
Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe

The story is written by Jebest4781

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Movies
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56 Chs

One Interesting Day

The morning rays started peaking through the curtains of Pamela's bedroom as it slowly crept towards the sleeping woman's face.

*Groan* "Goooo awaaay." The botanist said as the brightness of the early sunrise started to stir the redhead. She wanted to move but she was comfortable in position in her bed but felt that it was off. Soon memories started coming to the forefront of her mind as she remembered that Naruto slept right next to her last night with her head rested against his beating chest. Realizing what occurred, she opened her eyes in hopes of seeing his sleeping face but it wasn't there.

Having the need to get up now to see if he was still in her apartment, she soon called out his name.

"Naruto….Naruto are you here?!" She yelled out in hopes of her voice reaching past her bedroom door as she stepped out of her bed.

"Hello!" Pam called out once again after passing her bedroom door to see no one else there. She wandered around slightly still groggy from getting up just not too long ago before ending up on her couch. Falling down face first onto the pillow before she started to cuss and moan for no apparent reason on thinking she might've screwed up having Naruto stay with her for the night after their first date-date.

"Should I come back later?" A voice called out from her mid-rant in her pillow. She soon lifted her head towards the entrance of her apartment to see Naruto dressed back from last night.

"Um…. Hi….. I thought you left." Pam said as she cleared the dust from her eyes so she can focus more towards the Uzumaki.

"Well yeah I did….. But then I came back…. with breakfast." Naruto said as he held up a coffee tray with four cups of coffee and a bag of food. "Um…. I figured it could've been the least I could do to make up for not having dinner last night."

"I-It's noooo *yawn* problem." She said in a reassuring smile making him smile back in return before turning his back towards her putting breakfast on the kitchen counter.

"Well I had gotten a Venti Cap Latte, an Earl-Gray Tea, something with Chai in the title and a Soy Milk Espresso. As for food got some blueberry, poppy seed and cinnamon muffins since you told me they were your favorite. So its pick and choose really." He called out not noticing Pam frantically got up from her couch before slipping down on the ground in hopes of getting to the mirror nearby to fix herself up from cleaning up her face of any little eye crusts and not making her hair just as frizzy.

"I….Well I'll be having the tea and the soy." Pam said as she walked towards him.

"Yes! Thought you might say that." Naruto replied back before grabbing her desired drinks before waving his hands around making her groan a little on the display.

"Oh god…. you're a morning person. And here I thought I knew that already."

"Well I wasn't always like that. Was so damn cranky whenever getting up from bed but had to change all that when I was like….. Nineteen?" He thoughtfully said as she nabbed the coffees out of his hands with a slight glare before taking sips out of both. "Well sometimes how I tell my employees 'Always start your day like it was on purpose.'"

"Maybe I should follow that saying, but I don't think it'll work all that well." She said as she pulled back one of the chairs from the countertop before sitting down.

"Yeah….they sometimes say roughly the same thing back to me."

"Good to know." She ate bits of one of the muffins before taking sips of her desired drinks. "So….. just a random thought here but…..why didn't you cook breakfast for the two of us?"

He gave her a look with his head tilted before answering. "I was actually planning on doing that. When I got up, I looked through your pantry to make either pancakes or something. Buuuut seems you forgot to go grocery shopping as of late."

'Damn. I was hoping for a nice, home cooked meal in the morning. Even better with him doing it for me.' She thought before her mind started to drift to one little scenario of her catching him cooking breakfast with just an apron on. Possibly seeing his toned, naked form with most hiding behind the fabric.

'No! Bad Pam. Bad. Bad.' She berated herself as she shook her head to get the thought out of her head. God…. Why did she read Naruto's Icha Icha books if it was going to make her think that way? Now it's gonna be hard to not think of that whenever Naruto is possibly over here from now on.

"So…." The publisher said, getting her to snap out of her thoughts pertaining a certain book series. "What are your plans for the day?"

Thinking a little bit before said plans came up to her. "Well…. I have a few things to take care of today before I need to go to Louisiana tonight."

"Why you heading there?"

"I'm going to be seeing an old colleague of mine to exchange notes. He and his wife been working on a bio-restorative formula that would solve any nations' food shortage problems."

"Really?" Naruto looked at the botanist in surprise on hearing that. "Man that is awesome Pam. Think of the possibilities that could do to the world and maybe save the majority of it."

"I know." she said with a small smile. "It's a very noble goal he and his wife are doing and from what I've been told they have been working on this for years. Last time I heard from them that they are roughly half-way done and that was just last year. Wonder though what the progress is once I see them tomorrow."

"Why can't you just ask them over the phone?"

"Well…..as you can imagine Naruto, the project's outcome will be extraordinary….possibly Nobel Prize winning. So the research has to be very top secret with only a small circle of people knowing."

"Ah ok." He said as he finished up one of the muffins. "But what about on your end with the exchanging process? Will it help out on your serum?"

"I think so. Both of our goals are pretty similar from mine being for the environment while theirs is on the food shortages so I wouldn't think there would be any problems." She said with a shrug.

"So how long will you be gone?"

"Possibly a few days." She soon gave him a questioning look. "Why you ask?"

"Well….. I was wondering….. if I could make up for the ruined date last night and possibly have another one once you get back."

"I would love to Naruto." Pam said with a smile with a little blush.


They soon finished up their meal and Pam had to finish getting ready for the day from taking a quick shower and getting dressed. Naruto didn't mind waiting since he decided to skim through some, random scientific journals lying on her coffee table. He soon heard steps coming his way and turned around to seeing her in an orange button up shirt underneath a brown business jacket and a black skirt that reached to her knees. Finishing up her attire was her wearing black, one-inch heels and a pair of black rimmed glasses with her hair tied back into a ponytail.

"You know you didn't have to wait on me. You probably have things to do at your publishing company."

"Oh I know but I didn't want to be rude and leave you here as you finished getting ready."

"Well thank you." They soon exited her apartment, and in turn her building, to see the nice, sunny day outside.

"Man, the day seems to be really nice so far." The publisher said stating the obvious.

"Yes it is." She looked behind her to the direction of her first errand for the day. "Well I'm this way."

"And I'm that way." Naruto pointed towards the opposite direction where his car is parked at.

"Well give me a ring later." Pam said before blushing a little on what she just spoke. "I mean on the phone."

"Yeah, definately will Pam." He said with a chuckle. "If you want, I can take you to the airport tonight."

"That'll be great."

"So what time should I stop on by?"

"Flights around 9 and will be landing over there around midnight. So you should pick me up around 7 so I can get through security on time."

"Sounds like a plan Pam."

Both soon realized they were a bit too close to each other and didn't know what to do for the moment. Taking a chance, Pam decided to be a little bold and give him a quick peck on the cheek but Naruto turned his head slightly making her kiss him on the lips. Both didn't move at all on the sudden action but that didn't say they didn't enjoy it.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." She frantically said waving her hands around a little with a growing blush.

"N-No it's fine Pam. I-I didn't mind actually." Naruto said as he looked away with a faint blush while scratching his whisker marks.

They didn't say anything for several more seconds until the Uzumaki broke the small tension.

"Well I'll pick you up around 7 Pam. Have a nice day."

"See you then Naruto."

Both walked to their destinations with Naruto still focusing on the feeling on his lips of the slight, nice tingle while Pam seemed to have a slight skip to her every other step.

Once reaching his car and heading towards his firm, Naruto couldn't help but think, 'This might be the start of a good day.'

Took him roughly twenty minutes to reaching work and once he got inside, he got an odd feeling that something might happen at a sudden moment. Didn't help a little when he got to his office and saw that Jillian wasn't there.

'Maybe she went to use the restroom.' He thought before he opened the door and saw someone in there sitting on his office couch.

"Finally. Took you long enough. I didn't know if you were not going to show up." The person said showing their face to Naruto.

'Oh great….her.' He thought as yet another person had shown up that Kurama warned him about: Riptide, this realities doppelganger of his mother. She looked very similar to the mother he talked to when he was training under Killer B to control Kurama's chakra and her chakra echo came to chat with him. The only difference between the two were the eyes and hair. While his mother had royal purple in color and the hair going to her lower back, Riptide here had sea-green colored ones and the hair down to her chin and the shade was slightly darker.

Riptide got up from her seat and Naruto took on her appearance that she wore a loose sweater with the neck of it going up to the base of her head while also wearing loose pants. He looked further down and saw slight difference on the attire of her shoes were metallic in nature, almost armor like actually. With how she presented herself, she was pretty much on the alert at a moment's notice for the attack on either the giving or receiving end.

"Well sorry, I had a rough night last night and I wanted to sleep in late this morning." Naruto said in a half truth. What he didn't want to just give her the full excuse on why he was late coming in today from his usual time.

"So just wondering but why are you in my office?"

"To talk to you obviously."

"You could've set up an appointment with my assistant instead of coming here all of a sudden."

"Well I don't like waiting just so you know."

"I can tell." Yeah that might be a similar comparison between the two counterparts, both of them are pretty impatient and even the way they express it is the same. "But in all honestly I ask again. Why are you here for me? What have I done that has gotten your attention?"

The only response he got was he quickly bringing her hand upwards as something shot out of the sleeve of her sweater and went towards his head. He ducked to the side as he had to roll out of the way with several other projectiles flew to his position. Needing a slight way to defend himself threw several things in his office towards his mother's doppelganger, which she quickly sliced in half with a water dagger. Looking back to his previous positions quickly he realized that she really does have water based abilities with all he found was little puddles of water.

Taking the advantage of his slight distraction, she closed onto his position and sent a few kick towards his stomach sending him to his desk sending several things on it off. She brought her arm down with her water dagger which Naruto brought his arm up to block and keep it from advancing.

"I'm just here to ask a few questions Naruto Uzumaki."

"Well you're not doing a good job in first impressions." He said with a grunt as he tried to keep her dagger away from his face.

He used his unoccupied arm and punched his assailant's side in hopes of distracting her but he ended up hitting armor underneath. Not letting up, despite his hand's pain, he kept on punching to possibly get her off. Naruto kept struggling as the dagger got closer to his face and needed to maybe use another punch towards her face or else he will die soon.

As he was about to send her a punch to her haymaker, his fist was enveloped in some energy of sorts that seemed to spark in his hand but didn't notice this until his fist came into view punching Kushina away from him. She stumbled away from him feeling a burn of sorts on her face and subconsciously brought her other hand to it to use her water to heal the burn. Naruto went up to her and kicked her away from him making her end up towards the door.

"Now Riptide, why the hell did you attack me and what was all that about?"

"I just wanted to know why you had such descriptive details on me and several others I know about." She said with some pain in her voice, which would go away soon.

"I did state in my book 'Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental'." He said in with a huff. "You should really read the fine print."

"I call bullshit. There are some people I closely know that have a lot of the same personality descriptions down to a 'T' and I don't consider that 'coincidental'." She responded back with a glare. "Even with some of the illustrations you did for your novel."

"I don't have to answer that. Like I said before that anything I had written down and drew for my work I did by chance and didn't even know about anyone I was writing was actually alive at some point." He told in half-truths. Naruto knew that he might meet some other doppelgangers of people he knew from back home. Reason why he put that little disclaimer in his novel for safety sakes if said people decided to come find him and ask questions.

She glared at him for a few more moments before softening up and went into a relaxed position.

"I believe you, for now. Don't think that I will let this one go since something tells me that something else is going on." Kushina said as she opened up the door to his office. She paused before turning back and pulled something out from underneath her sweater. Naruto tensed for a moment for an upcoming attack until he saw what was in her hand: one of his 'Orange Edition' copies of Icha Icha.

"While I'm here, mind if you could autograph this please?" She asked before looking away with a little blush. "Despite the situation, I actually like this piece of work here."

Sighing on what just happened, he went up to her and signed her copy of Jiraiya's work before she thanked him and left. As she did, Naruto saw some places on his office walls glow and disperse into water. The silver haired male had a guess that it must've been some water magic of sorts and that bit of magic on his walls could've soundproofed the room.

Looking around his office, he remembered the mess the fight caused and he decided to get things cleaned up.

-Later, Gotham Highway to Airport-

"So are you sure you have everything you need? We can go back now to pick up anything you missed at your apartment." Naruto questioned Pam as he was driving her to the airport.

After cleaning up his office, which was pretty quick with a handful of items needing to be replaced, Naruto ordered one of every children's book his company has and sent them to Cat at National City. He guessed that Adam will enjoy having those books as some form of make-up presents for him missing several years of his young life so far. Naruto will get the phone call or at least an email in a few days time that she got the large package of reading material.

Asides from taking care of everything else on today's 'to do' list, he had to make enough time to get over to Pam's apartment to pick her up for her trip. It was not easy trying to sort everything out on what he could quickly work on while what could be put towards tomorrow's workload. He hoped that this wouldn't be a trend that'll often happen.

Once he got to Pam's apartment just in time, Naruto saw Pam at the doorway with a duffle bag and a laptop bag around her shoulder. Helping her putting her luggage in the trunk of his car before making their way to the airport wasn't that much of a deal but couldn't help to be concerned and paranoid for her.

"Naruto, you don't have to ask me that after the first time you know."

"I know Pam, I just didn't want you to miss anything important for your trip and would suck if you ended up remembering it at either the airport or once you're over there. Happened to a friend of mine when I used to live in Metropolis that she forgot to bring some important documents for one assignment as soon as she got to work. Literally went nuts and made me go get it for her." He said as remembering one of the few times Lois forgot to get some assignments done on time for Perry. Man…. that experience was not pleasant.

"Hmm….You know, I would like to hear about you living at Metropolis sometime. I feel left out not knowing much on your past." The botanist said with a cute pout making the silverette cringe slightly.

"I can be fine talking about my Metropolis years Pam. You have my word on that. Of course it'll be brought up once you come back if that's fine with you."

"Good to know." With that she dropped the matter as they soon pulled up to a stop at the airport dropoff point.

He got out of his car and went to the trunk to grab her luggage as she got out seeing the various people entering and exiting the place.

"Have a good trip Pam." Naruto said with a small smile. "Hope your research over there turns out well with…..you know you didn't tell me their names."

"Oh right. Well their names are Linda and Alec Holland." She responded back. "And yes I hope this trip does well to further my research and possibly the same with theirs."

They kept staring into each other's eyes and didn't realize how long they were doing this action. Him seeing every detail of her beautiful emerald eyes while she inspected his intense, hazel eyes.

"I'll miss you….." Pam stated as she looked away with a slight blush.

"Same…" Naruto responded as he kept the heat from his face down.

Neither one of them knew who did the action first, but he/she pulled the other into a kiss that was soft and brought back the tingles back to the couple. Unlike their first kiss being an accident and brief, this one felt like something was missing coming back to them after so long with how it felt. It was starting to grow as Naruto wrapped his arms around her lower back as she hung her hands around his neck.

Slowly, Naruto felt Pam's tongue asking for entry as he opened up slightly giving her the opportunity. Their tongues slowly danced and both parties started to savor their tastes like it was their last. They slightly breathed through their noses taking in their scents, which made things more pleasant for the two.

Sadly, their kiss would have to come to an end as they had to break away to get air into their lungs, leaving a small trail of saliva connecting the two before it broke. They opened their eyes to see each other's massive blushes from not just their slight suffocation, which they didn't mind, to their first intimate kiss they just shared.

"That was…." She tried to say as she sucked in some air and cool herself off.

"Yeah…." He wasn't any better either.

They would've gone to back into their kiss but someone was honking from behind making them break their physical contact to realize they need to get going.

"Well I'll see you later Naruto." Pam said as she tried looking away from him but couldn't with their recent action stuck in her mind.

"Same here." He responded back as she picked up her things and headed towards the airport to get checked in and go through security.

As she walked off, he couldn't help but worry about her now if something might happen while she is away. He hadn't felt like that since last night when Minato was going to kill her…. with that…. lightning blast.

'Wait…..why did that disappear in the first place?' He thought. 'While I'm at it, what was that 'thing' that came up with Riptide earlier?'

His thoughts started to make him more curious than he realized and decided that he needed to see an old furball for some answers.. Naruto went into his car and entered but not before looking at Pam, going past the entryway, one last time. With that, he drove off to search for Kurama.

-Later, Kurama's Office-

"You know Kurama," Naruto said as he was staring at his former tenant, "it's not easy trying to find your place of business. It would've been better if you could've given me a card or something to help find you better."

After dropping Pamela off at the airport and giving her a nice goodbye, he went to find Kurama. He had one hell of a hard time trying to find the guy since there was no reference for him to follow. It took him an hour at best before he saw Kurama, by sheer dumb luck, entering a building. He had to use his old shinobi skills, minus the chakra, to infiltrate the building and find the buuji turned human. Now here he is with one women standing not far off from Kurama while the other person was hiding somewhere but can't place where exactly.

The one visible woman was a tanned woman with platinum blonde hair in a pixie haircut in a black, women's business suit with a green tie. She did seem normal if it was just that but the details that stood out were the tattoos sticking out from the shirt's collar along with the woman's eyes being very similar to a certain perverted, pale snake with the yellow slitted eyes.

"Well if I did make it easy, then a lot of my competition would find me easily and cause me problems early on. But for this one time I decided to let you find me so we could chat." Replied the hybrid as he was going over paperwork without looking up to the silverette.

"Yeah I'll talk about your 'place of business' a little later but first I want to talk about this." Naruto said as he held out his hand and focused a little as purple and blue sparks came to life in his hand before an sphere of blue and purple fire surrounded his entire hand.

"Ah….I was wondering when you will realize you had that." Kurama said as he stared at the 'trick' in Naruto's hand.

"When did you know?"


"Don't play dumb Kurama. When did you know I had this?" The publisher demanded before he shook his hand to fizzle the sphere away.

"When I last saw you at the gala Naruto. You were clenching your fist really hard to draw blood but as soon as it left your skin it evaporated away. I felt something coming from that form it being alive, yet at the same time it wasn't." He explained to his former landlord.

"So then what is it furball?"

"Well for one it's not chakra."

"Yeah no shit. I noticed that when I tapped into this when I fought Riptide earlier today."

"Other than that I absolutely have no idea. This is absolutely all new to me in all my years of existence. I have never seen that sort of thing ever or else I would tell you right here and now."

"Really, you're just gonna tell me just like that rabbit ears." Naruto said to get a jibe out of Kurama. All he got was a slight eye twitch on the little comment while getting the other two occupants in the room to laugh a little.

"Seriously, you had rabbit ears Kurama?" The platinum blonde woman said while getting Naruto to tell she must've had a heavy hispanic accent before getting it adjusted.

"That might explain on him rutting like one every night with us." came a voice from underneath the desk getting Naruto to facepalm.

"Seriously….you are doing that now, here of all places." the silverette muttered.

"Well you say that as if it was a bad thing."

"Oh just shut up and get her up from that position."

*Sigh* "Fine. Well Anko you heard the man." The hybrid said as he pushed his chair back and zipped himself back up. When hearing the name, Naruto had a sinking feeling on who he will soon meet next in the doppelganger list.

"Yeah yeah." The woman said as she got up from under the desk confirming his suspicions. If it wasn't for the attire being very similar to the platinum blonde woman then she would pretty much be a perfect semblance to the Anko he knew back in his home reality.

"Nice to meet ya Naruto. Name's Anko, at your service." she said in a chipper tone that the silverette knew all too well.

"Kurama….does she-" "Yes she does have the blood licking fetish. Let's move on." The hybrid said in an exasperated tone.

"So….what should I do now with this…power?" the silverette asked.

"Well since this is pretty much new to either one of us then the proper way is train."


"Yup. Research, train, meditate, rinse and repeat. It's what I would do in your position and possibly what other metas have done I think. So might as well do that."

Giving the human/fox hybrid a look before accepting that little bit of logic while giving out a defeated sigh of sorts.

"Ok so having that out of the way, mind telling me what is up with this place? With the guns and drugs?"

"Ah yes that."

"Mind telling me how you became a fucking crime boss Kurama?"

"Well if I told you then you wouldn't really like it."

"I'm already not really liking this at the moment. Now tell me what I want to know!" Naruto yelled out not getting either of the other occupants in the room to be fazed by the outburst.

"Ok fine. Well if you must know it was sometime after we had gotten to this world and we went on our separate ways. I needed a place to crash and needed to unwind some built up anger on something after what happened to us before coming here. So I ended up following this one thug to his hideout and killed all of his buddies before tossing out all unwanted stuff in there at the time. Turned out when I was 'cleaning house', it was one of the places for a human trafficking operation." Kurama said getting Naruto to frown on that bit but nodded for the hybrid to continue.

"So after I got the 'product' out of the place and they went to do their own thing, I decided to just go through any connected businesses and things eventually led to finding the crime boss behind it all. *Laughs* The Gato of this reality was still a piece of shit like the one back home. So once I killed him, I turned the entire business upside down and reformed it to my liking. Now before you ask, I'm staying away from school zones and kids since I don't want to deal with any of that shit." Kurama said to get that out of the way.

"So what are you just trying to do exactly? Being a kingpin of crime in Gotham by taking out a lot of the competition?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Sometimes if you want to take care of crime, you gotta control it." The hybrid said before seeing Naruto's look. "Look Naruto I know this isn't a good kind of business given your past experiences with Wave and other missions in the past but this is a necessary evil of sorts. If I want to help Gotham be a bit better than it previously was then I need to have this business to take care of this problem."

"So what's up with these two? How did they get into your employ?" Naruto asked getting Kurama and the two bodyguard girls a questioning look. "What….I'm just curious."

Kurama soon adopted a thinking pose as he was pulling things from his mind to the forefront for how he got his two snakes to be with him.

What…..He is around 1,000 years old. Give the guy some slack on having a lot of memories to go through.

"It was roughly a year or so after I had gained my organization when some of my boys and I raided a shipment of exotic goods from another mob thinking the merchandise dealt with more weapons, narcotics and museum artifacts as usual. We didn't realize it was at the time the one mob we were raiding was contracted by the Kobra Cult to deliver a shipping yard container to another city after it docked at the harbor. Once we got access to the container, we were surprised of seeing these two in inside of prototype cryo-pods.

It took a while to access the pods' logs and get a rough layout on what they are: brainwashed and experimented assassins to follow their contractor's orders and needs. After getting in contact through some of my informants, these assassins were kidnapped from either their homes or orphanages to be trained at a young age before being experimented on to become 'super assassins' or some stupid name that can't seem original. In a way, Naruto, they were probably put through a similar process as the ROOT program back home." explained the crime boss.

Naruto narrowed his eyes and growled in disgust thinking back to Sai when he told the silverette what he was forced to do in the ROOT program and how he dealt with it once Danzo was killed by Sasuke. He glanced at the two women and felt sympathy towards them on what they must've had to live with.

"Not wanting to deal with any further problems with them in my custody, I removed them from the pods while keeping them in a medical coma so I get the microchips in their heads removed. After waking up, they wanted to try to have a normal life but things got complicated when Cult members tried to get them back and were forced to kill them. Things lead to another and I ended up employing them into my services."

"And what about…..well Anko-" "Giving foxy a blowjob?" Anko blantly said getting the silverette to hesitantly nodd.

"Yeah….what was that about?"

"Oh for Sage's sake Naruto, you're twenty five years old and you published Jiraiya's porn for crying out loud. You can say words of the sexual nature all you want now." Kurama said while rubbing his head in slight frustration. "I mean seriously, how innocent are you?"

"LIke I plan on telling you that furball." Naruto muttered before focusing on the purple haired assassin. "So are you dating him Anko?"

"Yes I am! Even roped Coppy here into joining in our fun!" she enthusiastically said getting the platinum blonde to facepalm on her partner's enthusiastic nature.

"Anko….you don't have to tell everyone we meet that. It gets old and annoying." Copperhead said in frustration getting a laugh out of the other snake assassin.

"So if I want to find you next time Kurama, how can I contact you?" The silverette asked drawing away from the snake's little banter.

"Well unless your new source of power lets you hone onto other's life energies to make things easier to find me, then you have to do it the old fashioned way or I contact you."

Nodding at this information, he turned around to leave before waving the three goodbye. It easier getting out of the place with the guards not looking out for him while in alert. Naruto planned on possibly coming back here but from what he could tell that this was a temporary facility for Kurama's operation and will be moved sometime after tonight.

"Well….seems I'll be pretty much having no free time anymore now." The publisher said as he was heading towards his car.

He brought his hand up and focused a little causing the fiery sphere to surround his hand like before. "Now….I wonder what you can really do."

-End Chapter-

Guys I will stop writing this fictional if I not get the power stone more........

please support me

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