

Yan Ziyue has been living in dire straits these days, and everyone in the school is avoiding her like the plague. Those ridicule and contempt took her down like a knife.

All the students are working to spread the word about what she does, and she gets pointed at wherever she goes. She has always been hiding behind her back to create rumors and violence against others. This time, it was finally her turn to suffer the consequences.

But she didn't feel that she was at fault, she only attributed it all to Yan Qing, and she resented Yan Qing for this.

If it wasn't for him to reveal those contents, how could she have come to this point?

Every time she saw those contemptuous eyes, her resentment towards Yan Qing increased by one point.

She desperately wanted revenge, but there was no way, and she didn't dare to repeat her old tricks to frame him, and she couldn't even find someone to beat him up.

It wasn't until the results of the mock exam came out that Yan Qing ranked seventh in the grade, and she finally became happy. Such a result must have been obtained by him cheating! It's great to see Yan Qing unlucky without her taking action.

She secretly waited to see Yan Qing's joke, but after three days in a row, there was no movement in their class. Yan Ziyue was anxious, maybe their head teacher didn't want to care about a scumbag like Yan Qing?

So she anonymously wrote a report letter and quietly sent it to the teaching office.

Then after a few days, finally there is movement!


But it wasn't the movement she wanted.

Yan Qing was the first in the whole grade.

how is this possible? How could he possibly be the first in the exam?

Yan Ziyue didn't believe that this was Yan Qing's real achievement, so she continued to report him for cheating.


Until the college entrance examination, Yan Qing sat firmly on the first throne and never came down.

Yan Ziyue was going crazy, she didn't believe that Yan Qing had such strength! Isn't he a scumbag who skips classes and fights with the lowest grades? How could it be possible to take the first test! Why did he get the first place in the exam?

However, no matter how jealous she was, it didn't affect Yan Qing in the slightest. Not only did he easily come first in the exam, but he also made up Li Chaoyang's score from the bottom to the middle of the class. The two of them became a miracle that the scumbag counterattacked!

The head teacher was very happy, and used Li Chaoyang every day to encourage the whole class - "Do you see it? As long as you work hard, it's never too late!"

It really inspired a lot of people to work hard.

So after the results of the college entrance examination came out, the average score of Class 9 was actually several points higher than that of other classes.

The most incredible thing is Yan Qing, he actually won their province's number one in science!

This makes the school happy!

The teaching level of No. 2 Middle School is barely able to rank in the top three in their city, and it is even less impressive in the whole province! Before Yan Qing, let alone the provincial champion, they never even won a city champion!

It is conceivable how surprised they were with Yan Qing, the provincial champion.

From the principal to the head teacher, they are all happy to walk. I can't wait to pull up banners all over the city and tell everyone that the top scholar in the science department belongs to their school!

The students in Class 9 are also very happy. Even if they have one more point in the college entrance examination, they can surpass many people.

For this reason, many people came to Yan Qing to thank him. For a while, Yan Qing became the man of the second middle school.

But Yan Ziyue's sister and brother are miserable. The two of them have seen their grades decline during this period of time.

Before the college entrance examination, Yan Changlin and Heli found out, but for fear of putting pressure on them, she refrained from speaking. Until the results of the college entrance examination came out, He Li almost fainted when she heard the results.

"412, 413! You two have a tacit understanding! What university do you want to go to with such a score! What's the matter with the two of you? Don't you usually get more than 500 points? A month before the college entrance examination, I will see that you are absent-minded, your father. I told you not to put pressure on you, so I held back and didn't say it, but the results were good, so I'll be tested like this?"

He Li scolded her face and covered her face, and the siblings lowered their heads and remained silent. If it was the past, they would definitely put the blame on Yan Qing, who caused them to be distracted. But now they dare not say it, not even Yan Qing's name.

For fear of letting them know that Yan Qing had passed the college entrance examination as the champion.

But the more I was afraid of something, the more it came, the next door Fang Qiuping suddenly came to the door with a smile on his face to announce the good news, "Congratulations to you, Lao Yan, you are a good teacher, I really blamed you before, or you are good at teaching children, and you teach them well. A provincial champion in the college entrance examination! Yan Qing really gives you a face!"


"Huh? You don't know yet? Yan Qing has been admitted to our province's number one science subject. It's been reported on TV!"

"Yan Qing... Provincial champion... How is this possible?" Yan Changlin muttered to himself.

"Why is it impossible? Yan Qing's grades were very good in the past. Who knows why it has declined in the past few years. But Yan Qing is a smart kid. He won the provincial champion as soon as he worked hard, which is really good for you."

Fang Qiuping was deliberately angry with them. Knowing that he had cut off relations with Yan Qing, the one on the left gave you a long face, and the one on the right gave you a boost. Seeing his disbelief and jaw-dropping appearance, he just felt exasperated.

Such a good child will be driven out, leaving these two...

Fang Qiuping glanced at sister and brother Yan Ziyue, tsk tsk!

When she left, the Yan family fell into a dead silence.

He Li didn't care about scolding Yan Ziyue's sister and brother, her expression was very ugly. Yan Changlin didn't know what he was thinking, his face was silent.

However, this is just the beginning. With the exposure of Yan Qing's college entrance examination results, his past experience was also dug up. Whether it's the miracle of returning to the top in a month after falling for three years, or being kicked out of the house to cut off the relationship, each one is enough to shock people's attention.

In addition, it is also mixed with the junior third, the stepmother framed the ex-wife and children, and this gimmicky **** plot has made Yan Qing's matter repeatedly discussed.

Then the Yan Changlin family suffered a tragedy.

"Excuse me, Mr. Yan, do you regret kicking out the top student in the college entrance examination?"

"Do you have any feelings for the little three to oppress your ex-wife's children?"

"Have you considered bringing Yan Qing back?"

"Ms. He, what do you think of Yan Qing's college entrance examination as the champion?"

This couple has become a street rat and has a bad reputation. Every day I was chased and blocked by reporters, and I couldn't find peace when I went home from work.

Yan Changlin's company has politely advised him to take a break for a while, and He Li has also been excluded from her work unit.

But all of this has nothing to do with Yan Qing. He just turned 18 on the day of the college entrance examination. After the test, he was immersed in the stock market. One month before the college entrance examination, he took on computer work every night and saved some start-up funds. .

He has many future high-tech projects in his mind, and he can use any of them to make money. However, the initial investment of technology projects is large, so he thought about it, it is better to make some money from the stock market first, and then start the project.

He bought a few computers and kept an eye on the stock market day and night. Buying and selling, after several flips, the funds in the hand are like a snowball that keeps getting bigger and bigger.

It was not until the results of the college entrance examination came out that he was dug out by Mr. Li from his home. He was praised and rewarded, and a TV station came to interview him.

Yan Qing thought it was troublesome, so he pushed whatever he could. Only the TV station interview was accepted.

He wants to let his mother and Xiaoshu see him through TV.

Without their addresses, he was almost looking for a needle in a haystack by himself. If they were allowed to see themselves on TV, maybe they would come to him.

"Yan Qing, I got a score of 425! It's just ten points above the undergraduate level! My dad is so happy! I must invite you to dinner!" Li Chaoyang said excitedly, "Although it's not as good as your champion, I'm already satisfied with this score. , I didn't even dare to think about it before! Anyway, my dad doesn't expect me to go to any good school, as long as I can get a bachelor's degree certificate!"

Yan Qing is also happy for him, "I still have to choose a school well. There are not many schools that can be selected for this score, and it is not advantageous to choose a major."

"Don't worry, my parents are more attentive than I am. I ask everywhere about how to apply for the exam. Let's go, I'm going to my house for dinner today, and my dad said that he will give you a big red envelope!"

Yan Qing shook her head, "It's okay to eat, but the red envelopes are fine."

"You tell me it doesn't work, tell my parents to go."

"...Yan Shu, your grades have been very stable, why did you drop so much during this period? The teacher knows that your mother is hospitalized, but do you have no other relatives at home? You run from the hospital to the school, how can you calm down and study? The teacher said These are not meant to criticize you, it's just that there are still a few days left for the senior high school entrance examination. You have to adjust your mentality and go all out to deal with the test. Even if your family can't help you, it can't hold you back, right?"

Yan Shu lowered her head, the corners of her eyes were slightly red, and said, "I'm sorry teacher, I will study hard."

The teacher sighed, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, relax and study hard. Although the high school entrance examination is not as good as the college entrance examination, it is also very important and cannot be ignored."

Yan Shu replied in a low voice.

After school, Yan Shu hurried home, filled the soup stewed at noon, and hurried to the hospital.

Before entering the ward, she rubbed her face, tried her best to smile, and then pushed in the door, "Mom, I'm here! I brought you yam pork ribs soup today!"

Ding Yuehong was lying on the hospital bed wearing a hospital gown, her face was pale, and when she saw her coming in, she showed a weak smile, "Why are you running here again? Mom can do it alone. The hospital can order meals and they will be delivered on time. You The high school entrance examination is coming soon, study hard at home, don't worry about me."

"There's no oil or water in the hospital's rice! You just finished the operation, so you need to supplement nutrition. Hey, try the loving and nutritious pork ribs soup I made with my own hands." Yan Shu helped her sit up and gave her a bowl Pass the pork ribs soup.

Ding Yuehong didn't pick it up, but pushed it to her, "You haven't eaten yet, so you should eat some pads first. You've been studying hard, so you must have been hungry long ago. Mom lay down all afternoon and still isn't hungry."

"I knew you would say this for a long time, so I brought two bowls today and dine with my mother today!" She took out another bowl like a magic trick, Ding Yuehong laughed and took the soup bowl obediently. .

"Okay, let's eat together."

After eating, Yan Shu repeatedly told Ding Yuehong to take a good rest before putting on the lunch box and leaving.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening when they went downstairs, and Yan Shu dragged out tired steps.

What she didn't notice was that a video was playing in the hall of the hospital she just passed by—an interview with the top student in the provincial college entrance examination...