
My Undercover Lover

Cherry, a young billionaire heiress who has lived a life of privilege and comfort. Cherry has never had to work a day in her life, and she is surrounded by people who cater to her every need. From maids for almost everything including basic tasks like brushing the teeth and bathing. But underneath her perfect exterior, Cherry is feeling restless and unfulfilled. She wants more from life, but she doesn't know what it is or how to find it. After an unexpected faithful encounter with a man whom lacked all the things she has. Cherry had made up her mind to do the unexpected by approaching him with a fake identity. Will she find love? Or will she chase love away from her when the truth about her identity is revealed?

Grim_Thred · Urban
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8 Chs


Fiona's point of view"

He was staring at me with this look that said 'just how stupid are you?' but that was the least of my worries. I was freaked out, I totally wasn't expecting when the food caught fire. Well, I shouldn't be too surprised. Let me explain how this came to be.

I had just placed the pot on fire and tried to make some spaghetti then I decided to go have a shower. I know, I know, it was a stupid thing to do, I was gone for 30 minutes, the water dried up and the food caught fire.

The smoke had driven me out of the bathroom in nothing but a short fuzzy bathrobe and I started screaming looking at the mess I had created.

My first day alone was going horribly, I was so used to the maids doing the job for me that I realized that I hadn't bothered to learn how to do basic things for myself. I needed a lot of work on myself. I was a spoiled brat who had never done a bit of work in her entire life.

Now how do I expect to survive here for the whole month?

The man seemed oddly familiar, like I had seen him somewhere but where? I started replaying memories in my head while trying to remember then it struck me. He was the person who I bumped into at the club, yes the same person who I had said hurtful and rude things to.

How could this happen? If I were him, I would leave me to deal with my own mess as payback but no, he sped straight towards me and switched off the gas cooker without a trace of fear in his eyes. Those beautiful green orbs that made me get lost in them. His brows were furrowed in concentration and my eyes darted to his shirtless torso and I whistled inwardly, he was ripped, that kinda body that most men wished to have, he had it and I loved it. I wonder how it would feel if I touched it.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" I heard him say, snapping me out of my stupid thoughts. I was glad he snapped me out of them before I succumbed to the temptation and did something that I would regret later. No, I wouldn't regret it but it was still wrong and weird to go about touching people's packs. I just wanted to have a feel of it. Damn it, Fiona! Get it together!

I licked my lips, breathing heavily at what just happened.

"I'm fine, thank you so much" I squeaked.

He straightened up and looked at me through those mesmerizing eyes.

"You…" He was trying to place where he saw me and I began to feel queasy.

"I know you from somewhere" He said, squinting his eyes at me then he clicked his fingers. "Oh, you're the lady who I bumped into at that club. That lady who said degrading stuff to me. Aha! So we meet Again" His gaze darkened and I could feel his eyes boring into my soul. He was clearly pissed off and I didn't want to make him hate me, that wasn't how I wanted my neighbors to see me.

"Look" I said in a desperate plea. The last thing I wanted was for him to regret helping me, I wanted us to get along honestly. "I am so sorry about that night. I was in a terrible mood and I know I was being a brat to you and I'm so sorry for any damages my words caused to you. I didn't mean any of what I said" I said in a hurry.

He tsked.

"Including the part where you said your dress could afford a better life for me?" He asked with a raised brow. He was eyeing me skeptically, probably to see what type of person I truly was.

I shut my eyes tightly in embarrassment. Stupid mouth! Stupid me!

"That…was just a spur of the moment kinda thing, I'm not that type of person actually. Like I said, I was in a terrible mood and you just happened to aggravate my anger so I said all those…honestly if I had known that I would end up meeting you again under these circumstances…" I stopped there. He was staring at me like I was some kind of interesting specimen in a jar. Probably wondering how it was possible to give birth to a blubbering idiot like me.

"It's fine. I hold no grudges" He said dismissively.

I blew out a deep breath and bit my lips.

"Thank you so much. Mr…" I paused there looking at him expectantly.

He hesitated first before speaking " it's Sam…Sam Davidson" he said.

I smiled brightly at him and nodded.

"I'm Fiona" I said, not willing to risk him knowing my surname and complicating things for myself.

He tilted his head at my words and I knew he probably felt my name was oddly familiar, of course it was, I was the youngest billionaire in the country.

"Well, I'm your next door neighbor so…" He dipped his hand into his pajamas and my eyes followed them then my eye landed on the v that disappeared into his pants…Fuck!

I swallowed heavily and looked away flustered. This man was perfect.

"Next door neighbor hmmm…that's..uhh" That was all my empty brain could think of. I had gone crazy at his amazing visuals and body.

Was this who I'd live right next to for the whole month? He would be the end of me.

"Are you alright?" He asked, coming closer, his face etched with concern.

I took a rapid step back and almost staggered.

"I'm good!" I said a little bit too loudly. God damnit! What in the nine hells was wrong with me? Get it together, Fiona! You're not falling for him…because You've already fallen for him. How could I not?! Have you seen this guy.

He frowned at my weird behavior and his eyes roved round me briefly. Brief but enough to make me shudder under his gaze.

"I will leave you now…you should get some clothes on" He said, looking away like a gentleman.

I suddenly became conscious of the fact that my bathrobe was really short and exposed my thighs.

"Thank you, Sam," I said, nodding to myself.

He turned to go then turned back to me on second thoughts.

"Next time, why don't you just order food? Pizza? Steak? Order it, that's better because I doubt you know how to cook" He said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

My eyes widened at his words. He wasn't wrong but that was the last thing I would ever admit in this life.

"Of course, I can cook," I defended myself.

His eyes darted to the kitchen where the evidence lay and he looked back at me.

"Sure you can" He replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm making me scoff again. I was terrible at cooking and I knew that but it still hurt to hear someone say it. I wouldn't ever admit it.

"Just don't try to burn the house next time. Some of us weren't born firefighters so we can't help you put out every ravaging fire you start when you enter the kitchen" he said with a grunt before leaving.

I clutched my chest as he left, closing the door gently behind him.

He had scolded me but I didn't register that, I could only think about how I just finished talking to a Greek god. The girls had to hear this. I quickly dialled Nadia who picked after the fourth beep.

"Chickened out already?" She asked immediately.

I rolled my eyes

"That's not it, Nadia. The craziest thing just happened" I squealed, explaining everything that happened to her.

There was silence for a moment when I finished and I wondered what she would say.

"Hold up! You did what?! You almost blew your house off?" She asked surprised.

"So what?! He saved me" I said, my eyes dreamy as I thought about him.

Nadia snorted.

"Well, that testifies to your cooking prowess. So you going after the dude?" She asked.

"Uhhh, duhhhh. Have you seen him?!" I asked.

She laughed

"I think I'll pay you a visit just to see the guy that caught your attention" she said laughing

"I'll call you back" I said hanging up the phone.

I didn't hang up for a good reason, I just wanted to squeal again

"My knight in shining armor!" I squealed, stamping my feet on the ground in a flurry.

This is gonna be the best one month of my life!