
Naruto: Blessed

Naruto dies because of mob attack and meets Kami. Kami gives Naruto 3 wishes. No more stupid Naruto.

Kulark · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter 4

Sitting on a sofa that looked old but still clean, Naruto crossed his legs and relaxed one of his arms on the sofa's <edit> and held a cup of tea on the other.

"So, Mr. Naruto…" the mayor started, sitting across the blonde, "May I know what valuables you were talking about?"

Taking his time, Naruto sipped his tea and stared at the mayor's eyes making the latter a little bit intimidated. "Gold…"

"I want to convert my gold into cash," Naruto said as he placed the cup down and willed a bar of gold to appear on his hand, "How much is a 400 oz of gold bar worth?"

The mayor was surprised and didn't know what to say after seeing the gold bar. From the looks of it, it was even pure gold. "If it was any normal villages, that gold bar on you hand would probably worth R500,000. However, our village has been down for the past few months because of the civil war affecting our economic growth, so I can only give you R400,000 for that bar." The mayor said dejectedly.

Naruto thought for a moment, he didn't really need gold since he had many in his inventory, he just really needed the cash. "How about this, I'll sell 40 pieces of pure gold bar to you for half the original price so that you can exchange it to bit villages," Naruto warmly said, "But construct a big platform on the center of this town, then build a flagpole with the flag in this design."

Naruto gave the mayor a piece of paper that had a drawing of a wolf snarling on it. "That'll be a sign that this town is under my name and protection."

The mayor thought about it for second but quickly agreed, a protection from someone rich would benefit them no doubt. "Deal..."

With that, after the mayor ordered his men to gather 10 million ryo, Naruto kept a 'few' thousands of cash in a bag and placed the remaining amount in his inventory shocking the mayor towards the disappearance of the ryo. "Well then, until next time old man." Naruto said and the mayor bowed gratefully.

The blonde then found a slightly run-downed hotel nearby the town hall, this was the best the town was able to provide. This was once one of the biggest 'Hotel & Casino' on the entire Land of Water but the economic growth was really low and people weren't able to afford to stay there, resulting on the lack of internal and external maintenance. 'Oh well…'

Despite the place being in such state, it was still the best the town had to offer leaving him with no choice but stay there for the time being. "Excuse me…" Naruto called the man that was at the reception desk.

"Ahh, another customer!" The man said excitingly, "this must be my lucky day!"

Naruto was about ask who the other person was but didn't get the chance as the man quickly told him the types of rooms the hotel have. Standard, Joint, Deluxe Room, and Deluxe Suites. Naruto rented the Deluxe suite for R2500 but before going to his room, Naruto stopped and asked the man, "I would like to talk to the owner…"

The man then sheepishly laughed and scratched the back of his head, "Sorry…" he said, "I may not look like it, but I'm the current owner of this hotel."

Instead of being shocked, Naruto smiled already knowing from the man's demeanor. "I would like to invest in your business." He said, "Both hotel and casino."

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, a pleasure to meet you." Naruto bowed his head a little showing his courtesy. "Where would you like to talk this out?"

The owner of the hotel was speechless and bewildered, he never thought someone would take an interest towards this place as to invest in it. "I… I u-uhm…'" he stuttered and swallowed his saliva and continued. "P-please follow me."

The blonde and the owner then went a hallway leading to the owner's office, "B-by the way, my name is Daichi Aizawa, how do I say this…" The owner, Daichi initiated. "I really surprised you took a liking towards my hotel, not that it's a bad thing but, can you tell me why you want to invest?"

Naruto was glancing everywhere his eyes could see until they reached the office, "From what I could tell, this place was once glorious and booming," he said while he then went to the chair in front of the owner's desk and Daichi sat on his'.

"I'll give you 10 Million ryo in exchange for 15 percent, how 'bout that?" the blonde said as to this point, he had already tripled the amount of money he had through 'duplication'.

"I would like to see this place rise and be one of the greatest luxury hotels in the world." Naruto proclaimed, while he stood up and went to a nearby window viewing the city lights, "Tell me, are you up for that?"

Tears were now streaming out of Daichi's eyes. The reason for that was because this place was previously owned by his father and made a promise to him that he will make this the best hotel in the world before his father died from a heart attack. Ever since then, Daichi was depressed and adding to the fact that the town's economy became so down that his business went bankrupt.

This man, Naruto, was his salvation point. He could now keep the promise he made to his father.

He will make this place the best hotel the world could ever see.

"Thank you so much, Naruto-sama!" Daichi stood up from his seat and bowed down to Naruto as the latter snapped his fingers and stacks of money appeared in front of the hotel owner.

"I'll be going to my room then…"

After arriving in his room, he was astonished to see the cleanliness the room had despite the hotel having little to no workers. "System, call Alucard for me please."


[Systems connected]

["Oi, Naruto. What do you want?]

"Sensei, how are you holding-up down there?"

["It's fun here! You should try living here sometimes!"]

"Well, hell isn't really for me. What level are you in right now?"

["I'm currently in the 60th level, it may take a little long for me to reach the bottom."]

"Well at least you're having fun down there…"



["Still don't want to be a vampire?"]


Naruto's current money in his inventory:


Kularkcreators' thoughts