
My Undercover Lover

Cherry, a young billionaire heiress who has lived a life of privilege and comfort. Cherry has never had to work a day in her life, and she is surrounded by people who cater to her every need. From maids for almost everything including basic tasks like brushing the teeth and bathing. But underneath her perfect exterior, Cherry is feeling restless and unfulfilled. She wants more from life, but she doesn't know what it is or how to find it. After an unexpected faithful encounter with a man whom lacked all the things she has. Cherry had made up her mind to do the unexpected by approaching him with a fake identity. Will she find love? Or will she chase love away from her when the truth about her identity is revealed?

Grim_Thred · Ciudad
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8 Chs


Sam's point of view"

Well, that was weird. I walked back to my apartment but I stopped and looked at her house for a last time before I walked away.

I pushed open my door and went inside my house, thinking about what just happened.

Sitting on my chair, I buried my face in my hands, she was a complete nuisance, a beautiful one at that. Her first day as my neighbor and she made me transform into her very own firefighter. How absurd.

I don't even know how she managed to mess up a simple breakfast, like how does a lady even live without knowing how to cook? Was that even possible? Was she going to live on fastfood for the rest of her life? And I thought I had issues with my lifestyle, clearly I had more hope.

Damn it! I'm almost late for work, her spectacule had made me forget that I had a job. I worked as and accounting director at a business firm downtown. Rushing up, I sped to the bathroom to brush and take my bath but even as I went through my daily activities, I couldn't shake the image of her out of my head.

"Fiona" I found myself muttering while in the shower with water running down my back.

She was a peculiar one. I don't think I've seen someone as interesting as her, she was beautiful no doubt and she had a great body. I said I wouldn't peek but I had seen enough just by the flimsy bathrobe she wore, I could make out the outline of her body underneath by how the bathrobe hugged her body tightly.

She was…

Oh my goodness, my mum was lying in the hospital, my life was a mess and here I was, thinking about how she looked without the bathrobe. I really needed to get my mind off that shit but I just couldn't. Uggh!

Hurrying, I dressed up and left the house, taking a taxi to work.

"You're late, Sam" Mr Jordan said, peering at me over his horn rimmed glasses as soon as I entered.

I nodded and slumped down on my seat.

"Sorry, something came up that I had to take care of" I said, dropping a pile of papers on my desk.

He grumbled something inaudible.

"What's new?" I asked, staring at him.

He shrugged

"You haven't heard?" He asked, his attention on the paper in front of him rather than on me.

I frowned.

"What's that?" I asked curious.

"Anderson corps. Signed a contract with the Spanish contractors" He said nonchalant.

My eyes widened. My firm had infact tried to get into a contract with those guys but they were so hard to get to. Wow, that must have taken them some time.

"Mr Anderson really thought this true. It's a good feat for his Company" I said aloud.

Mr Jordan looked at me amused.

"Oh, the man's out of the country" He said with an eye raise.

I frowned, then who did it?.

"Their daughter" Mr Jordan said cutting through my thoughts.

Wait, daughter? Weird, I don't think I have heard that they had a daughter. Well, I don't follow every news so I may have missed that out.

"They have a daughter?" I asked curiously

He nodded and returned his attention to the pile of paperwork he was attending to.

"Yes, she doesn't really stay in the spotlight. I heard she does her things from the shadows but she substitutes for her dad when he's busy, great lady she is. Something…Fiona? I think. I'm not sure, the media don't have many pictures of her because apparently she doesn't want to make an official announcement of herself till she's ready to take over the company" He said, his hand furiously signing some documents.

Fiona? She seemed like this business type of woman that was married to her job. She must be such a powerful person.

"How old?" I asked.

Mr Jordan gave me a weird look like 'How the hell am I supposed to know?' typa look.

"I don't know, Sam. I'm not her bodyguard. Probably her early twenties. like I said, I only know her name, Fiona Anderson. That's it" He said rolling his eyes at me

That name sounded oddly familiar.

"I'm Fiona" The lady had said.

I frowned, probably just a name sake. Like wouldn't it be absurd if a billionaire was living right next to me? She certainly didn't behave like one, she behaved childishly but however…. I looked at Mr Jordan.

"What's the possibility of having the same name with her?" I asked, leaning in closer.

He shrunk back, this weird look on his face.

"Look, Sam. I don't know what's gotten into you but you need to stop, you're making me worried. Face your work, will you? You're already lagging behind so try to speed up the work" He said.

I muttered an apology and faced my work. I was thinking too far, she simply had the same name with the billionaire, I wasn't even sure if that was the billionaire's real name. It would have been so weird to think that a multi billionaire would be living in an average estate. How funny would that be?.

I concentrated on my job for the rest of the day untill it was time to go home. I pulled a taxi outside and got in

"Sunshine estate" I said, relaxing my head after another tiring day at work.

About 30 minutes later, the taxi pulled up at my destination and I paid him and went to my house.

I looked over at her house as I unlocked mine, she seemed to still be awake, her lights were on but there was no sound coming from her house. For a split moment, the thought that she had perhaps killed herself while trying to do something crossed my mind but I quickly pushed it away, was it possible to be that clumsy? I didn't think so.

Going into my house, I first prepared myself a cup of green tea as I always did and gently sipped it as I went to sit down.

"This is great" I muttered as I sat cross legged on my sofa.

Now, I was used to the silence but after she moved in, I just felt that it was weird that it was still silent. Like why wasn't she screaming? Was she asleep? Her lights were still on so that was unlikely. Was she dead? Ahh, this was the second time I had thought about her dying. It's none of my business though so… only that if she was actually dead, I would also get entangled in the mess. I hated attention.

I went to shower, the cool water Did little to nothing in helping me calm down. I dried my hair and went back to my living room in nothing but a simple grey sweatpant, this was my idea of a causal dress. As I sat down, I got reminded of this morning when I was speaking to her.

She thought I didn't know but I did, she was checking me out, she did little to hide it also. The thought amused me but… my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my ringing phone.

I quickly checked who was calling ㅡ please, not the doctor.

It was Jane. My female best friend was out of town for a few days so I wondered why she was calling.

"Hello?" I said, picking up the call.

There was some static noise briefly before I could hear her.

"Yes, Sam. Are you home?" She asked. She was a really cute girl that I had met at high school along with Peter. Though I met her at high school prom, she was a nice girl that related well to me so I inevitably became close to her.

"I am. Are you back in town?" I asked, dropping my mug back to the table.

"Well, yes. I just got back today, "she said.

I let out a silent oh and nodded.

" Yeah, I'm home, what's up?" I said.

There was silence.

"I'm coming over.." She said,

I almost choked on my own spit.

"Tonight?" I asked. It was already late at night, it wasn't safe.

"Why not? Prepare popcorn, let's have a movie night just like old times" She said enthusiastically.

I chuckled. Just like old times.

"I'll be expecting you" I said and she mumbled something which I didn't hear before she hung up.

I smiled thinking about those times when everything in my life seemed normal, a far cry from how it was now.

I couldn't wait to see her again.