
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five

Third Person POV

George finally is prepared for the date after much encouragement from Max. Max called Ella to check on how it's going at her end, which the latter assured him that everything is going according to plan. George and Max stepped out of George condo, Max opted to be the driver today since George can't trust any of his drivers after Tom betrayal and Max don't want his best friend to stress himself. All George need to do is focus on getting Sarah as his own.

Sarah is still confused why her best friend will go out of her way to make her look this beautiful, she don't understand what's the occasion and she have ask Ella over and over again all Sarah could get from her is it's a surprise. Ella finished all dressed up but not as fancy as Sarah, that got Sarah more curious cause she thought that she is supposed to be only an escort. Why is she looking more beautiful than the person that she is escorting. I thought am just escorting you? Why am I looking more beautiful than you? Sarah decided to satisfied her curiosity. Ella turned to Sarah and smiled genuinely this time no trace of her mischievous smile.  My dear best friend that's because you are more beautiful than me,all you need is a little touch to enhance that beauty, Ella told her still smiling in admiration. Sarah was disappointed with Ella reply but at the same time flattered, she don't want to show her that her compliment got to her.

Okay let's go cause it's now clear that am not getting any answer from you, Sarah said. Hahaha! Ella laughed cause she know her best friend is already frustrated but she is really enjoying her frustration. Max and George arrived first at the spot and waited in a hidden spot waiting for Sarah and Ella arrival. Ella and Sarah arrived Three minutes later in Sarah's car with Ella as the driver. Sarah stepped out from the car she was so amazed at the sight before her. They are at the Lover's Point Park, the beach have a serene views and abundant places to plop down for a picnic. There's also trails along the bluff for hiking and biking and dozens of great photo opportunities.

It's a shame that Sarah nor Ella came here with any camera and all this great view will waste without anything for remembrance. Hey Ella why did you brought me here for hiking with this type of dress am putting on or do you have our outfits kept somewhere? You sly fox, Sarah accused her best friend. Ella laughed at the fact that her best friend have not figure out why they are here yet. Yes you are right, I don't know you will figure me out this easily let me go and get our outfit wait for me here, Ella told Sarah. Let me come with you cause I won't be comfortable standing here alone, Sarah said. No no princess don't stress your beautiful self cause I won't take long I promise, Ella assured her.

Ella left and walked towards where Max and George parked cause she is already informed that they will be parked at that spot. Ella knocked on their window cause they were deep in their conversation that they did not see Ella coming. Oh Ella you are here,Max said while smiling sweetly at her but Ella ignored him and faced George. Everything is ready,she is there waiting just make sure you don't mess it up cause if you do I will not help you out again, Ella informed George more like threatened him indirectly. George assured her that he will try his best, George leave his car and walked towards where Sarah stood waiting.

Max turned to Ella, let's get closer and see what is going on and George mother tasked me to get a video of the moment and I can't do that sitting down here, Max reasoned with Ella. Okay let's go and I also need video too for future purpose, Ella said in an agreement with what Max said. George approached Sarah and cleared his throat to get her attention, Sarah turned when she heard someone cleared throat behind her but she froze when she saw the person standing before her. She started looking around frantically to see if Ella is coming out but her best friend is nowhere to be seen.

George was stunned to see the beauty standing before him but he also noticed that Sarah looked so uncomfortable standing before him, he decided to calm her down first. Calm down Sarah you look so uncomfortable, it's just me there is nobody else, George said in an attempt to calm Sarah down. Boss why are you here? Sarah asked but quickly apologized for asking such a stupid question cause she just remember that this is a public place. Am sorry for asking such stupid question, this is a public place and you have every right to be here is just that am suppose to go hiking with my best friend and am surprised to see you here, Sarah tried to explain. It's okay Sarah there is no need for the explanation and you are not here to go hiking with your best friend but you are here cause I asked her to bring you here, George confessed.

What? Why? Sarah asked completely in shock, she can't believe that her best friend deceived her. Cause I want to see you and also apologized and also spend time with you, George said looking at Sarah beautiful face which supply him with courage he is lacking. Apologize for what exactly? Sarah asked but her instinct is telling her that there is a possibility that Rose told him that she heard what he said that day. Rose told me everything but believe Sarah what I said that day, I did not mean any of it, George said looking like he is about to shed tears any moment from now cause he is afraid that Sarah might not believe him.