
Chapter 1050: Master Wudao

Chapter 1050: Master Wudao

The paper man appeared suddenly when Li Fan attempted to use the rainbow jade to erode the Book of Wudao containing grey mold.

According to the paper man himself, this was some kind of warning mechanism.

After incarnating as the paper man, the Wudao sect did not completely ignore the outside world.

The paper man surveils the mysterious realm. When the external threats reach a certain level, the warning mechanism is activated.

The more serious the crisis, the more paper men awaken.

The grey mold released by Li Fan was still sealed within the rainbow divine light. So, the leakage of a little bit of energy only awakened one paper man.

However, once this paper man understood the current situation of the Book of Wudao and the mysterious realm, it made him wonder whether to awaken other sleeping paper men...

From the chaotic fluctuations transmitted from the Book of Wudao earlier, the answer was definitely yes.

There seemed to be some kind of restriction. After discussing for a while, most of the paper men in the Wudao sect chose to return to slumber.

Only the paper man called "Danxuan" remained, responsible for communicating with Li Fan.

Danxuan's identity was definitely extraordinary, bearing the fate of the entire Wudao sect.

Regardless of his various strategies, faced with Li Fan's repeated threats of world destruction, he could only compromise repeatedly.

Because Danxuan could see that every time Li Fan's killing intent surfaced, it was authentic. He genuinely didn't care about his own life or the lives of all living beings in the mysterious realm, intending to take them all down with him.

Faced with this unreasonable "madman," Danxuan was truly helpless.

At this moment, feeling the danger of Li Fan's thoughts resurfacing, he quickly appeared and tried to persuade him.

"You ask for help to find someone, and everyone refuses. It seems that your Wudao sect doesn't really care about the mysterious realm," sneered Li Fan.

Danxuan's face twisted in turmoil. "Young friend, I have said many times. It's not that we don't want to, but we really can't. We didn't expect the mysterious realm to expand so much during our slumber."

"There are too many blind spots. As a result, the overall surveillance system of the Book of Wudao has been affected. If we were to target a specific paper man, we could manage. But to oversee the entire situation..."

Danxuan shook his body slightly. "We would need to make up for those new world domains with paper men."

Facing Danxuan's evasion, Li Fan didn't believe it.

"Young friend, you want revenge against the Ink King and the Xuan Tian Treasure Mirror, I can understand your urgency."

"However, I'm afraid that nobody in the world understands the terror of the Xuan Tian Sect better than the elders of our Immortal Path sect. If it wasn't for the help of the Great Master of Tian Du back then, we would have had no chance."

"Inheriting the lineage from the immortal realm is not something that our native techniques in the mysterious realm can compare to."

Danxuan seemed to be recalling the power of the Xuan Tian Sect back then, and his paper body trembled slightly.

"Lost to them..."

"It's not unfair. Young friend, you don't need to be overly concerned. Of course, if you are determined to seek revenge..."

Danxuan paused, and then gave the same advice he had said several times before: "Why not go ask the Great Master of Tian Du for help? He will definitely be interested in dealing with the remnants of the Xuan Tian Sect."

Danxuan's tone was still sincere, as if he was genuinely thinking for Li Fan's sake.

"I can sense that the Great Master is still in seclusion in the mysterious realm. At his level, even ten thousand years would be just a moment of contemplation. I was fortunate enough to receive the Great Master's teaching in the past, and I can barely hold a conversation in front of him. If the young friend is willing..."

Danxuan coaxed gently.

"For those who can consider your Wudao sect as treasures, how powerful can they be?" Just one sentence from Li Fan instantly caused Danxuan to lose his composure.

But he had a deep composure, and quickly regained himself.

Ignoring Li Fan's disdain, he continued to persuade.

"We are not skilled in our art and have not inherited the Great Master's power, which is normal. However, the fact that the Great Master could compete with the Xuan Tian King and be evenly matched is enough to show his strength."

Li Fan continued to ridicule: "The information I found suggests that the Great Master of Tian Du was seriously injured after a battle and has been hiding and licking his wounds ever since? Still not recovered to this day?"

"Every few years, the Source Dao Province is consumed for ten years. That's his doing."

Danxuan was taken aback at first. "Has it really been ten years already?"

Then he shook his head repeatedly as he explained, "I don't know where you got your information from, but it's completely wrong. The Great Master went into seclusion not because of his injuries, but to attain enlightenment!"

"Enlightenment?" Li Fan's eyes narrowed.

"Yes. The closer you get to the Immortal Ruins, the slower time passes. The Great Master told us back then that this was a spacetime anomaly caused by the enlightenment of an immortal. If one has enough talent, they can use this spacetime anomaly to comprehend the enlightenment of the immortal." Danxuan's tone was somewhat regretful.

"However, none of us in the Immortal Path sect are able to resonate and comprehend the enlightenment. Only the Great Master..."

"The so-called disappearance of the Source Dao Province for ten years is an extreme slowdown of time. This should be the result of the Great Master's influence unintentionally emanating outward during his enlightenment. When we were sleeping, the influence of the Great Master's enlightenment only lasted for less than a year. It seems that in recent years, the Great Master has made some progress in his enlightenment."

Li Fan first absorbed the contents of Danxuan's words, then sneered, "If the Great Master is so powerful, why doesn't your Wudao sect go to him when faced with disaster in the mysterious realm? Instead of running and hiding like turtles?"

Danxuan seemed to be choked, unable to speak.

After a long time, he said softly, "Perhaps the Great Master doesn't care about our life and death. We tried to contact him before, but he never responded."

"He didn't respond back then, but now he does? And he keeps urging me to find him..." Li Fan's previously extinguished killing intent flared up once again.

Danxuan protested, "Things change with time! After waking up, trying to contact the Great Master immediately is a normal reaction, right?"


Li Fan's patience had run out. Without a word, he forced Danxuan back into the Book of Wudao.

"If you change your mind, call for me later. I won't harm you! The Great Master is kind-hearted..." Danxuan's words abruptly ended.

Li Fan pressed down on the Book of Wudao again, then fell into thought.

"Interesting. When Xuan Tian King fought with the Great Master of Tian Du, both Xuan Tian Sect and the Immortal Path sect had their own versions of the story."

"They both believed that the other was seriously injured, while they themselves had made a breakthrough in the great battle."

(End of this chapter)