
Chapter Two Hundred

Third person POV

George arrived at Sarah place and Josh who is in the sitting room watching a TV show was surprised to see him here. Hey bro this unexpected visit, hope all is well? He asked. Yeah all is well, where is Sarah? George asked him. She is inside her room you know your way there, Josh said to him and went back to his TV show he was watching. George went upstairs, he arrived at Sarah room and knocked on her door. Sarah without any knowledge that George is the one at the door ask him to come in with the thought that her brother is the one knocking.

That Josh want to check on her and she is wearing her short short that accentuated all her curves. George entered the room he was stunned at the beauty that is lying on the bed, he want to pounce on her at that moment and forget about all their trouble but he reminded himself that this is not the reason why he is here. He cleared his throat to get Sarah attention, Sarah turned towards the sound and was shocked to the core to see George standing in her room. That is when she became conscious of what she is wearing.

Hi George, what are you doing here? You did not tell me that you are coming, Sarah asked trying to cover how embarrassed she is with the situation she is in now. Yeah am sorry about that, is just that I was eager for us to talk,George said. Talk about? Sarah asked feigning to be confused of what he is talking about. Cause she is afraid of what she will hear him say that's why she want to pretend. I want us to talk about yesterday, George said. Okay what about yesterday? She asked. First I want to apologize for what happened yesterday, I know you are not happy about it so accept my apology, George tender his apology.

Okay you said first, what is the second? Sarah asked cause she is curious to know what he have to say. Okay second is that what that lady was claiming yesterday, am hundred percent sure that she is lying, I believe deep in my heart that this is a set up maybe someone is taking their revenge on me or someone want to destroy our relationship, so he or she is using this tactics, George explained. Sarah was relieved to hear that she and George have the same thought.

So what do you intend to do now? Sarah asked him. I intend to find the person that want to ruin my relationship and also want to know why he or she is doing this and am strongly suspecting Anna, George said. Same here she is the one am suspecting but in this kind of thing we can't be too sure the unexpected might happen, Sarah said. George held her hand and plead with her. Sarah I want you to promise to stick with me while I try to find out who is trying to mess me up and there is a possibility it will be bumpy but promise not to leave until the truth is unveiled. I promise George, Sarah promised and sealed the promise with a breathtaking kiss.