
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine


What? Why are you glaring at me? I thought you should be thanking me not glaring, I told her cause her glare is now making to be guilty of what I did not do. Why did you do that? She asked. Do what? I feigned ignorance but the response I got from her is more glares. Oh you mean telling your father that am your suitor? I asked pretending to just remember. Yes what do you mean by that cause I don't remember accepting you as one, she pointed out. I don't know why she is mad at me, I just save her I thought she should be grateful not mad at me.

Listen I don't understand the reason why you are mad I only did that cause the quarrel between your father and you were attracting the attention of others and I don't want it, I did that to shut your father up and get him off your back for the main time, I explained to her. After my explanation I can see her face relaxed and she bent her head down, I guess she is embarrassed. Am sorry for that, it's just that my father is really frustrating me, she explained. I sighed a sigh of relief cause I can relate to the amount of pressure put on her by her father.

I understand Ella what it means to be pressured, I really do and I won't mind if you share your problem with me, trust me am always ready to help, I told her. She looked at me with uncertainty in her eyes. How am I sure that you will not use that as an opportunity to get into my pant? She asked. Oh my God is that what she think of me, An opportunist. Listen I know you think of me as a guy that lay with anything in skirt, believe me am not that guy, I told her. 

She raised her brow giving me the look that says "is that so?" Okay that was before but am a change man believe me, I said. She heaved a deep sigh showing that she is contemplating what I said. Okay no problem but am not saying okay to be in a relationship with you, Why don't we start with being friends first and see how it goes, she proposed. Am happy with her proposal it shows that there is a development.

Sure am fine with that, I hurriedly accept before she change her mind. Okay friends,she extend her hand for handshake. Friends I accept her hand relishing in the warmth of her palm. We ate our food in a not awkward silence, after our meal Ella father approached us as if he is waiting for us to finish our meal. I can see you two are done with your meal and don't worry about the payment I already informed them that Ella is my daughter, He said.

That explained why the waiter was more cautious around us. So are you guys going home now? He asked. Yes Sir, I answered cause it's crystal clear that Ella is not ready to say anything. I think she is avoiding getting into another fight with her father and be embarrass again. Okay then, Ella dear please do come back home this old man have a lot of things he want to discuss with you, Ella father said to her which the latter just nodded her head in agreement.

We left the restaurant and Ella was walking so fast like the devil is after her. What's wrong why are you walking so fast? I asked her and halted her movement at the same time cause I held her hand. Don't you notice I can't stand him, he always trying to control my life and am sure the reason he want to see me is to persuade me to accept you as soon as possible cause that is the only thing he cared about in his life expanding his business and making sure that I am married off to a big shot is his only way of ensuring that, she explained almost in tears.

Seeing her like this hurt me as well cause I can't pretend to understand what she is passing through. Though am from a rich family but my parents love me and always place my happiness as their top priority. So having a parent that only see you as a means of expanding their business is what I can't comprehend. Hey I know you feel neglected by your father, I don't know how to change your father mindset but the only thing am assuring you is that you have me and I will never neglect you, I told her.

She looked at me questionably, I raised my hand in surrender cause I understand what's going on in her mind. As a friend I mean, I told her though that's not what I truly mean but I decided to go with, so that peace will reign. Let's go home already,I don't want to stay here anymore, she said with a pleading eyes and how can I say no to that. I opened the door for her and I entered the driver side and drove off the moment she settled inside. We arrived at Sarah place and my best friend is already there with Sarah beside him, both are smiling. I stopped the car and stepped out of the car to open the door for Ella but she already did that.

We approached the two lovebirds who can't hide how happy they are at the moment. So tell me are you both official now? Ella asked I guess she is anxious to know their current status just like me. Yes we are, George answered while Sarah is smiling shyly beside George. I guess she is bold only when she is with George alone. Congratulation guys am happy for you both but George and I have to go now, so the new couple should give each other the last kiss for today so that we can be on our way, I told them. I saw Sarah blushed deeply while Ella elbowed me for putting her best friend in an uncomfortable position but I don't care cause am really enjoying this.