

As the college entrance examination is approaching, there are frequent exams in the school, with a small test in two days and a big test in three days. Students have become accustomed to it.

The teachers have also practiced the skills of correcting papers at the speed of light, and they can get the results the next day after the exam.

The students in the ninth class of senior three, looking at the freshly released transcripts, almost exploded.

"Fuck! The second place is Yan Qing? Fake, right? Did you make a mistake?"

"It's impossible to jump from the penultimate place to the positive number two. If it wasn't for a grade entry error, then someone cheated." Song Mingming, a member of the study committee, said without thinking. His grades fell out of the top ten this time, and he could already predict the lectures from teachers and parents, and he was in a very bad mood.

Although what he said was ugly, most students, no, it should be said that all students except Yan Qing and Li Chaoyang thought so.

So, looking at Yan Qing's eyes, he suddenly became contemptuous.

Bad grades are not wrong, but cheating is a problem with character.

Yan Qing sighed, this is also a misunderstanding.

Yan Qing didn't want to do such a coercive plot of making a blockbuster and becoming a student of a scumbag. He also had no intention of pretending to be coercive with a group of children. The age of the whole class was not a fraction of his age, so bullying children was really not a sense of accomplishment.

So he originally planned to keep a low profile and improve by one or twenty places at a time.

As a result, the test paper this time was a bit difficult, and the students generally did not perform well. Yan Qing, a big scientific researcher, did the high school questions again. All the questions were very easy for him, so he estimated that he could almost get a mid-level score, and this time he was among the best.

Therefore, it is quite normal to suspect him of cheating from the standpoint of his classmates.

Yan Qing can understand, so he doesn't care about these doubts at all. When his grades remain among the best in the future, the rumors will no longer be self-defeating.

But Li Chaoyang couldn't hold back, he was happy for Yan Qing, and when he heard others suspected Yan Qing of cheating, he immediately refuted Yan Qing, "What are you kidding? Can you get second place by cheating? You can try it out? Yan Qing's real achievements, he was not serious before, but now he is serious, understand!"

"Yo, do you mean that he can change from the second from the bottom to the second positive when he is serious? Oh, don't be funny. I know you have a good relationship, but you don't have to protect him like this!" Song Mingming sneered.

"You can't do it yourself, it doesn't mean that others can't do it! This is Yan Qing's true achievement!"

"Then tell me why he did this? Did he deliberately disguise himself as a scumbag, just to hit everyone in the face for a blockbuster?"

After Song Mingming finished speaking, someone laughed along, "That's right, this isn't some kind of cool post!"

"You!" Li Chaoyang was very angry, and he couldn't say anything about Yan Qing's family.

Yan Qing patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "Don't be angry, the clearer will clear himself. In order to live up to your trust, I will strive to do better in the next exam, and I won't let you be slapped in the face."

Li Chaoyang suddenly lost his anger, but instead became happy, "Yes, the next test will be better, let's see who dares to say that you cheated!"

"Ha, I'm addicted to cheating!" Song Mingming said strangely.

Li Chaoyang was aroused by him again, and he got up in a hurry, just about to reason with him. It just so happened that the monitor came in from outside, "Yan Qing, the monitor asked you to come over."

This sentence seems to be some kind of signal, and the noise in the class is even louder. Some students even asked the monitor directly, "Monitor, the class teacher asked Yan Qing to come over, is it because he cheated?"

The monitor shook his head, "I don't know."

"It must be, otherwise why?"

The eyes of everyone looking at Yan Qing were full of schadenfreude, but Yan Qing showed no signs of panic. He got up calmly and walked to the office calmly.

Li Wenxiu, the head teacher of Class 9 in the third year, did not frown after getting the report card of their class. The exam questions were difficult this time, and all the students in the class did not do well.

But she frowned not because of this, but because someone's achievements were too outstanding.

From the second last in the class, to the second positive number, and the seventh grade, Li Wenxiu couldn't even suspect that he was cheating.

In addition, Yan Qing had a lot of bad things in the past, often skipping classes, fighting, and playing games, and his grades were even more messed up. This possibility is even greater.

So, apart from cheating, don't do what he wants.

But when someone stood in front of her, Li Wenxiu suddenly became uncertain again.

The young man in front of him was tall and thin, wearing a clean white shirt with his cuffs rolled up at will, revealing a beautiful arm. He has smooth black hair, fair skin, and clear eyes.

Standing there quietly, like a landscape, neither humble nor arrogant, tall and straight like a pine.

Such a clean boy makes it impossible to associate him with the words plagiarism and cheating.

Li Wenxiu asked as much as she could, "What's the matter with your grades this time? It's good to be aggressive, but don't cheat."

"The teacher wants to ask me if I have cheated, right?" Yan Qing said directly, "I can guarantee that I didn't cheat, this is my real grade."

Li Wenxiu was suspicious, "Then how did you make such great progress?"

"Because - I finally cut off my father-son relationship with my biological father! So I don't have to deliberately take bad exams to set off my stepmother's children. I just restored my original grades, not a sudden improvement." He said calmly. said.

Li Wenxiu was stunned for a moment, then realized what he meant by saying, "You mean you were deliberately taking bad exams before?"

"Yes, because I don't do this, my life will not be peaceful. My stepmother and her children don't see me as good, so as long as I pass the exam, I will either be framed or abused. And now I'm finally free, so It doesn't matter if I pass the exam. If the teacher doesn't believe me, you can check my previous high school grades, and you'll know if I lied.

Of course, you don't need to be so troublesome. You only need to look at my next results to know whether my results are true or false this time. "

Li Wenxiu was stunned for a while because of the information revealed in Yan Qing's words.

Because of her stepmother's suppression, she can only deliberately fail the exam? It sounded very absurd, but seeing Yan Qing's expression, she felt that this was not a lie.

What's more, why would he tell such a lie that can be broken at once? As he said himself, won't he be beaten back to his original shape after the next exam?

So what he said was true?

This conclusion made Li Wenxiu very sympathetic. How confused parents are to do such a thing? If you don't cut off the relationship, won't you ruin your child's life?

No, severing the father-son relationship is not a good thing either. Seeing Yan Qing's calm face, she didn't know what kind of despair he had experienced before finally reaching such a tragic step.

Li Wenxiu's expression was complicated. If only he had paid more attention to this student before, he would not let a good seedling pearl be dusted.

"The teacher doesn't know your family's situation, so I don't know how to persuade you. I just hope you work hard now and don't think about anything. Nothing is more important than the college entrance examination. You still have a long road ahead, and there may be many difficulties, but Be sure to look forward. If you have any difficulties, you can come to the teacher."

Yan Qing smiled slightly, "Thank you, Teacher Li, I will try my best."

"Go, go back and have a good class, the teacher will clarify for you about plagiarism."

Yan Qing went to the office and came back soon. The people who followed him secretly wanted to see something on his face, but were disappointed. He was calm and could see nothing.

But soon, the head teacher entered the class and solemnly stated that the results this time were real, and no one was cheating.

The whole class was in an uproar, which means that Yan Qing's grades are true?

how can that be!

Although many people do not believe it, but the teacher said so, and everyone can only accept it. Of course, private discussions are inevitable.

"Anyway, there will be a mock exam next week. Is it true? We won't know until we finish the exam next week?"

This is true, so everyone was quiet and began to look forward to the next exam.

Soon, the school ushered in another mock exam. As usual, the results came out the next day.

The students in Class 9 were all silent after reading the transcripts.

Without him, Yan Qing's name came first.

First in class and first in grade.

Yan Qing felt that she had already made a high profile anyway, and it was impossible to keep a low profile if she wanted to. So don't make progress slowly, just open up.

"Damn it! I've served it! It turns out that this guy is a real boss! Otherwise, we can't copy the first place!"

"My face hurts! It really hurts! It turns out that the boss didn't show his full strength last time. This is the real strength of the boss!"

"Don't look at the boss, look at Li Chaoyang! He improved by fifteen places this time!"

"Really! The last time I heard Yan Qing said that he was going to tutor Li Chaoyang, I laughed at them as the second-to-last tutor! But now, I want to laugh at my ignorant self."

"So... the boss not only flew by himself, but also took his good friends to fly?"

Everyone looked at Yan Qing with eager eyes.

"I'm sorry to learn the gods! Do you see the standard posture of my apology? Can you ask me to fly?"

"Big brother, I'm calling you dad, can you help me improve to the 15th place?"

"Dad, I'm not very demanding, I just need to improve to the top ten!"

Yan Qing rubbed her head helplessly, "Don't make trouble, just help each other and make progress together."

I didn't care about the previous unhappiness.

So everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and asked a little nervously, "Yan Qing, can we ask you questions in the future?"

"Yes, as long as I have time."

As soon as these words came out, it was a surprise, I didn't expect him to talk so well. There are still more than 20 days before the college entrance examination. At this time, those who are willing to take the time to help students talk about topics are definitely gods!

For a time, everyone looked at Yan Qing with more eagerness.

Li Chaoyang whispered, "You actually promised them, you forgot what they said about you before?"

Yan Qing smiled and said, "It's just a problem. It's impossible to make a study plan as targeted as you. It's impossible to open a small stove alone."

As long as someone like Yan Ziyue isn't encountered, ordinary students are still very simple. Yan Qing didn't care about the little fights between the students.

But when it comes to helping them with all his heart and lungs, he doesn't have the time to spare either.

He tutored Li Chaoyang during the day, and was busy making money at night.