
Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty One

Third Person POV

George got all the snacks he could lay his hands on cause he forgot to ask them the type of snacks they really want and he ended up buying everything he could lay his hand on. He placed their order for lunch and asked them to bring it to their suite when it is time to have lunch. George walked back to their suite with the things she bought while he looked around all the time to make sure that May is not hanging around, waiting to come and disturb him. George entered their suite with the goodies in his hands, the ladies were happy to see that his hands are full.

They quickly took over the remote to select the movie they are going to watch, after much argument they settled down for a romance comedy. The men did not interfere in their arguments cause they are okay with whatever they chose so long it will make the place lively and also keep them from thinking about where May is right now and what she is planning to do. They were half way through their first movie when they heard their door bell rang, Sarah looked at her watch and creased her forehead when she saw that it is not yet time for lunch.

She turned to George, babe did you ask them to bring the lunch earlier? She asked George. No, I did not ask them that, I specifically asked them to bring our lunch around 1:00 pm, George answered. Sarah is now wondering in her mind who could be at the other side of the door. Sarah nudged Ella side but the latter did not budge cause she already know what Sarah is about to ask her to do and she is not ready to leave this interesting movie and answered the person on the other side.


George! That bastard ignored me and now I have been standing at their door r pressing the door bell but nobody have answered it yet and am sure that they are all in there but decided to ignore me. I want to storm out but I decided to calm down and wait. Ever since I saw Max at the library with that lady, he was looking at that lady the way I always want him to look at me but he only see me as a fling, my heart breaks whenever I see them together, smiling lovely at each other and I only itch to separate them by all means.

I crossed my fingers and hoped and pray that Max will be the one to answer the door then it will make my coming here simple for me. I already give up and turned around to leave when the door opened. I immediately turned back hoping it's George but to my disappointment it turned out to be George girlfriend. I must give it to her she is pretty but that doesn't stop her from getting on my nerves. She don't like me and I don't like him as well. Hey May, how can I help you? She said while smiling but I can tell she is forcing herself to smile.

Am here to see Max, can I come in or you can tell him that I am here, I explained to her why I am here while trying to sound as polite as I can. Am sorry Max is not around and am also busy inside, I have to go now, she said, and closed the door without waiting for me to say something. That rude bitch, I will soon deal with you and am sure that Max is in there but she think she is smart that I will not be able to see through her lies. Since Max is playing hard to get I will do it the way I am going to do it and it won't be funny one bit to them but I will enjoy every moment of it.