
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six

 Third Person POV

Sarah can't believe that her boss is about to shed tears, she can't believe that he is such a softie. Boss.... Sarah started to say something but George cut her words. Call me George please even if we are with others please, George pleaded with her cause he want to hear her call him George again. Okay George how do you expect me to believe you cause I know what I heard that night, Sarah pointed out. Am not saying that what you heard is not real, I said all that but I don't mean any of it cause you are more than just a secretary to me, George said closing the gap between them little by little and he is not aware that he is moving.

But why would you lie and to your best friend at that? Sarah asked still not convinced. George finally closed the gap but their bodies are not touching but close enough to hold her hand. So he held her hand and looked intently at her. That because I was a coward and afraid of been mocked for falling for my assistant again and am afraid that my mother will not accept you, George confessed. Sarah was very happy by what she heard now, George just confessed that he is in love with him,so all along Rose and Ella were right, she made a mental note to appreciate them later for their effort but she have to tackle this first.

And what about now? Are they aware of your feelings for me or you no longer care about their opinion on your personal life? Sarah asked. George was confused with the question, he don't know whether Sarah will misunderstood him and get mad at him again. Well that night I told Max the truth because he did not believe my lies one bit, he know me more than I know myself and my mother was happy when I told her my feelings for you,she can't wait to welcome you into her place as her future daughter in-law, I guess I misjudged them, George explained. Sarah can feel the sincerity in his words and she can see the fear but she is not sure what he is afraid of. I forgive you for your cowardice though I don't think it's necessary to apologize since we are not in any relationship, Sarah said while smiling so lovely. Of course I have to apologize cause I hurt your feelings in the process and also it's normal since am in love with you and you are mad at me for what I said to apologize for my wrongdoing, George stated.

Okay I have heard my perfect gentleman, Sarah said with that her dashing smile. George is already on cloud nine for hearing Sarah words "My perfect gentleman" which kept on repeating in his ears. He is smiling from ear to ear for what she heard. Sarah decided to tease him cause she purposely called him that to gauge his reaction. Why are you smiling like that? She asked. You called me your perfect gentleman, he pointed out. So what about it? Sarah asked trying to hide her smile cause she found George expression so adorable. It means a lot to me Sarah and you just claimed me by calling me "My perfect gentleman", George said. Of course I called you that cause you said you love me and I also feel the same way, so I don't see what's stopping me from claiming you, Sarah stated.

George can't believe how bold Sarah is and he is happy that things are turning out well. Can I get a hug? George asked. Mmmm I have to think about it,you know my hug don't come easily, it's very costly, it takes a lot for.... While Sarah is still blabbing George hugged her while smiling. I love you,he muttered, Sarah smiled and replied, I love you too Mr Vincent. George chuckles cause the way Sarah addressed him, he found it funny and cute at the same time.

Meanwhile Max and Ella who are at a corner far from where Sarah and George stood were smiling from ear to ear. Ella is silently patting herself at the back for seeing to it that her best friend have the man of her dream, while Max on the other hand is happy for his best friend and also jealous that he can't be that way with Ella cause he know he have a lot of work to do there. Hey! You know this could be us if only you will give me a chance, Max told Ella smiling nervously. In your dreams, Ella scoffed. Max shrugged his shoulder he know this will take a lot of time to achieve, am just saying you know just give me a chance, you might be surprise at what you will experience, Max continued to press on. Can we concentrate with the video cause you are deviating from why we are here, Ella reminded him cause she is not ready to listen to him. Sure let's do that, Max surrendered but he is not giving up yet.

Sarah looked at the view again in amazement, you like what you see? George asked. Yes it's so lovely, thank you for choosing this place for this, it's a shame I did not come with my camera and Ella is with my phone cause I want to take pictures, Sarah answered. We can come back again on an official date then you can take picture to your heart content, George suggested. Sarah turned to him and looked at him questionably, then what are we doing now? She asked.

I have not ask you to be my girlfriend yet, George replied. Then what's stopping you? Sarah asked smiling. George scratched his head and stepped back a little bit and held Sarah hand while he looked into her eyes. Sarah Croft will you be my girlfriend? He asked while smiling. Sarah closed the distance this time and circled her hands around his neck while George held her waist. I thought you will never ask, Sarah said and gave George a deep kiss which the latter responded. While the two at the corner were taking pictures of the kiss while smiling widely.