
Chapter Ninety-Two


Am really disappointed when Sarah told me that her best friend said no to my proposal but what made it worst is the reason she gave for rejecting me. I felt like someone just punch my gut,I guess I can't eat my cake and have it, if this is the reason for her rejection that means it will be difficult to get and am serious about Ella I can't get her off my mind though we never speak to each other personally.

Sarah was encouraging me with her hands on top of mine when George walked in on us I mirrored his expression though he tried to masked his true feelings but I can see through him. George dropped the file he was holding after he instructed Sarah on what to do with the file,he left the office ignoring my greeting. I purposely wasted time in Sarah office so that George will think I have something going on with Sarah but Rose came in,I know with her presence in the office is my cue to leave.

Aunty Rose is one of the few people am afraid of she have been with George's family since we were kids,she was Mr Vincent secretary when he was still alive. The glare Aunty Rose throw at my direction is enough to tell me that she knew what am doing and she is not happy at all but what she don't understand is that am doing it for George. I still don't understand why George is not making any move on Sarah yet that's not like my best friend I know,whatever is the problem he better sort it out before he will lose Sarah.

I walked into George office to continue with my teasing that way I can be able to forget that I just got rejected by Ella. I greeted George the second time but still got the nonchalant attitude from him,am really getting tired of George childish attitude, the last time I checked am not the reason why he can't own up to his feelings. I was not able to tease George the way I want cause am fed up with him I left his office in not so good mood.

I walked out of his office to come face to face with Aunty Rose. Hi Aunty Rose am about going enjoy the rest of day I said immediately trying to dodge her wrath but I don't think am lucky this time. Stop right there Max Rose ordered, I halted immediately cause I don't need anybody to smack my head though we are all grown up that still don't stop her from disciplining us both George and I. What do you think you are doing Max? Rose asked.

Nothing Aunty am doing absolutely nothing I answered, Do I look like a fool to you I saw you in Sarah office what are you doing there? She asked. Emmmm I gave Sarah a task that's what I came to get report on I answered. It better be you gave her a task and you came to get report on it because if I found out that you are making pass on her I will come after you personally cause I don't need someone like you around Sarah Rose threatened.

Aunty am not that bad I pouted, no my dear you are more than bad you are bad news to girls like Sarah,I see that girl as my own daughter and I will appreciate it if you stay away from her She warned. What about George? I asked her, What about George? She asked back clearly showing her confusion in regards to my question. I mean is George allowed to go after her ? I asked, is there something going on that I don't know Max? She asked me.

No no nothing is going on am just asking because George and I have the womanizer reputation so I guess George will also be a bad news to her as well,I tried to reason with her. There is something you forget George turned to a womanizer because of Anna betrayal but you what's your excuse and also in this past few moths I have not see him with any woman Aunty Rose said smiling proudly.

Aunty does that means that if George decide to date Sarah that you will support them? I asked of course I will support them like I said before Sarah is a good girl and you and I know that George is not bad but situation changed him,so in my opinion I think Sarah is the best thing that will happen to him she answered. Am so happy she is in support of them cause if there is anybody that can convince George mother if she decide to be against their relationship, the person is Aunty Rose. Aunty I have to go now I have things to do at the company I excused myself and left immediately.

Rose POV

Initially I was mad at Max for what I thought he is trying to do that's why I confronted him but when he asked me if I will support Sarah and George relationship if the two eventually start dating,that's when I know that he meant well. I think he noticed that George likes Sarah that's why he is trying to get a reaction out of George,reason why he is pretending to be interested in Sarah.

I don't know why George is hesitating to confess his feelings for Sarah,if only George know how him dating Sarah will make his mother the happiest woman on earth. I think I should talk to him,but what will I tell him? or should I inform his mother of my observation, no that will make matter worst cause am sure that Mrs Vincent herself will come down to this company to make sure that the relationship works. I think the best thing to do is to allow the young ones to sort their feelings out,yeah that's the best thing to do.