
Chapter Two Hundred and One

Third Person POV

Rose have been working nonstop to know who the Lady is and who she is working for or working together with, one thing is certain she is not working alone. If there is one thing Rose want is to see Sarah and George end up together and the fact that someone somewhere is trying to sabotage the whole thing doesn't sit well with her. Rose have collected a lot of information about this Lisa of a person, the people she communicate with but something is fishy about her, for the past two weeks all her call logs have been cleared.

Which means whoever she have been speaking with for this past two weeks must be the person they are looking. Guess the person don't want to be traced but Rose is sure that somewhere there must be a crack all she need to do is to look for it. From the information Rose have gathered so far, George and Lisa do have a one night stand in the past. But the mistake Lisa made is that she did not check the date that she gave birth and the date she have the sexual encounter with George before accepting this deal.

Or maybe they don't think that George will pay attention to that details or even try to remember the date of the sexual encounter. Of course every sensible person will pay attention to every little details cause it's really important for issues like this. Rose gathered all the files and walked to George office, she knocked at the door and she was asked to come in. She walked in to see Sarah sitting on George laps but you can tell that the poor lady is trying to stand cause she is so embarrassed that Rose walked in to see them in that position.

But Rose don't care about that in fact she is so happy that they did not allow what is happening now to break them. Don't you think it's proper for me to go back to my office so that the both of you can discuss what you want to discuss? Sarah asked cause she is eager to leave the office and she is also embarrassed with the position she is currently in. No I don't think that will be necessary, whatever Aunty Rose want to tell me, I think you should hear it too, George said stopping Sarah from standing up.

Sarah looked at Rose thinking that the latter will support her but got disappointed at the end. I second what George said I think you should stay cause what am about to tell him is for your own ears too, Rose said. Sarah shrugged her shoulder in defeat cause it's very obvious that she is not winning the both of them in this argument. Okay Aunty what do you want to tell us? George asked cause he is anxious to know what Rose want to tell them, he have this feeling that it have to do with what he asked her to investigate.

Well I started investigating this Lisa of a person and I must say that there is a lot of interesting things about this issue that you too need to know, Rose said to them. Sarah and George nod their heads encouraging Rose to go on with what she want to say. Well you really do have a one night stand with Lisa, you guys met at one of the clubs you frequent back then and she have a child, Rose said trying to know what George reaction will be and she expected that George already know this detail.

I already know cause her face seem familiar to me, but I don't think that is the only thing you want to tell us, George said. No that's not the only thing I want to tell you from my investigation I found out that the date that she gave birth and the date the two of you had sex does not correspond, Rose told them. What do you mean by does not correspond? George asked with confusion marred on his face while Sarah looked on with curiosity cause she is eager to know what next Rose will say.

Well from the date you guys have sex to the date she gave birth is eight months, which means........ She is already one month pregnant, Sarah and George chorused together. This is unbelievable, I can't believe this, if she already know this why is she insinuating that I might be the father of her child? George asked. It's simple she want to set you up or someone pay her to set you up, Rose pointed out. But she don't look like someone that could be bought with money, I mean she looked wealthy to me, Sarah pointed out her observation.

My dear looks could be deceiving cause from my investigation, I was able to get an important information that is suggesting that she is doing this for money and she is not real, I found out that she is owing a lot of people and she is in dire need for money and this child she is claiming that might be your child need a kidney transplant as soon as possible and she need money to do that, Rose explained. I see, was the only thing Sarah could utter cause she understand how desperate this Lisa is right now and one evil person is manipulating her situation for the person selfish goal.

So Aunty tell me what do you suggest I do? George asked. I think you should go ahead with the test and if the result turned out to be that you are the father of the child then you can present all this fact before her, maybe she will be force to say the truth then, Rose suggested. I think best thing to do is after presenting the facts before her you should offer to help her with her child health, I don't think she will be able to hold back from telling you the truth, Sarah chipped in her own idea.