
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four

Third Person POV

Ella can't believe her eyes when she came to the room and met Sarah still sleeping. So she really meant it when she said that she will sleep throughout today Ella mused. To think I still have to make her up, I think I have to chose her outfit cause I don't trust Sarah one bit to chose a good outfit for herself, Ella muttered. Ella went to Sarah closet and chose yellow flowered gown that will be above her knee, she brought out a white pair of three inches heels. When Ella seemed satisfied with the outfits she closed for her best friend she decided it's time to wake the sleeping beauty up.

Wake up Sarah, Ella tapped Sarah. Sarah grunt and slowly open her eyes, thank God you are finally awake go and take your shower so that we can start preparing, Ella said the moment Sarah woke up. But Sarah is not having any of it cause to her is too early to go anywhere. Ella don't you think it's too early for one to go anywhere, why don't you allow me to sleep more, Sarah tried to convince Ella to allow her to sleep more but Ella turned her plea down. Sarah have no other choice but to get up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to do her morning rituals and take her bath.

Sarah finished her bath and have her breakfast and she was grumbling while doing all this cause to her waking up by 10:15am on Saturday is very early to her. When Sarah was through with her breakfast, Ella dragged her upstairs to start the makeup. Sarah was surprised by the amount of makeup Ella was applying on her face. Wait it's today my birthday or what? Cause I don't understand the essence of all this makeup, am just escorting you nothing else right? Sarah asked.

That you are escorting me doesn't mean you have to look anyhow and I have already chose your outfit,when am done with the makeup you have to put them on and don't you dare change anything, Ella warned. Sarah don't have the strength to argue with Ella, so she decided to go with the flow. After the makeup, Sarah can't believe that she is the one she is staring at the mirror.

Wow this is so amazing, Sarah uttered. I know right, am a genius when it comes to makeup Ella boasted.

On the other side George was so nervous cause he is having doubts of today going successfully. What if she turned me down? He asked for the tenth time. Dude you have to be positive, we have put a lot of effort for today am sure it will go successfully, Max tried to encourage his best friend. I know but am still nervous as hell, George said. That's how it's suppose to be but you have to get your bearing together, Rose said from the doorway cause she just came back to inform George that everything is now ready.

Thanks Aunty Rose I appreciate your effort, George said sounding very grateful. Just go and get your girl and make me proud, She told him and patted his shoulder. Rose was about to leave but stop when she remembered something she need to tell them. By the way am going after Claire to make sure that she don't disturb again, She informed them and left. Good luck on that Claire, Max muttered the moment Rose left, George chuckled cause he remember that he warned Mr Davidson.