
School & Stuff

[First Person POV]

I finish taking off the last of my Dark Knight suit and place it on the mannequin in the large glass case in front of me, and go take a quick shower.

Selene was currently working full blast at making a Vibranium stockpile, beginning construction of the molecular forge and monitoring Klaue who was re-enlarged and placed in a med bay hooked up to various things that will keep him alive.

Klaue will be kept in this state until he arrives in Wakanda accompanied by the Kings nephew. All told Klaue and Eric should be back in Wakanda within three weeks.

As I shower I feel satisfied with how this evening went, I ended a bunch of vile filth, left evidence of their crimes for the police to find, apprehended the murderous thief Ulysses Klaue and stole a shit-ton of Vibranium. Very satisfied indeed.

I get out of the shower, put on some boxers and get in my King size bed I had put in my private room, it's about three am in the morning, I only need three hours of sleep these days thanks to unknowingly walking past a short sleeper (A person who only needs 3 – 4 hours of sleep a night, they're real).

It was convenient but annoying, I love sleeping in. As I'm drifting off Selene contacts me via my smart watch on my bedside table.

"Before you sleep I wanted you to know with all the tools and parts I'm replacing with Vibranium and Adamantium construction time will speed up a lot, the molecular forge will be done by Wednesday". She informs me.

A tired smile crosses my face as I thank her for the good news and tell her goodnight. She wishes me sweet dreams and I'm dead to the world.


[Third Person POV]

Joseph "Robbie" Robertson had been having a hell of a news day. He'd been given a story by one of their freelancers about a blood bath that had happened at private dock last night as soon as he'd walked into the office.

The police were being tight lipped, but his source revealed that a mercenary group had been on board when they were hit hard and without mercy. All men on board were found dead, minus the captain, who was only referenced in anything they found as "The Dealer", who was missing and presumed abducted.

They also apparently found a large stack of files that showed evidence of every crime the dead men on board committed. The validity of the files and the crimes there-in would have to be investigated.

What spooked the freelancer tho was what his source had described had happened to the men on board, from the sounds of it they never stood a chance. The source had gone pale when he spoke about a guy they found in the med bay.

He wouldn't say what had been done, only that it was one of the most brutal things he'd ever seen, even the lead C.S.I. was greatly disturbed by what they found.

The last thing of interest the source revealed was that there was a note left behind. It explained the files and was signed but the police were keeping the name tightly controlled.

To say Robbie was stunned would be an understatement; he hadn't expected this when Jonah had called him at 6 am and told him to get him out of bed.

Robbie would hand one thing to J. Jonah Jameson; he may be a miserable, cheap bastard, but he never made him get out of bed for nothing.


[First Person POV - Lex]

Sunday passed quickly, Selene and I worked on various designs and functions for the nano-bots we would create and I finalized my work on how the molecular forge would combine the Vibranium and Adamantium together.

Selene informed me in the early afternoon that she'd spotted Peter going to an abandoned warehouse near the waterfront, no doubt to train his powers and see what he was now capable of.

I hope he enjoys this moment I thought to myself, I then have Selene place two cloaked drones on over watch for both Peter and Ben. She would inform me when Peter was going to wrestle for cash so I could get to Ben and save his life.

I decide to do some more training myself and work with some Adamantium reinforced training droids I had Selene whip up for me yesterday. They were sturdy and hit like a truck, literally the force they hit with was like getting hit by a truck.


[First Person POV]

I walked into school Monday morning to see that word had spread about what happened at the dock Saturday night.

It seems all the reporters were theorising about the possibilities; a surprise cartel gang hit or a possible rival mercenary group starting some kind of private war, seemed to be the popular theories.

On that note, I have Selene looking into the most prominent reporters all over the globe. I'm planning on exposing the liars and deceivers.

I saw in my old world how much the media can divide people with their biases; I won't let that happen here. The biased and liars will be exposed and the unbiased truth seekers will be exalted, as true journalism should be.

In any case it seems The Daily Bugle is the one that got closest to the truth; their new, young freelance reporter is good. I think Eddie Brock has a real future there and he's only twenty-two, I swear Tom Hardy doesn't age.

He painted a grim picture of death and destruction, a little melodramatic but not untrue. He gave what facts he could, such as the evidence files left behind, and must have been told to omit others like the Dark Knight moniker.

Seemed the police weren't going to let my chosen name spread around to gain infamy, or it was a simple fuck you to me. A kind of, "we name you, you don't name yourself" kind of thing.

Either way I didn't care too much, if they want to give me a different name? Fine, if they end up using it? Okay. As long as they don't name me something fucking dumb, I'm cool. God I hope they don't name me something dumb.

I think I may let myself get caught on security camera from behind somewhere during the week. Maybe while I'm out on patrol? Having a dark, badass silhouette will surely get them to use my chosen name wouldn't it? I could make sure Brock gets the footage, he'd definitely run with it.

I'm brought out of my musings when I see Flash with a small strip across his quickly healing nose, trying to intimidate Peter, who was guarding something in his locker.

I was about to intervene when Peter looked like he'd finally had enough and punched Flash in the sternum, launching the jock across the hall and into the lockers opposite his.

A big smile appears on my face as I run up to Pete, slap him on the back, look at Flash who was just coming around on the floor and yell with happy excitement, "You just got knocked the FUCK OUT"!!!

I turned and looked at Peter, he still looked stunned at what he'd just done so before he started to feel bad I say, "Hey man well done you finally stood up for yourself, don't feel bad about this, Flash had it coming and he'll be fine". I knew Peter; his guilt complex has a guilt complex.

Peter looked at me and asked, "You're not freaked out that I just launched Flash across the hall"? I looked at him like he asked a stupid question and reply "Why would I be? I've seen weirder shit than that".

Peter looked at me like I'd just grown a second head but that quickly changed to a look of relief. "Thanks man that means a lot" he said, relief evident in his voice as well.

That soon changed to a worried look as he got in his own head. "What am I going to do if Flash's parents come after me with their lawyers"? He asked slightly panicked.

"Don't worry about that, they have been getting steady reports from a third party about everything Flash has done in school, along with evidence and lists of lawsuits and charges that could be brought about". I reply.

I'd had Selene do this to anyone that liked to bully and pick on others, no more hiding behind mommy and daddies wallets.

"How? What? When did… Huh"? Peter asked he sure had a way with words sometimes. "After seeing how Flash and his parents tried to handle the situation after I broke his nose, I got the principles permission to hire a third party to investigate all the bullies/problematic students in this school". I tell him, fudging the truth a little.

"Okay but why"? Peter asked still confused. "Because if I end up beating someone else's ass for bullying, their family will know there is evidence against their kid that would help prove self-defence, or defence of others" I explain.

"This will make them far less likely to try to take something to court" I finish. "Isn't that like blackmail"? Peter asks, it's a reminder that he's still a naive kid even though he's a genius.

"Not at all, they're behaviour reports, made with the principles blessing so the parents of disruptive students can discipline their kids at home; those that fail to take action will only look worse in court". I clarify for him.

The conversation fizzles out after this as Flash had dragged himself up and walked away while rubbing his sternum and coughing. His boys were buzzing around him; trying to help, trying to make sure he was okay and protect his ego like the pathetic sycophants they were.

"C'mon Pete, we got class" I say as I start heading towards our shared first class when I hear Peter say "Wait, I got something for you".

My attention is back on him when he turns to his locker and pulls out two pie boxes with clear lids. My heart fills with pure joy as he hands me the two boxes each with a delicious home-made pie Aunt May had made.

"Flash was trying to take these" Peter tells me as he hands them over. "Oh you didn't go far enough Pete, Flash is a dead man for trying to steal my pie" I say while staring at my precious's. When the bell goes I manage to make myself put the pies in my locker and head to class with Peter.

Lunch time rolled around and it saw me sat at my usual table with my friends. Peter was being fussed over by Gwen, they were gonna be dating by the end of the month if her actions were anything to go by.

MJ and Cat (Felecia) were having an engaging conversation sitting on either side of me. Apparently they had a lot in common and had become good friends, it was a pleasant surprise.

Cat had been there for MJ after she found out what had happened with MJ's dad and had spent Saturday and Sunday with her.

It was nice to see but still, their conversation was boring as fuck to a guy of any age. I distracted myself by stuffing my face with home-made pie. It was so god damn good!

Both Felecia and MJ looked at the pie with longing stares so I gave each of them a small slice and proceeded to hog the rest like a fat pig.

After downing a whole pie and two-thirds of another I sat at the lunch table, licking my lips with a happy, fat boy smile on my face. MJ and Felecia both laughed before they shared a look and then MJ grabbed a napkin and wiped off my mouth like a five year old.

Felecia laughed as I gave MJ a deadpan stare and said "You're lucky you're cute because you eat like a pig". I turned my deadpan stare to her and reply "First of all I'm ruggedly handsome and second of all, only with Aunt May's cooking".

MJ and Felecia both chuckled and shared another look that I could only decipher as long suffering, which is odd because I don't think I'm that tough to deal with.

The bell signifying the end of lunch rang out eventually and we were back to learning, or in my case brainstorming the optimal configuration for the neuro-link I will have. It will let me operate my nano-suit by thought.

The rest of Monday went by quickly as did Tuesday, Flash didn't give Peter anymore problems, but it would only be a matter of time before his dumb ass forgot what happened and he tried something again.

Gwen was now holding Peters hand in-between and on the way to classes and to lunch, that's quick progress. Maybe they would be dating by the end of the week and not the end of the month.

Wednesday was another matter altogether. My matter furnace would be completed by the time I got to the Cave tonight and I'd be able to make my first piece of Proto-Adamantium. It was a slow, tortuous day, even with MJ and Cat trying to distract me.


[First Person POV]

I got to the Cave around five thirty that evening and went straight to the workshop where the matter furnace was located. "Selene tell me it's done" I say in excited impatience, "Finished exactly one hour, five minutes and twenty-eight seconds ago" she replies.

If this were a cartoon my eyes would be sparkling in excitement as I approach the matter furnace, it was a ten-foot high futuristic looking box and was plugged into the giant arc reactor powering the base that Selene had spent Monday making.

"Okay Selene, input calculations and instructions, feed the Vibranium and Adamantium in and cross your fingers" I instruct her. "Preparations complete, beginning molecular forging" Selene states soon after.

The machine seems to hum and almost buzz while it's running before it suddenly stops and a microwave ding sound goes off. I'm extremely underwhelmed with the process but still excited to see how it turned out.

A large square opens on the front of the machine, steam pours out harmlessly to be sucked into an overhead ventilation fan. As the steam clears a sliding tray draws out from the machine.

On the tray was a football sized bar of metal, it was metallic silver with a slightly blue hue throughout and it was beautiful. I immediately pick it up, take it to a multi-spectrum analyser and have Selene begin running tests on the newly created metal.

As she's running the scans I can't help but think about how the metal felt in my hands, it was odd, lighter than I expected but it felt solid and unmalleable, even with my strength.

Selene interrupts my speculations and says "Congratulations Lex, your calculations were right, this is a new metal with the properties of both Adamantium and Vibranium. You have successfully made Proto-Adamantium".

"YES"! I scream as I jump a bit too hard and smack my head on the ceiling, "Ouch, dammit"! I say as I land and rub my head. "Selene did your scans indicate if you can work with it like I planned"? I asked hopefully.

"Yes I'll be able to start mass producing this metal and will immediately get to work on reinforcing the base as well as making your Nano-bots" She replied and reminded me of the immediate plans we'd made for the use of the metal.

"Awesome, how about the replacement parts for your server base upgrade"? I ask as a worker bot hovered over to me and took the Proto-Adamantium I offered it before it headed to the ore replication chamber.

Her hologram appears in front of my face as she pretends to act embarrassed and says "Don't you know it's rude to ask a girl about her servers"? She asks, putting on an act like an offended Karen.

I laugh and say "Oh please, I built those servers, it's nothing I haven't seen before" in a jovial manner. Selene laughs and says "Upgrades to my servers will also be administered during the base's upgrades.

"Good" I say with a smile, "This upgrade will be a massive boost" Selene appears happy to hear me say this as she replies "Yeah maybe I'll be able to out think you now".

"I'd be fine with that; it just means you can help me even more efficiently" I inform her "But remember, don't get cocky or overconfident" I remind/warn her. In any entertainment universe, be it Marvel, DC or any other, overconfidence and cockiness it a sure-fire way to catch an ass kicking.

"I wouldn't dream of it Lex" Selene replies sincerely. "Okay enough of this, let's go play with some Proto-Adamantium" I say excitedly.


[First Person POV]

It was late when I snuck in. As far as the staff knew, I got home and had been locked in my room all night. I knew they'd report to my parents if they found out I wasn't home, the snitches.

As I opened my bedroom door silently my Spider-sense went off and I prepared for an attack as I opened my door fully, only to see my furious parents sitting on my bed staring a hole through my head.

I immediately turn around to walk back out of the room when my mom yells, "Alexander Thomas Mercer! If you take one more step I swear to god I'll bend you over my knee like the disrespectful child you are"!

She called me disrespectful and used my full name, this is bad. I quickly turn around with a big, fake, innocent smile on my face. "Mom, Dad! I missed you so much, when did you get home"? I greet them.

The following conversation was tense and required a lot of acting (thanks movies) on my part but eventually my mom settled down from boiling fury, to simmering anger.

My dad was just worried that I was being reckless and required some reassurances, which I gave, of both my intelligence and ability to protect myself.

He didn't like being reminded of my, as he called it, "Addiction to fighting". I went through trainers like I did tutors; no one could last very long before I learned everything I could from them physically or mentally and they were let go.

Truth be told I was considering using my public civilian identity to be a famous fighter or something. I didn't plan to reveal my Dark Knight or eventual Superman identities to anyone anytime soon and I loved fighting.

Funnily enough Dana White existed here, and he's the proud owner and CEO of the UFC. I sent my thanks to the big guy for making a truly interesting world.

I'd been watching fights every chance I got because in this world professional fighting looks like a movie, it's spectacular. People could attain such mastery in fighting here that pro fights looked choreographed.

Watching the varied fighters of this world was awesome; Kung Fu and a bunch of other previously debunked martial arts actually work here because reaction times and thinking speeds were ridiculously fast.

Also getting a concussion was nothing here, your brain could heal from a tremendous amount of damage, case in point, there's no CTE.

No fighters slurred their speech, or slowed down noticeably mentally. Unfortunately Muhammad Ali still ended up having Parkinson's here, but he ended his career with a five fight win streak before his condition got too bad. He was still the greatest.

I came back to myself yet again; I tended to think in tangents, it was a habit I've always seemed to have. Luckily my thinking speed was extremely fast.

My parents and I spoke for a while, I talked them into seeing that I wasn't a helpless, naïve child. They didn't like seeing me as a grown up but since my body adapted to my Spider-powers I had grown to an imposing six-foot four.

I stare down at my six- two father and remember that I'm going to max out at six-foot six and smile. At this point my mother stepped in.

"Okay big guy, keep this up and I'll take your car" she threatened half-heartedly. "You can't do that, I bought it with my own money". I replied in mock defiance.

My mother suddenly turned serious and had a deathly sweet smile on her face as she walked up to me and said in a sickly sweet tone, "Yes you did sweetie, but you live under our roof and you will do as we say and show us the respect we deserve".

She had the look of a loving mother as she brought her right hand up to my face and put her hand on my left cheek. "You understand honey"? She asked with a small smile.

My Spider-sense was blaring "DEFCON ONE" as I looked down at her. I made a quick decision and smiled before saying "Yeah mom, I understand", placating the dichotomous ball of love and fury that was my mother.

My Spider-sense stopped blaring as my mother seemed to calm down again. We spoke a little more before they decided it was time for bed, we said our good nights and they left my room to head for their master suite.

I head to my bathroom, shower and then head to bed to get some sleep. I had agreed with Selene to wait till the weekend to come back to the Cave and take stock of all the changes we planned for her to make.

The next two days and nights were going to be so damn slow, patience may be a virtue but waiting still suuucks!


Releasing another chapter tomorrow.