
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven

Third Person POV

After that deep kiss George took Sarah hand and guided her towards a place in that beach that is already set up for picnic. Wait you prepared a picnic for us? Sarah asked cause she is wondering how many surprise George have for her today. Do you think I brought you here just to talk ,ask you to be my girlfriend,kiss you and then go home, of course not I prepared for us to eat after the talking, George explained. Considerate are we? Sarah teased him. It's in the blood my dear girlfriend and remember you called me perfect gentleman and as a gentleman I won't let you go hungry, George said.

Sarah smiled, she still can't believe that she is finally George girlfriend. They arrived at the spot George guided Sarah to plop down on the mat and he sat down as well while George started displaying the contents inside the basket. There are pasta salad, coleslaw, chocolate dipped strawberries, sparkling water and of course Sarah favorite white wine. Wow you prepared all this? Sarah asked in admiration. Come on is just a simple preparation cause I know you like to keep your meal simple, George told her. Awww and you brought my favorite wine, Sarah commented while looking at him lovely. Yeah I want to drink your white wine with you today, George said.

Dig in, George told Sarah. They started eating with a comfortable silence over them, Sarah was savoring the taste cause the food are so delicious which left her to wonder if George is the one that cooked the food. Are you the one that made these food? Sarah asked. No I can't cook such a delicious meal, George answered. Wait you can't cook at all? Sarah asked. I didn't say that just that it will not be delicious, George said. It's still the same with not knowing how to cook, Sarah countered. George decided to agree with her cause he don't want silly argument to spoil their mood today.

After they are done with the meal they held their hands while walking along the water. Both are enjoying each other company and they wish for things between them to be like this forever, no more problem between them again. But problem is one thing that is unavoidable in life no matter how much you try to avoid it, it always come.

Meanwhile at the hidden corner where Ella and Max stood while videoing all that is unfolding before them. Ella was stunned at her best friend boldness, she never see this side of Sarah before cause when she was dating Evans Ella never paid attention to them cause she hate the guy from the word go. Is your friend always this bold though we can't hear what they are saying but it's obvious that she is the one taking the wheel, Max inquired cause he want to use this as an avenue to start a conversation with Ella. Cause whether Sarah or his best friend is the one taking the wheel, he don't care about it cause it's their relationship and he have no right to tell them how they are suppose to love each other.

I don't know cause I don't care about her past relationship cause I hate her ex boyfriend Evans from the first day I saw him, Ella answered. Why didn't you stop her from dating that scum bag? Max asked. Ella put her phone inside her bag cause they are done videoing. Why didn't you stop George from dating Anna cause am sure as his best friend you noticed something shady about her? Ella asked back. Max was amazed by Ella skill of not answering question directly guessed that's one of those things about business world never caught unguarded. Well I noticed there is something off about Anna then but George is very happy and since what I noticed about her is not life threatening, I decided to not spoil his happiness, Max gives his reason.

Ella smiled at Max answer, You see that's exactly my point we don't want to be the reason for their unhappiness and been heart broken will not kill them rather it will make them know better, Ella pointed out. Max was so happy cause he is glad that he fall for the right woman. You see Ella we have a lot of things in common, we think alike just by looking at you I already figure out what's going on in your mind though we have not spent much time with each other, Max told her. So what's on my mind now? Ella asked him sarcastically.

Food cause You are hungry, Max answered immediately. That's very obvious cause your call this morning dragged me out of the bed and I did not have anything to eat since then, so don't use that cheap line on me Mr Playboy, Ella said. Max decided to ignore what she just called him but focused on what's on ground the fact that she is hungry. Since you just confirmed that you are hungry, I know a good restaurant around here that have delicious meal I can take you there to eat, Max offered. Initially Ella don't want to go with him but she is very hungry and she have no other choice but to go with him cause a hungry man have no choice.

Okay let's go and so you know am going with you only because am hungry, so don't get any funny idea in your mind, Ella stated. Sure am aware of that,so let's go so that you can fill your stomach, Max told her. Max took George car cause he is sure that George will go with Sarah and Sarah is now good with driving cause George and Ella helped her out on that. They arrived at the restaurant and the Waiter directed them to a table, Ella did not looked at the name of the restaurant cause if she did, she will leave immediately.