
Chapter Ninety-One

George POV

I walked into Sarah office to give her some files to work,I know I should have call her to my office to collect the file but I want to use the opportunity to see her and get her compliment regards to the tie without any obstacle today but the scene I walked into is not what I expected to see.

I saw Sarah with her hands on top of Max hands, my heart break at what I just saw but I masked my face immediately cause I don't want them to know what I saw affected me especially Max cause I know if that idiot notice he will have something to tease me with for one month. I gave Sarah the file I have with me and instructed her on what to do,I left immediately cause I don't want to waste any time there although Max was greeting me at the moment but I did not acknowledged his greeting.

Am in my office trying to calm myself down before it start to work again so that I will be able to concentrate. After some minutes I was able to calm myself down and I started working when I heard someone knocked on the door, I already know who that person is,I asked him to come in. Max walked in with that stupid smile on his face,hey bro I was greeting you in Sarah office but you ignored me Max said and sat down on the couch. 

That is because I don't have the time to entertain your nonsense I answered him,I know that was harsh but who cares he caused it. Jeez you just broke my heart Max said and he crutched his chest but I ignored his drama. What did I do this time around he asked when he noticed that am not ready to pay attention to his drama. I thought I warned you to stay away from Sarah? So what are you doing in her office? I asked him. 

I know am your best friend and you are like a brother to me but that doesn't give you the right to tell me who am suppose to go after and who I will not go after Max pointed out. You have a point there Max I don't have any right to tell you who to date or who to not date but this is different I told him.

Why is she different Max asked,because I love her! I shouted in my mind but I can't say it out so I lied,because she works for me I answered. Am aware that she works for you and the fact she works for You doesn't give you the right to tell her what will happen in her personal life,you are her boss not her boyfriend Max said and rose from the cushion and left my office. I guess I really got on his nerves this time around only if I can be brave enough to tell him what my real feelings are.