
Chapter 1052 The Opportunity in the Prison 

Chapter 1052 The Opportunity in the Prison 

In the private world of the Transcendent Law Week, almost all of the people of the clan were killed. Like You Chisong, there were very few families that were still alive.

Although they understood You Chisong's background, they wished they could bury his whole family.

However, since it concerns the safety of everyone, the followers of Transcendent Law Week still have some vigilance towards You Chisong.

This includes, but is not limited to: someone is always watching You Chisong and never letting him be alone. You Chisong is not aware of the secret method to open the private world channel, so he always enters and exits with someone else. For critical tasks, he is not allowed to participate. He is only assigned to start with the most insignificant tasks...

Even though he is treated with such discrimination, You Chisong still has no complaints.

Diligent and resentful.

His performance was seen by everyone, and gradually, their attitude towards him also improved.

One day, he finally had the opportunity to participate in a real mission for the organization.

"The target of this mission is to infiltrate the Wuxian Alliance's [Prison] and rescue a senior member who is being suppressed on the bottom layer."

"This senior member was also a member of the Transcendent Law in the past. But because of his strong and uncompromising character, he offended many other Transcendent Laws. Five hundred years ago when Senior Week left the Transcendent Law Council, he was also attacked and thrown into the prison."

"The Wuxian Alliance's Prison is located in the crack space in the central four states. It suppresses the most vicious and evil prisoners in the history of the Wuxian Alliance. They often have certain special characteristics that are still useful to the Wuxian Alliance, so they are not executed, only suppressed and guarded."

"The [Prison] is heavily guarded, but Senior Week has already arranged for an insider. We only need to pretend to be the Wuxian Alliance's headquarters cultivators, and present an order to bring out the target."

"The Tianxuan Mirror has been damaged in many ways, and the contact between the [Prison] and the Wuxian Alliance's headquarters has also been affected. We need to seize this rare opportunity before a new means of communication verification is established."


When the mission begins, they need to leave the private world. They will not carry any items with personal identification, so Li Fan has lost his sense of this group of people.

However, at the beginning of the monitoring, Li Fan infiltrated the You family and stole a drop of You Chisong's life essence.

Using bloodline resonance, Li Fan faintly locked onto You Chisong's location.

Quietly following behind.

The team of thirty cultivators were all dressed in black clothes that Li Fan was very familiar with. Even the aura they emitted was as cold and murderous as the orthodox black-clothed cultivators of the Wuxian Alliance.

"Transcendent Law Week, indeed has some tricks."

As they tracked them all the way to a deep valley at the border of the Four Central States of the Wuxian Alliance, swirling white clouds obscured the bottom of the valley.

The leading black-clothed cultivator took out a jade seal and projected white light into the deep valley.

The sea of clouds suddenly parted, and the cultivator team did not hesitate, entering one by one.

Li Fan did not follow them in, just observing from a distance.

From the bottom of the deep valley, the so-called prison, Li Fan sensed a hint of danger.

His goal was not to siege the prison. He just had to wait for them to complete the mission outside.

The execution of the mission seemed unusually smooth. 

Half a day later, the sealed sea of clouds opened again.

The team of thirty brought out an old man with white hair from the prison, flying out from the sea of clouds.

At first, everything seemed normal.

But then their speed of escape increased.

"Once we leave the range of the crack, open the private world channel immediately!"

The leader of the black-clothed cultivators suppressed his excitement and transmitted his voice.

But the white-haired Transcendent Law member they rescued seemed unaffected by his release. He just closed his eyes and ignored everything around him.

In the urgency of the situation, they had no time to explain. They just took the white-haired old man and fled.

When they finally retreated to safety, they were about to open the private world channel.

"Who goes there?!" 

At this moment, the leading cultivator looked towards Li Fan's location and shouted.

At the same time, a white sword light rose and instantly slashed towards Li Fan.

His companions also reacted, all unleashing their full power, attacking Li Fan with various spells and techniques.

However, to their dismay, all their attacks were absorbed and disappeared without a trace as they approached Li Fan, causing no impact.

No ripples were created.

"Who are you?" the leader of the black-clothed cultivators asked solemnly.

Li Fan slowly revealed his figure, ignoring him and looking directly at the white-haired old man, saying, "Don't be fooled by these people, senior. They are pretending to be Senior Week's people and staged this rescue from the prison just to gain your trust."

"The real Senior Week is dead!"

Upon hearing Li Fan's words, all the people escorting the white-haired old man trembled. 

The disguise of their grim atmosphere disappeared, and they became somewhat panicked and confused.

"You..." The leader of the cultivators tried to explain to the white-haired old man.

"Senior, don't be swayed by this person! I have Senior Week's token here!" he said, taking out a red string to prove his identity.

Faced with the standoff between true and false, the white-haired old man finally opened his eyes and looked at Li Fan, shaking his head slightly. "You don't seem like a good person."

"Senior Week would never employ someone like you."

He pondered for a moment. "Both sides are fake?"

(End of chapter).