
Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Four

Third Person POV

Ella looked at her father and was wondering what he is thinking cause he seem to be in deep thought. How is it going with Sarah's mother? Any progress yet? Ella asked her father, she is still wondering what could be stopping her father from asking Sarah's mother out, is not like this is his first relationship. I was in the middle of rehearsing what I will say to her when I see her when you called, Jerry told his daughter. Ella looked at her father, not believing what she just heard now, he was rehearsing for what. Sorry for interrupting you, but why are you rehearsing though? She asked him. I usually get nervous whenever am around her and whatever I want to tell her seems to be wiped out of my memory, Jerry confides to his daughter.

That explains where my hesitation comes from, Ella decided to tease her father. I don't think you are like me at all, you are more like your mother, look at you going to buy a ring to propose to a guy, Jerry teases his daughter. He can't believe this is what he has been missing in his life. So, when are you going to ask her out? Ella asked him. Tomorrow, I guess, Jerry answered. You don't have to guess, you have to be sure and get yourself ready to sweep her off her feet with whatever it is that you are preparing, Ella told her father. Yes, boss, I will make sure of that, Jerry replied to her and the both of them burst out laughing.

They entered the jewellery shop, Jerry guide his daughter straight to the ring section. The salesman approached them, he know Jerry cause he is their customer but he doesn't know the lady with him. Coming closer to them, he doesn't need anyone to tell him who the lady is. Mr Williams, I can see that you came with your daughter, the salesman pointed out, cause Ella is like the female version of her father. Ella is not surprised by the observation cause she gets the same observation anytime she and her father are seen together. Yeah, can you get me the best rings for men? Jerry requested. Sure, I will be right back, he said to him and walked back inside to get the rings they kept for their special customers. 

Ella decided to stand by the side and watch the negotiations, the salesman came back with a transparent box that displays a lot of fancy rings but they are masculine. She gestured to her father to pick it but her father insisted that she should be the one to pick it, she has no other choice but to do as he suggested and picked the first ring that got her attention and step back for her father to finish the remaining process. They bought the ring and her father asked her, What's next now? You are going to drop me at Max's place and go back home to prepare for your date tomorrow, Ella answered her father.

Oh, you don't want me to witness your embarrassment? Jerry teased his daughter. I will not be embarrassed, he will say yes, Ella said confidently. Confidence are we? Jerry asked her. Yeah, I need it, so that I will not chicken out, Ella told her father. Jerry hugged his daughter, I know what you are about to do, takes a lot of courage but remember that I am cheering for you, He said to his daughter.