

A large campus.

After class, Yan Qing packed her schoolbag and was about to leave the classroom when the monitor Feng Bowen came over and asked, "Yan Qing, the class is going to organize a dinner party on New Year's Day, do you want to attend?"

Yan Qing stopped what he was doing, "Is it New Year's Day? What time?"

"Meet at the school gate at six o'clock in the evening."

Yan Qing thought for a while and said, "I'll go back and see if my working time conflicts with me, and then I'll give you an answer."

Feng Bowen said helplessly, "Okay, you are very busy, try to come here. You can count the number of class activities you participated in during the three years of college, and you don't live in the dormitory. I guess you don't even recognize all the classmates in our class. "

Yan Qing smiled, "Nothing, I remembered everything on the first day of school."

"So amazing? Anyway, come over as much as you can, and get together with everyone."


After Yan Qing left, several girls surrounded the squad leader, "How about it, will Yan Qing come?"

Feng Bowen spread his hands, "I'm not sure yet, it depends on whether it conflicts with working hours. But I guess it's more likely not to participate."

The girls were suddenly disappointed.

As one of the big male gods, Yan Qing is very popular among girls, but it is a pity that he is always alone and rarely participates in any activities. Even the girls in the same class were not able to get close to the water tower and get the moon, and get closer to him.

It's rare to be able to get close to the male **** through the convenience of the dinner, but I didn't expect him to not participate.

After Yan Qing left the classroom, she walked straight out of the school. After leaving the school gate and walking a few hundred meters, he stopped in front of a low-key black car. Opened the car door and sat up.

The driver started the car and slowly merged into the traffic.

In the back of the car sat a young man in a suit. He adjusted his glasses and quickly reported: "Mr. Yan, you have a video conference at 8 o'clock tonight. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, I have an appointment with the person in charge in the United States to meet at the company at 10 o'clock..."

Li Rui quickly recounted the two-day itinerary, Yan Qing listened carefully, and then asked, "Do you have any plans for New Year's Day?"

Li Rui flipped through the itinerary, "Yes, you have an appointment with the president of Xingda Technology for dinner."

Xingda Technology is Yan Qing's most important partner now, so naturally he can't miss the appointment without reason.

"Then there is no way, the class reunion can only be pushed."

Yan Qing rubbed her head and asked again, "Is there any news on the person I asked you to find?"

Li Rui shook his head, "There is still no news. I searched for the best private detective, but I never found Ms. Ding's whereabouts. Since their mother and daughter left Yan's house, it was as if the world had evaporated, leaving nothing behind. trace."

Yan Qing frowned. His mother wasn't hiding incognito, and she couldn't find it after looking for it for three years!

This is not normal.

Maybe... is the force majeure of the plot? Since it's not yet time for the female supporting role to appear, it is impossible for him to find it no matter how much he looks for?

Only this reason can explain it.

But if this is the case, doesn't it mean that the plot cannot be changed and the fate cannot be reversed?

Ah! Yan Qing sneered, he didn't believe in force majeure. He only believed that fate was in his own hands.

He dug out his phone, found a number without a note, and sent a message—

"Look for an opportunity for the Su family to discover Su Mingzhu's identity."

According to the progress of the plot, it will take half a year for Su Mingzhu's identity to be revealed. Now Yan Qing decided to add fuel to the flames and let this happen earlier.

The Su family has been shrouded in a depressing atmosphere for the past few days.

The daughter whom she has loved like a jewel for 18 years is not her own! It was because of a hospital error when he was born that he held the wrong child with someone else's child.

But instead of being shocked, the Su family was first worried about their daughter Su Mingzhu's mood.

"Otherwise, don't tell Mingzhu about it beforehand? I still don't know which one will be found or not, and it won't be too late when he finds it. If he can't find it, it's just as if it didn't happen, and don't let Mingzhu be sad in vain. ." Mother Su said worriedly.

Su Yichen agreed immediately, "Regardless of who finds it or not, Mingzhu is my sister, and I will never make her feel wronged or sad."

Father Su also nodded, "Just do as you said. Life is not as good as raising kindness. After eighteen years of raising, it doesn't matter whether there is that blood relationship."

The three reached an agreement and decided to hide Su Mingzhu temporarily. However, when Mother Su looked up, she found that Su Mingzhu was standing at the entrance of the stairs, stunned in shock.

Mother Su panicked, "Mingzhu... did you hear it?"

Su Mingzhu's tears rolled in her eyes, bit her lip, her face pale, "Dad, mom, brother, this is not true, you are joking, right?"

Su Yichen strode over and hugged her into his arms, "Don't be afraid, Mingzhu, you will always be my sister, the daughter of my parents, the eldest miss of the Su family. No matter what happens, you will never change!"

Hearing this, Su Mingzhu felt a little relieved, but she was still lying in Su Yichen's arms, crying uncontrollably, "Why is this happening, so I'm not the daughter of the Su family, not my brother's sister, I'm just taking someone else's place... "

Su Yichen's face turned grim, "Don't talk nonsense, you didn't occupy anyone's place, you are you! No one can replace you!"

Su Mingzhu raised her head, her beautiful face was covered with tears, she was obviously heartbroken, but she still held on with a smile on her face, "Brother, this sentence of you is enough..."

Su Yichen's distressed heart couldn't be added any more. He had never felt so sad about his little sister, whom he petted in his palm and never let her suffer in the slightest.

He suppressed the darkness in his eyes and gently coaxed Su Mingzhu, "Mingzhu, my brother will take you back to your room to rest."

When Su Mingzhu was settled and came down again, Su Yichen said to Su's father and Su's mother, "I'll arrange the matter of finding someone."

Mother Su had no opinion, she just sighed and said, "The child doesn't know if he is suffering or not. It's the daughter of the Su family, so let's get it back sooner."

"I know, don't worry."

The Su family's hands and eyes are clear, and they are very efficient. They quickly put the Yan family's information in front of Su Yichen.

Su Yichen blankly looked through the events of the Yan family over the years.

From when Yan Shu was born, when Yan Changlin cheated in marriage, got divorced and married a third party, to when Yan Qing was kicked out of the house and took the college entrance exam as the number one student... I read all the details.

A cheating and stupid father, two selfish and vicious twin brothers and sisters, a vicious stepmother... How can such a family be worthy of being a relative of Pearl?

Only the older brother of a compatriot can still see through it, forbearance for three years and soaring into the sky, and cut off relations with the family, he is decisive and smart.

It's just that he would appreciate such talents in the business field, but his brother who is a pearl is obviously unqualified. He doesn't value family affection, he has a deep mind, and he's just an ordinary college student.

If Mingzhu recognizes them, it is conceivable that this family will sting on Mingzhu like a blood-sucking worm to **** blood.

His pearl, how will he deal with it then?

"As for Ms. Ding and Ms. Yan, we also have clues, and we can find them soon..." The subordinate in charge of finding someone reported this.

Su Yichen's handsome face was cold and his eyes darkened, "Don't look for it, let's talk about it later."

Yan Qing, who had been following the movements of the Su family, soon learned that the Su family had stopped looking for Yan Shu, and immediately became very happy.

No wonder Su Mingzhu's identity was revealed at the age of 18 in the original novel, but she did not find her real daughter until she was 20 years old. Moreover, it was the mother and daughter of Yan Shu who met unexpectedly with the mother and daughter of the Su family and finally "found" the person.

It turned out to be nowhere to be found!

The Yan family was all found, but the main lord didn't go looking for it, making it clear that he didn't want to change it back.

Since he went to Cha Yan's house, it means that he wanted to recognize him in the first place. But seeing the situation of the Yan family, he didn't want to recognize it. Was he worried that the fake daughter would have such a group of unsightly relatives? Does Yan Shu deserve to live outside? Even though she was a real daughter, she still became the one who was abandoned.

Yan Qing sneered, no matter what, if others don't feel bad, his own sister, just feel sorry for himself.