
My Spider-Man System

TLW · Película
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35 Chs


Chapter 16

Once nightfall had arrived, Xavier soon forgot about his memory problems. Tonight, he would go hunting while Peter would start investigating Tombstone's activity. He was supposed to track down the different bases in the area, and that included other gangs if he found them. Xavier on the other hand would be experimenting with his shadow while completing his daily mission, which had changed the reward.

[Daily Mission: Defeat at least 10 criminals before sunrise.]

[Reward: 10 Shop Tokens]

[Progress: 0/10]

"One for one seems fair at least." He told himself, checking the time. After having dinner with May and Ben, then practicing with the new function of the shadow a bit, it was already ten at night. "It's about time I get to my patrol." Xavier mumbled, locking his door in case May decided to check on him, and jumped out the window as his suit covered him. 

Tonight, he was in the same general area as Peter. That was both because of Peter's task as well as to be sure he would be close enough if needed. 'You never know if he'll need help.' He thought to himself.

It wasn't long before he found the first group. It was a group of five, all wearing biker jackets and had Harley's out at the front of the shop they were breaking into. 'Yup, definitely Tomb's guys." He said from the other side of the street. By the time he had gotten there, they had already broken inside. 

"Not an ideal spot to test out my shadow." He said, eyeing the lights. Xavier had found that while in the light the ability would work to be more precise, it worked best in the dark. There, he had the freedom to do whatever he wanted with his shadows. "Plus- It costs less Ki while it's dark."

Xavier looked down at his forearms and channeled his Ki, mutating it with any shadow available on his body. The process went so smoothly that it lasted less than a second. With his shadow Ki now available, he moved a larger part of it to his back. From there, two large spider-like appendages grew out. After another minute, he soon had a half set of shadow like limbs, and the best part? They were constructs and the system recognised them

[New construct detected, Adding to catalog..] 

[New construct has been added and named]

[Shade Limbs- Spider (Incomplete) Cost: 5 Ki per Limb]

Now that the system took over keeping the construct together, Xavier could put more focus on controlling the limbs. He began to sift and move them around and found some things out. First of all, they weren't anything near perfect. They didn't exactly move how he wanted, the joints were awkward, and they weren't as corporeal as he wanted. 

"Though, I can probably just pump more Ki into them to fix that for now." He guessed. 

He was right. When he pumped an extra 5 points of Ki into each limb, they grew more solid as the particles packed tighter together. With functioning spider limbs, Xavier rushed in, right after making sure the limbs were dulled. 'I don't exactly want to kill anyone do I?'

Bursting into the store, there were two of the five right at the entrance. Xavier took the first before he could react, punching him square in the jaw to knock him out. Right after, he turned to the other guy and webbed his mouth before delivering a perfect kick that put him on the floor. Before his body could even touch the ground though, Xavier had jumped to the ceiling to avoid detection past what he had already done. 

Almost as if on cue, the other three came rushing over from behind the counter and the isles. "Hey! You alright Doug?" One asked. Two of them went to check on the men on the floor, while the last watched their backs. 

"There's some kind of web on John's face. Only on his mouth though…" One of the men checking on them said. 

"Yeah and Doug's got a nasty bruise forming on his chin. Come and look at this Steve, I'll take watch." The first one said. 


"Steve?" He turned his head to ask why he hadn't come over, only to see no one there. "What? Where'd he go?" He looked over to ask the other guy that had gone to help, but he had disappeared too. "Okay, haha. Not funny guys. Just because it's almost Halloween doesn't mean you should start pranks on a job."

"..." No response. 

"Guys?" The man said while getting up from his crouched position. He was beginning to think this wasn't a joke. Right as he had that thought, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning to see who it was, he saw an almost completely black figure hanging from the ceiling. The mysterious figure flashed his hands out and yelled at the man. 


"AHH!" Was all he could manage before he found a fist with his chin. 

"That was fun." Xavier said to himself. "I'm getting stealthier, he didn't even notice when I knocked out those other two." Before leaving to find more criminals to fill his quarry, Xavier bundled all the men together and left a note for the shop owners. When they come to the shop in the morning, they would find the robbers tied up with a paper note taped to one's forehead. 

-Sorry about the window above the door, Didn't get here until they already broke it.-

-Happy Neighborhood Spiderman!-


For note's sake the codename of Weaver is for differentiating between Peter and Xavier. If you have any ideas for Peter's you're welcome to say. I've got no clue what to call him. Also since many have asked, the brother's strength will begin to rise as they fight and use their powers more. 


Wednesday through Friday were the group's intern days. Xavier and Peter chose to go to Dr Octavious for his genius and the tech he was working on. Peter was doing amazing when it came to the neurologic effects of the prosthetics, more than his brother even if he had caught up in theoretical knowledge. 

Cindy had tried to follow them but Octavious refused her as he already had more than he needed with assistance. That left her with the only other option to go along with Miles into the programmable matter program. The project was led by Dr Donald Stuart, another middle aged university professor that Oscorp snatched up as soon as he was let go. According to Cindy, they were planning to join the two projects if it was feasible. 

Gwen and MJ were the only ones to go in different directions. MJ decided against the internship at Oscorp. Rather, she decided to take the jump at journalism and join the Daily Bugle as an intern there. She was having mild success there, but she told the group she was having fun. Gwen signed up for a broad topic, she had wanted to join anything that had anything to do with medical assistance.

 So every week she went to a different project to see what she liked the best. So far, she seemed to like overseeing a project that had to do with creating new medicines like emergency health vials. She was especially skilled with biochemistry just like Peter was. Xavier was surprised the two of them weren't dating already with how much they would drone on about the topic. 

Xavier had been making great progress when it came to learning his way around tech. Dr Octavious taught both him and Peter about the hardware and Xavier was excelling at both the hardware and software. With the experience he was getting from Octavious and the tutorials from the system, soon he would be able to create his own tech. 

'It's all a matter of time now. I've gotten some of my memories from the movies back now, at least through the independent films. Bits and pieces from the Avengers series, but nothing to do anything with. The events of the MCU seem to be happening in this universe with Stark tower existing. I just need to be prepared for what happens next.'