
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Urban
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20 Chs

The red figure

Fanden surveyed his surroundings engulfed in thick white mist with a perplexed gaze.

Where is this?

he questioned when everything around became indiscernible and touch seemed nonexistent.

Doubt enveloped his mind,

Am I dead? But that's not possible; I can't be dead again after just transmigrating.

Surprisingly, Fanden checked his body, observing its tangible form and the ability to move it. This was vastly different from the transmigration sensations he'd experienced before.

I feel no pain, and my body is visible. I can touch the ground with my feet. It seems I'm not transmigrating anymore. So, what kind of condition is this?

Fanden asked with a bewildered and anxious expression. His current situation was vastly different from before.

Unlike transmigration, Fanden felt no sensations of pain or paralysis. Currently, it seemed as if his body or consciousness had been transferred to a place shrouded in this mist.

Where am I?

he exclaimed with irritation, attempting to comprehend the mystery behind the recent experience.

- Who are you?

Suddenly, a red figure emerged from behind the dense fog, questioning Fanden.

Confused by the appearance of the unclear figure behind the mist, Fanden struggled to respond. He was startled!

- I asked, who are you?

Hearing the repeated question, Fanden wanted to reply, "Who are you?" However, he restrained himself from saying so. More precisely, Fanden feared expressing such words!

The figure behind the mist, currently displaying an intimidating presence, seemed capable of devouring Fanden at any moment!

I am Mazel Defanzen...

- Don't lie! You are not him; your souls are clearly different.

Even though the thick white fog obscured the figure's expression, it could be inferred that the figure was angered by Fanden's response. The figure was enraged because Fanden claimed to be Mazel.

Holding back his fear due to the pressure emanating from the figure behind the fog, Mazen inquired,

What do you mean by different souls?

- Do you want to play tricks on me? Do you think I'm foolish, unable to distinguish the original owner of this body?

A red aura writhed from behind the thick fog; the swirling red seemed to express the emotions of the figure behind the mist.

Fanden swallowed hard; he hadn't expected to be immediately identified as someone else behind the white mist. However, when the figure behind the mist said "the original owner of this body," Fanden then deduced his current location.

So, I'm currently in the subconscious realm.

Feeling relieved that he wasn't dead again, Fanden speculated that his body was probably asleep in real-time.

- Are you surprised that I know you're a stranger who entered this body? Now you can't pretend to be the owner of this body, so reveal who you are.

Fanden stared directly at the figure behind the mist.

I am Fanden, the new owner of this body.

-Hahahaha, daring to claim such. Aren't you afraid of me?

The red figure taunted, while the pressure from the figure intensified, and many red hues began to writhe, enveloping the white mist and turning it red!

Stunned, trembling in fear, trying to signal to Fanden not to resist further. The immense pressure made it seem as if time had stopped around Fanden, locking his movements!

Fanden, fortifying his resolve and attempting not to succumb to fear, stared directly at the now-reddened mist.

Who are you to make me afraid?

Fanden asked firmly, trying to conceal his fear behind a facade of courage.

-How dare you! I am the original owner of this body, not you!

The red figure, now even angrier, shouted loudly. The red hues writhed further, creating deadly pressure around Fanden.

Fanden was stupefied, his body trembling with fear, trying to convey that he wouldn't resist further. The surrounding pressure made time seem to stand still, restricting Fanden's movements!

Fanden, strengthening his heart, attempted not to back down.

"I am Fanden, the new owner of this body. If you want to know about me, tell me what really happened and why I am here!"

-Hahaha, you dare to claim that. Aren't you afraid of dying in my hands?

Mocked by the red figure, while the pressure continued to make Fanden feel constricted.

Though frightened by the figure's recent words, Fanden gathered his courage.

I'm not afraid! I want to know why this is happening, why I am in the subconscious realm. Explain it to me!

The red figure laughed mockingly, and the pressure around Fanden became even more frightening. Fanden sensed an unexpected force attempting to control his every movement.

- There's nothing you can do here, Fanden. You are just an uninvited passenger. This body belongs to them, and you are an unwelcome guest.

Fanden tried to remain calm despite the increasing pressure making it difficult for him to breathe.

If I'm just a guest, tell me why I'm here and what you aim to achieve by bringing me here?

The red figure emitted an aura even more terrifying.

-Hihihi... Do you think you can get answers by talking like that? You have stolen this body, and now you must face the consequences.

Fanden, with a growing determination, prepared to face whatever would come. Locked within the subconscious realm, he was determined to defend his existence.

Why do you say I stole it? As far as I remember, I never stole this body.

- Dare Insect...