
Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Five

Third Person POV

George know is time for him to do the right thing with Sarah, others might think it's not the right time regarding they don't know what his uncle is up to yet but that doesn't matter to him now. All he wants is to have Sarah beside him and make sure that she is safe. They were all in attendance at Rose's engagement party, Mrs Vincent sat down beside her son while she observed how everything is going smoothly. Truly, she was worried about Rose, she was afraid that Rose will die as an old maid, taking care of her family for the rest of her life but she is glad now the way things turned out to be. She looked at her son observing how lovey-dovey he and Sarah are and that made her wonder what is still holding her son from popping the big question yet.

Sarah stood up to chat with Ella who was seated at the other corner of the room with Max's mother, the two ladies clicked the moment they saw each other. Mrs Vincent seized the opportunity of Sarah's absence and approached her son for a chat. Hey, this party is really good, I was not expecting Rose to host such a party, She started a conversation on a neutral ground waiting for the perfect opportunity to present her main reason for approaching her son. George already aware of how his mother operates knows that his mother did not approach him just to talk about the party. Yeah, Aunty Rose outdid herself this time, He responded to his mother playing along with her drama.

So, what do you think of their union? She asked him. I must say that they are beautiful together and Aunty Rose is a woman that knows what she wants and if Uncle Fred is the man she chose, then he is perfect for her,  George answered his mother. You are right, I can't argue with you on that, so George when do you plan to propose to Sarah? Mrs Vincent asked finally arriving at the reason why she approached her son.

George smiled inside him cause finally, his mother has stated the main reason why she approached him. You see Mum I intend to do that very soon, I have already asked her to move in with me but I think it will be proper if we are engaged at least before she moved in, George answered his mother. Mrs Vincent was overwhelmed by what she heard from her son, which means that it will not take time before grandchildren will start coming in.

That's great George you are now talking like my son n and am happy, it's also proper to marry her before she moves in, I don't see any rush in moving in with her if you two will eventually marry, so I will suggest you wait until you get married before moving in, Mrs Vincent suggested to her son. Mum, I don't think that is a great idea as it stands now, I need to keep my eyes on her all the time, George told his mother. Mrs Vincent look so alarmed when she heard what her son just said and this is the reason why George did not tell his mother what is going on cause he don't want her to be worried. George had no other choice but to tell his mother what is going on.

Am not doubting Victor that boy is a good kid, just that he was trying to make his father happy in the past but I think he knows better now and could that bastard be possibly scheming this time around, Mrs Vincent wondered. Well, considering his move for his son to marry Claire Davidson, I think he wants to have his revenge on us, George voiced out what he has been thinking since Victor told him what his father intends to do. Is Rose aware of what is going on? Mrs Vincent inquired from his son. Yes, she is aware but I don't want to disturb her from now on, I want her to focus on her marriage and her new family, she has done enough for us, and it's time for her to have her own life, George said.

You are right George but don't forget to seek her if things get too complicated, you know she is an expert in these things, Mrs Vincent advised her son and left to mingle with other guests. George glanced at Sarah where she stood with her best friend, chatting and smiling, he don't know that he is smiling as well. Jeez, Dude, you look like a creep right now, smiling all by yourself, Max commented. George looked at his best friend he did not notice him approach him, guess I must be lost in my thoughts. George decided to ignore what Max said and talk about the most important thing now.

Dude, I think it's time, He said to Max. Max looked so confused cause he don't understand one bit what George was talking about. Time for what? He asked him. It's time for me to propose to Sarah, George told him smiling. Finally, I can't believe that all it will take you to make up your mind to propose to Sarah is an engagement party, had I known I would have taken to many engagement parties, Max commented. Haha, very funny, but this is not the time to crack jokes but the time to help me set up the best proposal, George said to Max. Of course, you know that I have your back all the time, don't worry you have me beside you, just tell me what I need to do, Max said to George assuring him of his undivided support.

I want to propose to her in a way that she will not forget in a hurry and I will need the help of your girlfriend for that, you should get her on board but Sarah will not know about our plan, George told Max. Sure, I will make sure of that, Max assured him. George smiled to himself when the perfect idea popped into his mind. What do you think if I propose to her on the same spot where this relationship started? George asked Max. That my friend will be very romantic, Max answered. Operation proposes to Sarah is in progress.