
Chapter Ninety-Three

Third Person POV

Mr and Mrs Davidson were in their dinning area with their daughter Claire having breakfast,when Claire decided to ask her father what have been bothering her. Dad she called her father, yes dear Mr Davidson answered her giving her his full attention. Dad I know you promised to handle George situation but am wondering how do you intend to do that? Claire asked her father.

I thought I asked you not to worry that pretty head of yours that I will handle everything, well since you want to know I planned to do firstly I will visit Mrs Vincent this morning at her office to have a chat with her and what her response will be will determine my next action Mr Davidson replied. Wow that's sound like a plan Claire cooed, Can I come with you to talk to Mrs Vincent Claire mother asked. No dear that will not be necessary I can handle her Mr Davidson assured his wife.

So tell me Claire what do you intend to do regards to getting George attention Mr Davidson asked his daughter, Claire smiled mischievously, Dad I had it all planned out already but am not going to tell you anything am only going to give you results Claire assured her father. If you say so dear and I trust your capability Mr Davidson said and rise up and headed towards his car to start the business of the day.

Mr Davidson entered his car and ask his driver to take him the headquarters of Vin Company, the driver drove him to the company. Immediately Mr Davidson stepped out of his car the doorman rushed to open the entrance door for him,he took the elevator to the chairman office. Mrs Vincent was surprised to see him this early morning, Mr Davidson what a pleasant surprise am not expecting you this morning she said with surprise written all over her face.

Hahaha! Mrs Vincent there is no need to fret am here to discuss a serious matter Mr Davidson said. Okay if you say so let me call my assistant to get us something to drink Mrs Vincent offered, no need for that it's still morning Mr Davidson responded. Okay if you say so Mrs Vincent responded. Going to the reason why am here first I will like to apologized for what my daughter did the other day,you know these young ones are so spontaneous unlike us that think through things before we take action Mr Davidson tried to apologized.

It's okay it's totally fine no need for the apology, but am sure that is not the only reason why you are here Mrs Vincent pointed out. Inside her she already know why Mr Davidson is here,she knew the stubborn man that do everything his daughter wants will not give up easily if his daughter said that she want her son. No am here in regards to your son and my daughter Mr Davidson answered. What about them? Mrs Vincent asked pretending not have any idea of what the man is talking about.