
Chapter Three Hundred and Forty-five

Ella POV

I know that what am about to do might not go as I hoped, but I want to make an effort. I entered Max's condo unit and Sarah already started the decorations with the flowers, I joined in to help her and ensure that the flowers are arranged the way I want them. Getting the whole thing done under four hours was not easy one bit but am glad that we were able to pull it off, I stood back and look at the decoration and they are as I want them to be. Should I call George now? Sarah asked me smiling. Yes, call him, let's get this over with, I answered her. The truth is that am nervous but am trying to put a strong facade here, I want to do this, and that is why am trying to stick it out to the end.

A lot of what has been going on in my mind, what if he turned me down? What if he doesn't want to listen to me because of what happened yesterday? He has not talked to me since morning, how am I sure that he is still not mad at me? These are the thoughts going on in my mind and am not ready to back down. George notified Sarah that they are almost there, and that is when I turned off the lights in his house and stood in his living room waiting for him to enter. Five minutes later, I heard him keying in his password, am more than nervous right now. This is it, is now or never, Ella you have to hold on, I kept on telling myself over and over again. Sarah handed a white Tulip to me, and sat down on the sofa, I stood there with the flower in my hand and surrounding me are dozens of white tulips.

Max finally opened the door and stepped in, he was talking to George. I know that I have my lights on, he said to him. Maybe you are mistaken, can you turn on the light I need to see where am going, George told him. I must give it to George he is good at this thing. Max turned on the lights and stepped back immediately almost crashing into George. Hey, look where you are going, it's just your girlfriend not a ghost, George said to him and walked towards his fiancee. Am sure by now, he already figured out that we are all in this. I walked towards him smiling but inside me, am going crazy already. Max stood there like a statue not moving at all, I reached him and offered him the flower and start with the speech I have been preparing while I was decorating with Sarah.

As you can see, this is a white tulip which signifies a message of forgiveness, am asking you to forgive me for yesterday am sorry, I know I hurt you and I want you to know that this flower also signifies worthiness, I want you to know that I value you, I said to him. Max nodded his head looking from me to the flower in his hand. Can you follow me? I have more to show you, I asked him. Sure, he answered in a hoarse voice. We enter his room and Sarah handed me the second flower Gardenia and also the floor is filled with the flower. I handed the flower to him, this is Gardenia, it means purity and joy, in you, I find joy and the purest of heart I ever know and it's also given to someone you truly care about, you know what it means I truly care about you, I said to him while staring intently at him.

Max opened his mouth but no words is coming out, he just shut it and kept looking at me. His reaction so far is like a boost to my morale. I took him to his balcony and where different banquets of flowers were used to form a circle and petals of roses were on the floor that reached where the circled banquets of flowers were. I guide him to the circle we entered the circle, and Sarah came forward and handed the Forget-me-not flower, at this point Sarah is like my best man. I handed him the third flower. As funny as it may sound the name of this flower is, Forget-me-not, I know Max that I have not said this word to you, not because I don't want to or I don't feel the same way for you but it's because of my issues and I can assure you that am working on it, I told him to which he nodded, I took that as a sign to continue.

This flower means true love and I want to tell you here, right now that I love you, Max Cobbs, there I said it, I said those magical words. Now I understand why they called them magical words, it feels magical when you say them. I can't believe what am seeing right now, Max is sobbing cause tears are streaming down his cheeks. He hugged me tightly while sobbing softly, I love you too Ella, I love you so much, you don't know how much this means to me, He said amidst his crying. I pushed him back gently. Am not done yet, I told him. What? After all this, you are not done? Max asked me looking so shocked. Sarah walked to me and handed the box to me, Max looked on with confusion in his eyes. I know thousands of questions are already going on in his mind.

I knelt on one knee and opened the box, Max gasped when he saw the content of the box. Max, I already told you that I love you but I don't want to only love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you do the honour of being my partner for life? I asked him. Yes, Ella, I will love to spend the rest of my life with you, he answered. I slide the ring on his finger immediately. I stood up and was ambushed by his lips.