neighbors if they have seen her but they didn't know as well. Later I ended up tending to my garden in hopes of lifting my spirits up when….I found her."

At this point she was visibly shaking and Naruto hugged her as he soon felt some of his clothes starting to dampen. From remembering the bad memories to what happened earlier must've been too much for her.

"My-My father killed her in a dr-drunken rampage one night when I wasn't at home." she said in between sobs. "He buried her in our garden and when I found her face staring right back at me I screamed and my neighbors soon found out what happened."

"Pam, I'm so sorry that I made you remember those bad memories." Naruto said as he tried to calm her down. "You didn't have to tell me if it made you feel uncomfortable."

"But-But I wanted to Naruto." Pam said as she was calming down slightly. "I ju-just needed to get it off my chest. It's been s-so long since I talked about this and seeing you risk your life for everyone there brought those memories back up again."

"I understand Pam. I understand it must've taken a bit for you to bring that up." He said as he felt her nod in his chest.



"Will….Will you st-stay with me tonight?" She nervously asked getting Naruto to widen his eyes slightly before they went back down.


Feeling happy on his response, she fished her keys from her purse before opening the door to her apartment.

Once inside, Naruto saw the interior and it seemed to fit Pam very well of the feel of nature. He kept on looking around the apartment seeing the various forest and floral decorations and seeing the scientific journals on the coffee table. He didn't realize of how long he was looking when he felt a pair of arms circling him from behind.

"Did I keep you waiting?" Pam said as the Uzumaki turned around to see Pam cleaned up of the little makeup she had on earlier and in green floral themed pyjamas.

"Nope." He said as he kept glancing at the apartment. "I like it here. Seems very homey, reminds me a bit of my childhood in some aspects."

"Well thank you."

"So would you like me to sleep on the couch? I'm fine there if you want." Naruto said as he gestured the furniture next to him.

"Nope. You'll be sleeping in the same bed as me tonight."

"But I thought I was going to be sleeping on the couch."

"Well I feel unsafe from tonight and you did say you would stay with me for the night. What better way for my protector to be right next to me, keeping me safe as I sleep." Pam said with a coy smile before frowning slightly. "Unless you don't want to."

"No no no I do want to keep you safe tonight. I-I just didn't know you would've wanted to do it that way." he said as he was starting to get red in the face. He was then led towards the bedroom and saw Pam go underneath her covers fully. Naruto saw the connecting bathroom and went in there to undress wearing just his boxer shorts and white undershirt.

Once getting out he went to the bed and slipped under the covers but edging towards the end of the bed to give Pam enough space.

"Well goodnight Pam." Naruto said as he closed his eyes before he felt the bed shift and Pam drag him close to her.

"Goodnight Naruto." She said to the surprised publisher as his blush soon returned.

What the former shinobi doesn't know, due to the darkness of the bedroom, was his companion was blushing like crazy due to the position they are in. Pam was feeling very nervous on what she had done but took courage to do so. With the sound and rhythm of his strong heartbeat was starting to calm her down and getting her to fall asleep quickly. As for Naruto, he couldn't help but breathe in her floral scent that made him feel drowsy and soon succumbed to slumber.

Both were in a state of blissful sleep unaware of what will happen from here on out due to the actions earlier that night.

-Unknown Location-

A pair of doors opened in a darkened room with two sources of light present, one from the moonlight coming from the windows and the other being from a lamp on a desk. At said desk was a man doing some paperwork with a pot of tea not far from him.

"Sir." the man at the door said

"Yes, what is it?"

"I'm here to let you know that the 'Thunder God' has been captured." This got the man at the desk to hum in response at the latest news.

"Well it seems that Minato, our fallen member, has finally gotten himself captured due to his stupidity." The barely lit man said as he took a sip of his tea. "Letting his arrogance getting the better of him."

"It seems that way sir."

"He has always been erratic and unstable. Reason why I had to let him go from our services." The man said before bringing his head up towards the man at the door. "So tell me, where did this happen?"

"In Gotham City sir."

"I see. It seems the Batman has taken care of a nuisance of mine. I might return him a favor at some point." The man said as he was about to go back to his paperwork.

"I'm afraid it wasn't the Batman sir. Though he was the one who detained him, it was someone else who defeated Minato." This got the barely lit man to look up in confusion and slight interest.

"Really…. So tell me Al-Owal, who had done the deed?" The man questioned 'The First'.

"Reports say it was the founder and head of Spiral Publishing residing in Gotham City, goes by the name Naruto Uzumaki." Al-Owal said to his master.

"Interesting…. You may go."

"By your leave Ra's." 'The First' said as he left and closed the door to the Demon Head's office.

"Hmm…..It seems that my daughter's old friend has finally caught my attention. Seems you have surprised and truly gotten my interest now Naruto." Ra's said drawing out a smile. "Let's see what else you have in store."

-End Chapter-

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