
Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-six

Claire POV

The plan to pretend to be Victor's girlfriend so Victor can gain his father's trust and be able to know what he is up to is in full swing. I told my father about the plan so that he will not think that Victor and I are serious with the relationship and he seems cool with it cause he wants to know what Steve is up to as well. I don't know why I did it but I explained to Stephen what is going on when we had dinner yesterday which was fun throughout and he did not mind it. He even praised me for putting myself out there to help others, Victor called me and informed me that his father want to meet with me cause he want to be sure that his son is not lying to him.

I finished with my work and headed straight home cause I need to change my clothes, it will be an early dinner. I arrived home showered and changed to comfortable wear, I applied little makeup on my face and left for the meeting place. I arrived, Victor and his father are already there waiting for me, Victor's father was smiling from ear to ear when he saw me walking towards them, he stood up immediately after I arrived at their table. I thought my son was pulling my leg when he told me this piece of good news but it turned out to be true, it's nice to meet you, Claire, Steve said extending his hand for a handshake, this man is shameless he can't even hide his excitement.

I took his hand and shook it and politely respond to him, it's nice to meet you, Sir, Victor has told me so much about you and don't worry they are all great things, I said sounding a little cheesy so that he could be relaxed with me. He laughed heartily, he must be very delighted cause to him, his plans are working accordingly. Am relieved to hear that, He said. Let's order food, after we are done eating then we will get to know each other better, Victor suggested. I can see that he is uncomfortable with what is going on. I agreed with him and his father has no other choice but to agree as well cause he don't want to offend me, of course, am a great asset to his plan.

Our order arrived and everyone dug in with little words exchanged here and there but the major topic is being avoided. After we finish eating and waiting for the waiter to serve our dessert, Steve started talking, seem like he can't wait any longer. So I wa@ wondering since the two of you are dating already, don't you think it's time to take it to the next level? Steve asked looking from me to his son. Victor wanted to start protesting against it, but I signalled him to stay quiet and that I will handle him. Yes Sir, you are right, Victor and I already discussed that but I can't marry a man who is still living with his parents, I always see such a man as someone who is not ready for life, I told him.

The shock on Victor's father's face can't be pictured, I know he was not expecting me to say that, I can see the happiness in Victor's eyes. I know he wants this cause I witnessed how eager he was to get away from his father. I can see the struggle that is going on in Steve's mind but I know at the end of the day he will go for the bigger picture. If Victor wants to be free from his father, he should start by living alone. That's a good idea, I will discuss this with my son cause I want this marriage to happen as soon as possible cause I can't wait to carry my grandchildren, he said sounding convincing but I know that he is lying.