
Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Four

Claire POV

I need to meet with Victor and clear the air with him cause I feel deep down, that he is a good guy and I don't want to feel awkward around him if I were to meet him in the future. I don't want to believe what his father told my father cause I know that he is lying to my father. After all, he is desperate to be part of our family. I called George to get Victor's number from him since both of them are cousins, and he gave me his number without asking any questions. That is one of the reasons why I respect him so much plus the fact that he has had a positive impact on my life. I called Victor and asked him to meet with him, which he accepted stating that he want to see me and discuss something important with me.

This gives more reason to see him cause if he is considering doing his father's bidding then he got to be joking, I heard that he is his father's puppet but I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I wake up early and prepare for work as usual cause I scheduled my meeting with Victor during lunchtime. It's lunchtime, I headed out to the place where I am supposed to meet Victor, I arrived there but he is not there yet, so I sat down at the table by the window while I wait for him to arrive. Five minutes later, he walked in panting like someone that just ran a hundred meters race. Hi Victor, did you run to this place? I asked him.

He sat down and wiped the sweat on his face and I also noticed a guy that sat down at the table not far from where we are seated and he is constantly looking in our direction, I decided to wave it off since he doesn't look like he is dangerous. Yeah, I ran to this place but not to here though, I started running when I packed my car outside cause I know that I am late already, he explained. Okay, let's order our food then we can start talking, I told him, to which he nodded in agreement. I signal for the waiter, the waiter approached us with the menu in his hand, we placed our order and he left to get our order.

Victor started talking as soon as the waiter left. I know the reason why you called for this meeting, I guess my father already met with your father, he said. So is it true that you love me? I asked him. Claire, you are a beautiful woman and from a good background and every man will be happy to be with you but you see am not in love with you, He answered. I heaved a sigh of relief when I heard his answer and I suspected his father was lying. So what do you think of your father's proposal? And for the record am not angry that you don't love me, the truth is that am relieved cause I don't want to hurt your feelings by turning you down, I told him.

That's good then and I think that my father is up to something not good and I intend to find out what is it cause am suspecting that he wants to hurt George, his mother and Sarah but he needs financial backing, that is where you and your father will come in, he explained. Let me guess, you want me to pretend that we are dating so that you will be able to figure out what your father is planning? I asked him. Exactly what is on my mind, will you do that? He asked. Sure, I will do that but you should remember that we are just pretending nothing serious, I reminded him cause I don't want complications. Sure, I will remember, he assured me. We spent the rest of the lunchtime going over how to convince his father that we are a real couple.