
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight


 I arrived at the restaurant with Ella the Waiter directed us to the table by the corner which also is facing the entrance. I must confess am enjoying every moment spent with Ella cause it gave me the opportunity to talk with her one on one and get to know her better and see that her mischievous smile which is beautiful by the way. The Waiter asked us to place our orders which we did, the waiter left to get our orders after serving us a glass of wine each. While we are waiting for our order I decided to strike up a conversation with her cause I know if I don't she will not either.

So tell me Ella what do you think about this place? I asked looking around the place once again. Well the place is beautiful and cozy, there is something intimate about it, I guess cause of how quiet it is and the many colour lights flashing in here, She answered. I can feel the sincerity in her voice when she was talking the sarcasm she always use on me is nowhere to be found. While we are still talking I noticed a shadow approaching us I thought maybe the waiter is coming with our orders. The figure stopped beside our table I looked up to see who is it and the person turned out to be a man in his mid fifties and he was giving me a deadly glare.

That got me confused cause I don't understand what I must have done to him to deserve such glare from him, did I slept with one of his girl toys that's why he is this mad at me. But what Ella uttered next made my eyes to widen in shock. Dad! What are you doing here? Ella asked more like shouted. What do you mean by what am I doing here, don't I have the right to be at my own restaurant? He asked now glaring at Ella. Wow wait so this is Ella infamous father, now I took a closer look at him, Ella resemble her father but there are still some differences which I guess she got from her mother. Wait this is your restaurant? Ella asked her father. What sort of silly question is that didn't you looked at the name of the restaurant before coming in? Her father fired back. This looked like two siblings bickering.

Well I did not looked at it cause if I do I will not be in here cause I don't want to have anything to do with you, so that you can stop trying to control every aspect of my life,Ella retorted back. Of course am not controlling your life I just want what's good for you, Her father reasoned out. No you are not looking out for me but you are controlling my life, Ella insisted. I can see the pain in her eyes as well as her father but I don't know why he is pained cause he is the one trying to control his daughter. Their argument is getting heated and they are attracting the attention of others and I decided to step in.

Can you guys calm down, you are attracting the attention of others towards this table, I told him. Ella looked down at her feet I know that she is embarrassed by the situation between her and her father and I guess she can't help it. Ella turned towards me with disgust in his eyes. Ella don't tell me this is the reason why you disappeared on your wedding day and brought such a disgrace to my name? Ella father asked her.

But Ella did not respond to that question more like she pretended not to hear him. Seemed like Ella father noticed that his daughter is not ready to answer him,he turned to me. Young man who the hell are you to my daughter? He asked me. I know I should come clean to him cause I don't see any need lying to him, if I really want something genuine with Ella. Am her suitor Sir, I answered him. Ella looked at me with shock clearly written all over her face which was immediately replaced with anger. Ella darling tell me this is not true, tell me you are not entertaining this man, there are more credible men out there from a good background, He inquired from Ella.

Can you tell me the definition of good background apart from wealth cause that's what a good background is to you, not minding the real character of the person you are trying to partner me with, Ella asked her father. I decided to come in cause if it's about family background I got that covered, maybe if I tell him who I am he will stop trying to match Ella with every guy he thought is worthy. Sir I think I have not formally introduce myself to you, I said to get his attention. Ella was shaking her head silently telling me to not do what am about to do but I ignored her cause am determined to get her father off her back. Ella father looked me up and down and asked, Who the hell are you then?

My name is Maxwell Cobb, I said stretching my hand for a handshake. He took my hand with shock written all over his face. You mean Cobb as in Cobb's Enterprises? He asked. Yes sir, I answered. As in Max the most eligible bachelor? He asked again still holding my hand. I smiled within me cause I know I got him hooked. Am Jerry Williams as you already know I am Ella father, she is my only child, He introduced himself smiling widely.

It's nice to meet you Jerry, I said to him. He turned and smiled at her, I know you will make me proud one day, He told her and patted her head lovely. I will leave you two to talk then, He excused himself and left us. I looked up to see Ella giving me that deadly glare that her father was giving me earlier, okay I think she also inherit this glare from her father.