
Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-Three

 Third Person POV

Ella is so nervous, she finally accepts her feelings for Max and she is ready to confess to him about her feelings, but she needs all the help she can get and also encouragement. She called her father, who is also like her, h, hesitating to approach the woman he fancied. Jerry Williams wanted to smash the head of whoever that is calling him at the moment, cause he is rehearsing the word that he will say to Laura. But the moment he saw who the caller is, his face soften, and the frown on his face was replaced by a smile. Hello dear, He greeted while smiling. Dad, are you busy right now? I need your help with something, Ella inquired from the other side of the line. That got Jerry's attention his smile was quickly replaced with worry. What happened dear? Is everything alright? He asked her.

Yes, yes, Dad everything is okay I just want you to escort me somewhere, she told her father, smiling widely cause this is the father she has been hoping for. Okay, where are you? I will come and pick you up, Jerry asked his daughter. Ella told her father where she is and stepped out of the mansion to wait for her father cause she don't want Max to know what is going on. Sarah left the room and approached George who is chatting with Max, Max frowned his face when he saw that Sarah is by herself not Ella in sight. Where is Ella? I thought she is with you, He asked her. Oh yeah, she was with me but she has something to do with her father, she left already, Sarah answered him.

George looked at his fiancee and he can tell right away that something is going on and that she is hiding from Max. Max is not comfortable one bit cause every negative thought is in his mind right now. Hey, can I talk to you? Sarah asked George. George already knows that Sarah is about to tell him what is going on. The two of them walked back to George's room, when they entered the room, George turned to Sarah. Out with it, what is going on? He asked her. Ella wants to confess her feelings and also propose, that Sarah, answered his question. What?! Ella wants to do what? Babe, say that again, George asked looking so shocked, just the expression Sarah was expecting to see.

Ella told me that she want to confess and propose to Max, after our talk, Sarah repeated herself. So what did she say is the reason why she has not said the words to Max yet? George asked cause he is curious to know what her reason is. Well, you know her history with her father and the way her father treated her mother, she was afraid that she will end up like her mother, Sarah told him. Am glad that you talk some sense into her cause is a hundred percent sure that Max will never treat her like that, I have never seen Max love a woman the way he loves Ella, George said to Sarah feeling so proud of what she accomplished. So, how do I help? He asked her. The only thing you will do for us is to keep Max company so that he will not have the thought of going back to his condo, Sarah told him.

George smiled, seems like you guys already have it all figured out, He said to her. Yeah, Ella and I will handle the rest and I think she is with her father right now to pick the ring, Sarah said. Wow, this is my first time witnessing a woman doing the proposal herself, it's always the other way round, George commented. There is always a first time, you know, so go to your duty post and make sure that Max will not come back home until I call you, Sarah instructed George. Yes, ma'am, fully noted, George said saluting her in a mockery gesture. Sarah laughed at her fiance's antics, I love you, she said to him. I love you too, George replied and left the room to be with his friend, before Max will start wondering what could be keeping him.

Jerry arrived at Vincent's mansion and saw his daughter standing outside probably waiting for him, immediately Ella saw her father's car approaching, and she walked towards his car cause she don't want her father to step out of the car. She knocked on the door of the car, Jerry opened the door for her, she entered and instruct the driver to drive them to her father's favourite jewellery shop. I know you want to surprise me but I don't need any jewellery at the moment, Jerry told his daughter cause he doesn't see any other reason why she suddenly wants to go to a jewellery shop and he is escorting her. Well, the jewellery is not for you, so don't worry yourself, Ella assured her father.

If the jewellery is not for me, then who is it for? Jerry asked her cause she is beginning to confuse him. Am going to but a ring and I need your professional opinion, you are good with them, Ella told her father. Jerry did not bother to listen to all that his daughter said, the only word that stuck in his mind is that his daughter want to buy a ring. The question that is begging for an answer is, who is the ring for? His daughter is not a fan of jewellery so definitely she is not the one wearing it, his eyes were about to burst out when something came into his mind. No way! Don't tell me that you are about to do what I think you are about to do, Jerry said to his daughter. He had heard of girls proposing to their boyfriends and most of the proposals did not go as expected.

What he did not expect is that his daughter, will tow that line and from the look of things she had already made up her mind. Once she made up her mind, that is it, there is no turning back. I don't know what to say, Ella, I pray he will not turn you down cause if he tries it, I will not mind ending him, Jerry said to his daughter and he did not mean the last part. Let's be positive okay, Ella said to her father, who nodded in agreement and look out of the window praying silently that things will work out fine.