
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Nine

George POV

I suspected the same thing Max, I think someone want to play games with me but who could that be? I asked out loud. Maybe someone that is jealous and want to break apart what you have with Sarah or perhaps someone that want to take his or her revenge on you, Max answered. There is sense in what Max just said, maybe this is a revenge and it could be only Anna, now she is coming indirectly, she is no longer stalking Sarah but still have other ways to take her out without people pointing accusing fingers at her. So dude how do you intend to go about solving this mystery? Max asked.

I think I will start with investigating her background cause I want to know who am dealing with here, I told Max. That's a good start, you have to call Aunty Rose to investigate her, she will be more faster, Max suggested. I will do that, thanks for being there for me, I thanked him. That's nothing bro, Max said and stood up. Bro I need to leave, I have to pick Ella from Sarah place we have somewhere we need to go, Max explained to which I understand perfectly well. They are new couple and they should enjoy it as much as they can.

Max left and I prepared breakfast for myself, I need to eat in order to have something in my stomach to be able to have the strength to face Aunty Rose. I called Aunty Rose to know if she is free so that I can come and see her. To which she told me that she is going somewhere, so if the reason why I want to see her is really important then I should meet her halfway. I quickly jumped into the shower and I showered as quickly as I can and get prepared and headed to where aunty Rose said we should meet.

The meeting place is somehow romantic, is Aunty Rose aware that this place is like this before asking me to come here and see him. I bet people inside here is thinking that am dating her but that's not why am here let's focus on the reason why am here. Hi Aunty, how are you doing? I inquired. Am good, so why do you want to see me? Are you in any trouble cause you look troubled? Aunty Rose asked looking intently at me. Yes am in trouble Aunty, my past came calling, I said to her. Can you explain what you are trying to say cause I don't understand one bit, Aunty Rose said.

I told her everything that happened yesterday while she listen so attentively to all that am telling her. Aunty Rose smirked when I finished narrating my ordeal. I always know that your past will come calling but I never anticipated it this way, Aunty Rose stated. Aunty do you agree with me that this is all set up? I asked her cause her opinion is highly valued now. Are you sure that you always use protection while at it? Aunty Rose asked. Yes am hundred percent sure of that, I told her.

Okay I think that this is a set up but you know another thing I think is that she is not working alone, somebody somewhere is sponsoring her, Aunty Rose said exactly what on my mind. I have the same thought and I highly suspect Anna, since we get a restraining order on her she resort to this tricks, I told her. That's a good point there George but that's not enough cause when the result will be out you will be shock to know that the person you suspected and sure that she is the culprit is actually not the culprit, Aunty Rose said.

So Aunty what am I going to do now? I asked her. For now I will advice that you go and see Sarah and assure her that you love her no matter what happens you will be there with her, Aunty Rose advised. Ewww Aunty you are sounding so romantic and it's not sounding like you for one bit, I teased her. Shut up you still have the time to play around right? Aunty Rose asked using her stern voice. No am sorry won't joke with you again, I told her while trying to hold my laughter.

I will need all the data you have about this Lisa girl, so that I can start working immediately, Aunty Rose said. I gave her Lisa name and the contact she gave me cause that is the only thing I have about the mysterious lady. Is that all you have here with you? Aunty Rose asked. Yes that's all I got about her both here and at home, I told her. She nodded her head and put them inside her purse. I stood up to leave and also thank Aunty Rose for accepting to help me. 

Make sure you see Sarah and settle things with her, she reminded me before I left. As I was leaving the place I bumped into Fred, that explain why aunty is glowing and smiling a lot, so she is here on a date. Aunty Rose should thank her stars that am heading somewhere important if not I will go back and tease her. I left the place and headed to my house to get myself together so that I can be able to face Sarah. I was still looking for the perfect cloth to wear when my phone dinged indicating message.

I opened the message and it's a message from Lisa asking me when will be the convenient time for me to go for the test." Am still busy now but I will contact you with the date when am through with what I am doing". I replied her back. I want to stall her so that Aunty Rose will have enough time to gather the necessary information she will need.