
Chapter 1051 Sacrifice of Xuantian King

Chapter 1051 Sacrifice Xuantian King

"However, this may not be contradictory. The bodies of the two half-immortals, in their confrontation, both gained inspiration for a breakthrough..."

"Both have hope to truly shed the shackles of mortals and achieve the position of immortals."

"Tiandu Grand Mage is imitating the Immortal Realm, resonating with enlightenment."

"As for Xuantian King..."

Li Fan recalled the shattered memories from the Xuantian Law King in his mind.

"He encountered an accident during the breakthrough process."

Regarding the story of the Ten Sects of Immortality overturning the Xuantian Teaching, Li Fan had also inquired with Dan Xuan.

But this old guy was vague in his language.

He said he was also not clear, just somehow won the final victory in the war.

Just like the Xuantian Teaching lost inexplicably.

"Dan Xuan should have something to hide. But one thing is certain, apart from the Xuantian Teaching and the Ten Sects of Immortality, there was a third force involved in the downfall of the Xuantian Teaching."

"Swaying the Ten Sects of Immortality to rebel, utilizing the idea of taking advantage of Xuantian King to eliminate the traitor, and pushing the boat with the current. It led to this great war."

"The ultimate winner seems to have appeared to have gained control of the Immortal Path of Xuanhuang, the Ten Sects of Immortality. But perhaps Xuantian King is their true target."

Li Fan's thoughts were accumulating.

Thinking of Moru Bin's fear of the faceless true immortal statue, a bold speculation surged into Li Fan's mind.

"Is it possible that it was the fanatical followers of the faceless true immortal?"

"The impending Xuantian King is their sacrifice to the faceless true immortal..."

In these years of spreading the "Compassionate Immortal of the Mortal World" through the true immortal statue, Li Fan could say that he had witnessed the faith of those cultivators, from nothing to something, gradually becoming more firm.

The essence of the source can turn decay into magic, realizing many things that cultivators dream of.

Even in the Multiverse Union that Li Fan casually created and did not bother to manage, there were indeed existences that were truly fascinated by the power of the true immortal and offered their absolute loyalty.

Not to mention that in the ancient Xuantian Teaching, there were faceless true immortal statues everywhere.

Even if Xuantian King later discovered that something was wrong and removed the statue from the main altar of the Xuantian Teaching. But how could the statue in the cultivators' hearts be completely cleaned up?

Following a half-immortal whose attainment of immortality was uncertain, or following a true immortal, and even possibly an existence at the level of the "Nameless True Immortal"...

For the vast majority of cultivators, they would probably choose the latter.

"So after Moru Bin saw the statue I displayed, he lost trust in me."

After deducing a possible truth, Li Fan continued to speculate on the whereabouts of Xuantian King.

"There are two possibilities. One is that he has been swallowed by the faceless true immortal as a ripe fruit and has disappeared from the world. And the power of the faceless true immortal remains in Xuanhuang World, waiting for the next fruit to appear."

"The second possibility is that the faceless true immortal's swallowing failed. Xuantian King narrowly escaped. Those fanatical followers were all destroyed in the wrath of the true immortal and disappeared without anyone knowing."

"The second possibility is more likely. After all, in the current Xuanhuang World, apart from my branch, there is no longer any trace of the heritage of the faceless true immortal. If the sacrifice really succeeded that year, the faceless true immortal would have bestowed rewards, and they would not have stopped.

There was a slight sparkle in Li Fan's eyes.

"This is why Moru Bin is so determined to rescue Tiantian Mirror, even cooperating with me in the act. Perhaps he was already convinced that Xuantian King is not dead. And Tiantian Mirror must know his whereabouts."

"I see."

"Since disappearing from the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance that day, they have not appeared in Xuanhuang World. The shadowless puppet of the Doomsday Sect has not seen them, and they have not appeared in any place where Tiantian Mirror exists."

"They directly left the space of Tiantian Mirror's original body and appeared in another location."


"Looks like I need to figure out a way to meet Zhou Jian, the bearer of the transmission."

Li Fan once again focused on the white jade statue he had created.

Recording the voices and vague influences coming from the statue.

Comparing it with the records of cultivators in the Tiantian Mirror.

Trying to find a breakthrough.

The majority of the cultivators he identified were on the wanted list of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, presumed dead.

But after Li Fan's uninterrupted listening for more than ten days, he actually found someone who was not wanted by the Immortal Alliance and still maintained a normal status as a cultivator.

"So bold, not even afraid of implicating the family..."

Thinking this, but after checking the profile of this cultivator, named You Chisong, Li Fan found that this cultivator...

Might have done it intentionally.

You Chisong, an infant-stage cultivator.

Eldest son of the You family of Tianchen Prefecture.

Ten years ago, he had the opportunity to advance to the realm of Nascent Divinity.

However, his father gave the only "Heaven and Earth Will Birth Transformation" heard in the family to You Chisong's younger brother, You Chibai.

Crushing his hopes of Nascent Divinity.

This move even gained the support of the vast majority of the You family.

Just because You Chibai's aptitude was much better than You Chisong's.

Under adequate resources, You Chisong spent nearly a hundred years in the infant stage.

While You Chibai only took over thirty years.

The gap was too big, even You Chisong's mother could only sigh helplessly and comfort.

But You Chisong was not convinced!

Because he was the first to discover the information about the Heaven and Earth Will Birth Transformation, and then reported it to the family.

It was supposed to be in his pocket, but it was forcibly taken away and given to his younger brother!

Resentment grew in You Chisong's heart.

The bloody purge of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance gave him an opportunity to retaliate against the family.

By coincidence, he happened to encounter the transmission of Zhou Jian saving people.

Seeing this group of "rebels," he immediately came up with a plan to destroy the evidence.

He immediately kneeled and begged to join the group.

Seeing You Chisong's sincerity, Zhou Jian also brought him into her own private world.

Originally, You Chisong had planned to prove his identity as a rebel, and then voluntarily report himself to the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

But as he interacted with Zhou Jian and learned about her deeds.

And after spending time with his comrades.

You Chisong's mindset gradually changed.

Compared to the great task of rectifying and purging the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and causing the transmission bearer to return to her original intention, the trivial matter of a family involved in a Nascent Divinity cultivator was not worth mentioning.

Before, he was blinded by hatred.

But now, You Chisong had a more noble goal.

To restore peace to the Xuanhuang World!


Li Fan combined what he had heard from You Chisong over the past few days, easily deducing his mental journey.

(End of this chapter).