
Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Two

Third Person POV

Sarah closed the door and walked back to where others sat and sat beside Ella, everyone in the sitting space was looking at her eagerly waiting for her to tell them who was at the door. But Sarah was quiet cause she is still angry that sly lady have the gut to look for Max in their suite, Ella who can't help her curiosity decided to ask Sarah the question that is in everyone's mind. Who was at the door? Ella asked. Oh I totally forgot about it, just a lady that got the wrong suite number and don't worry she already called the person she is here to see and she have gotten the correct suite number, Sarah lied to them cause she don't want them know who is really at the door.

They focused on the movie they were watching while they fully believed what Sarah told them. Max, George, Ella and Sarah set out for High Rooftop lounge when evening finally arrived, Ella and Sarah are so eager to see the place. Sarah on her own want to witness the beautiful view her best friend was talking about. They arrived at the High Rooftop lounge of Venice's hotel Erwin, they were directed to the Rooftop after making sure that they really made a reservation. When they arrived there they were amazed at the sight before them.

Ella can't help but reason that the Internet did not do justice to this place, cause this place exceed her imagination and expectations. The place is so fascinating, George and Max was so awestruck. How did you find this place? George can't help and ask Ella. I find it on Google and am glad that I decided to try it out, Ella answered smiling proudly at her self cause the reaction she is getting from them is satisfactory to her. The High Rooftop lounge is a warm and cosy bar with craft cocktails and tasty tapas. There you can have a perfect view of the sun setting.

Wow we can actually sit down here and watch the sun set, Sarah commented. Yeah that's true that is why I told you that this place have the best view and watching the sun set is not the only beautiful view you can view here, Ella told them. Sarah who is so eager to see everything that need to be see, what are you still waiting for? You are the one that googled about this place, so show us what we need to see in order to enjoy our stay here, Sarah urged Ella to show them around. Why don't we get drinks first then we will enjoy the view while drinking at the same time, Max suggested.

They all agreed with Max and walked towards the bar to get their drinks, every one of them ordered what they want to drink. When they have gotten their drinks, they all move towards the first place. Sarah gasped at the first view she set her eyes on, wait is that really an island? She asked cause she always want to visit an island but never got the opportunity to do so. Yes that's Catalina Island, Ella answered. Wow it look so lovely, Sarah commented with admiration. George noticed the look of admiration in Sarah eyes.

Do you like that island? George asked. Sarah turned to him and smiled, yes, I like Island but I never been to one before and I want to visit it but I never got the opportunity, Sarah answered. What do you think of going there tomorrow? George asked cause he is determine to ensure Sarah happiness. That will be great babe, I will love to, Sarah answered enthusiastically. George assured her that they will visit the place, while others were enjoying the view George was busy on his phone looking for the right route to take while going to the Island.

 There is Santa Monica Pier, Getty Museum we visited the other day and look further you will see Hollywood Hills and Century City, Ella explained to them while pointing at them according to the way she saw it on the map. Wow, I did not know that Getty Museum is this beautiful, Max commented in amazement. I think it look more beautiful when you look at it from afar, am not saying if you come close to it that it will be ugly just that looking at it from afar add to the beauty of this rooftop view, Sarah pointed out.

After they enjoyed the view to their heart content, they walked back to where they were seated before, Sarah noticed that the place is getting chilly. It's getting cold here, Sarah commented while rubbing her arms. George got worried cause he did not come with any jacket and he don't want her to fall sick, Ella face palmed herself cause she forgot to inform them to come with their jacket cause they really warned about the place getting colder when the sun will start to set. Let me request for a blanket cause this cold will keep on getting worse and we have not see the sunset, so leaving is out of the question, Ella told them.

Can they give us blankets? George asked to be sure cause he already made up his mind for them to leave already. Yes they will, all we need to do is to request for it, Ella answered. Ella requested for the blankets on their behalf and it was provided for them immediately without wasting their time. They covered themselves, Sarah can't help but think how romantic the whole thing is. Wow this whole place and us covering ourselves with this blanket while watching the sun set is so romantic, she uttered. I totally agree with you on this one, Max seconded what Sarah observed.

Ella is feeling so proud of herself for being the one that find this amazing place that everyone is happy to be. Max silently pray that things will continue this way until they left here, for a moment right there he forgot his fear.