
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Ciudad
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20 Chs


In the midst of the thick, swirling mist, two figures engaged in an intense atmosphere. The tension unfolded between Fanden and the red figure.

-Wretched insect...

The red figure growled angrily, and the pressure around Fanden intensified. Fanden felt as if his body would shatter into pieces.

What? Are you trying to forcefully expel me from this body? Do it if you can!

Fanden challenged the figure boldly. He was confident that the figure in front of him had been bluffing all along and couldn't do anything to him. Fanden believed that if the creature could forcibly expel him, it would have done so without engaging in this lengthy conversation.

The red figure was taken aback; the erratic red hues behind the fog ceased their movement. However, the moment of silence from the figure was short-lived, and the red figure burst into joyous laughter!

-Kukuku... expel you? No-no, I won't do that because I'd rather enjoy tormenting you and slowly devouring you.

Then, the atmosphere changed drastically. The mist that had been thickening and darkening engulfed Fanden as if swallowing him, and the gleeful laughter of the red figure filled the entire subconscious realm. The mist's vapor began to envelop Fanden, making him feel suffocated, as if trapped in endless darkness.

-Kukuku... revel in the body you've acquired, Fanden. Enjoy it while you can! But remember this, I will always be here, savoring pieces of you slowly... hahaha!

"Huaa!" Suddenly, Fanden woke up startled in his bed. His breath was labored, and sweat covered his face. His eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for the red figure and mist, but the reality was that he was in his own bedroom.

What was that just now? A dream? It felt so realistic...

I can't remember for sure; my vision was blurry... so it must have been just a nightmare.

With breathless gasps, Fanden tried to reassure himself that the intense conversation with the red figure and the tense atmosphere had been nothing more than a bad dream. However, traces of silence and tension lingered in his mind, leaving unanswered questions.

"Bro, what's wrong? Why did you scream?" Wenny asked with concern.

Wenny, who had been cooking breakfast in the kitchen, was suddenly startled by the loud scream from the bedroom.

In panic, Wenny immediately ran, still holding a spatula and wearing an apron. Wenny even ran into the bedroom, leaving the gas stove burning in the kitchen!

"Oh, it's nothing. I just had a bad dream."

"Is that so? Please don't do that again. You scared me," Wenny said irritably. Wenny then walked back to the kitchen, finishing the cooking before it burned!

Look at his face earlier; he was genuinely worried about me...

Fanden took a deep breath, calming his mind before standing up from the bed and tidying it.

"Alright, all neat. Now it's time to shower!"

Fanden went to the closet, pondering which outfit to wear for work.

Which one is good... I want to look cool but not too expensive...

Fanden continued rummaging through his wardrobe until he finally found the outfit he would wear that day.

Fanden looked at the clothes with satisfaction.

Here it is! he thought.

Fanden chose a pair of worn-out dark brown trousers, and then he picked a cream long-sleeved shirt and laid it on the table.

He then took a pair of brown leather boots that had started to fade. He put them on carefully to avoid making any noise.

"Hmm, seems suitable," Fanden murmured while looking at himself in the mirror. Fanden then took off his shoes again and placed them under the table.

When Fanden finished choosing his clothes, he walked straight to the bathroom, turned on the tap, and splashed his face with cold water to refresh himself. Then Fanden turned on the shower, feeling the cold and refreshing water, making him feel more relaxed.


After the shower, Fanden returned to his room and dried his hair with a towel. He then put on the carefully chosen clothes.

"I'm ready," Fanden said, looking in the mirror again.

After the shower, Fanden returned to his room and dried his hair with a towel. Then he began to put on the clothes he had carefully selected. The clothes were chosen with precision, making Fanden feel confident. He felt cool and professional in that outfit.

Fanden then walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Wenny had finished cooking and was waiting for him. On the dining table, there were two plates of warm omelets.

"Good morning," Fanden greeted.

"Good morning. The omelettes are ready. Let's eat," Wenny invited.

Fanden and Wenny began to eat the omelets. They tasted delicious, and Fanden enjoyed them heartily.

"The omelette is really delicious, Wenny," praised Fanden.

"What's with the small talk? Did you catch a fever from having a nightmare?" Wenny replied with a sarcastic expression.

"What small talk? The omelette is genuinely good."

Wenny still looked at Fanden with a cynical expression, then quickly shifted her attention back to the omelette and finished it promptly.

After breakfast, Fanden and Wenny prepared to go to work. Fanden put on his shoes and then grabbed his work bag. Wenny was also ready in her uniform.

"Isn't your uniform too tight?" Fanden asked. He noticed his sister's body being emphasized by the tight uniform.

"This is the standard, bro. Other security officers wear the same uniform as mine," Wenny replied.

"No, I think the uniform is really tight," Fanden commented, still staring at his sister's worn uniform.

"Enough, bro. Let's go," Wenny said, feeling uncomfortable with her brother's gaze.

"Alright," Fanden replied.

Fanden and Wenny then walked out of the house. They walked to the bus stop.

At the bus stop, they met their friends who were also heading to work. They chatted for a while before the bus arrived.

The bus arrived, and Fanden and Wenny boarded. They took seats that were vacant, and the bus began its journey.