
My adventure in a fantasy world

The story follows two brothers, Cain and Rei, who had been living their lives peacefully..... until on that fateful day, that happened, Strange people from another world descended upon earth, announcing some prophecy and the birth of a hero. To Cain's surprise who witnessed it all first hand, there came a light from his house two days later while he was out to find more clues on the strange people who came on earth, the hero, the younger brother seemed to have been chosen as the one which they had announced about, "Rei you- you are the prophecies hero ?" A life changing moment took place in Cain's eyes, he has been given two options, to stay with his parents at earth or go along with his brother to another world and fight as a warrior beside him to defeat the demon king and bring peace to their world. But surely, every action comes with a consequence which decides your own fate, in Cain's case, it was in a form of karma....a betrayal.

Kirigayasenpai08 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

A promise to keep I swear on

" Even if something were to happen to the hero, because of the mark on his hand, his soul will vanish from our world and he will simply teleport here, to his original world. "

" He would indeed die or rather cease to exist from our world but because of the mark that was bestowed upon him by the gods and constellations that confirms that he indeed is the hero, he will not die in the true sense…. Now, if I may ? Hero, we shall go now, it's almost time for us to depart. "

" W-Wait a second, what if I were to tag along of my own accord anyway ? It's not like I'll die immediately or like I have to fight the demon king myself, I can simply tag along ya know ? Plus he's still my brother so I can keep him company too. "

I said to the old man while stopping him on his tracks,

" Boy, I appreciate that you want to come and take care of our hero, but this is no small matter, and don't you dare say you want to just tag along, you think it would be some kind of fun adventure there ? "

" There are people dying left and right, you may think you'll be safe but there are other kingdoms too with their own set of people with powers that can be classified in the hero category. There will be assassin's sent after you and worse comes to worst you may be kidnapped and tortured even, you may be the hero's brother but you are not special in any way. "

The Old man said to me in a cold tone,

" Old man, I'm serious, he may be your hero or whatever, but he is my little brother first, I don't care about any of you, nor I ever will, so you can rest assured and just sit back and not care about me, I won't too, now I thought this through too you see, I'm pretty sure as my little brother being the hero, you won't deny his right to bring me along, will you ? "

" Now hold on a second, just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I can't speak, no one is going anywhere, I'm the- I'm....the- "

snore snore

" I just put him to sleep my lord, he was being a nuisance so- "

Old man gives a hand sign to the person that casted that spell on that bastard that put him to sleep to not say anything more,

" Old man, I need my brother to be by my side, you will allow it will you not? "

Rei asks the old man while coming in front of me,

" Hmm...Fine, I allow it, but I don't think he would be able to learn any magic or swordsmanship, He has very weak affinity for almost everything, be it the basics of fire, water or earth, his affinity to them is very weak compared to even the merchants and miners that work in the castle, I don't think he would be able to survive there without you for even a second, would you still like to bring him with us Hero? "

" That's- "

I interrupted Rei and said,

" Like I said, I don't care about that, I only want to be with my brother because that's my wish, it's my choice and will be till the end, if I was scared of death or anything, do you think I would be talking to you like this ? That too someone who knows magic and can easily kill me instead ? "

The old man didn't said anything for a few seconds and after that he lets out a huge sigh and then says,

" Urgh...Fine, you can tag along but don't expect any special treatment just because you are the big brother of our hero, I say this not because I can't provide you or anything but...


you will understand what I mean when you see it yourself. "

" Now then, we have waited enough already, it's time to go, say your good-byes and get ready. I'll open the portal again in the meantime and set the spell too so that everyone forgets what happened today and that time when we came here. "

The old man then goes and talks to his comrades and starts to set up the spell while Rei and I go to mother,

" Children, please I- "

Rei interrupted Mom and said,

" Mom, don't worry, brother is with me, nothing bad will happen, stop thinking of the negatives jeez, plus remember? I'm the hero, so naturally I will be stronger than anyone else. "

" Yup, as my little brat of a brother here just said, I will be there for him, so you don't have to worry about him or me if you think so otherwise, you won't even remember us for the time being so think don't of it at the first place, just relax and- "

Mom interrupts me and says,

" Son, I- sigh whatever I say to the both of you it won't mean much anyway, you have already decided what you want to do now so why should I stop you? But just….

Just promise me these two things, Cain, first, you will send your brother alive to earth and second you yourself will come back alive with your brother...ok ? Promise me this my son. "


huff huff

" Argh- Ha, hah- Mother, it looks like your son won't be able to keep your promise to you....heh...ha..haha..ahahahahahahahahah.....ahh… Why didn't you just leave me alone in the woods instead huh... Rei ? Tell me god dammit "

" I'm sorry brother but it looks like I can't really get rid of you this way, I am a bit sad but… there really was no other way. "


" Of course Mom, is that even a question you need to ask me ? "

I said to Mom and smiled so that she can at least not be too worried about me, We all then had a group hug before we went with the old man and said our goodbyes,

" ...It's time, c'mon now, hero you and uhhh- "

" Cain, you can call me Cain old man. "

" Alright Cain, but my name is Gazef Alfriston not just old man, you are to address me as Sir Gazef you hear me ? "

" Yeah yeah, whatever you say Gazef sir. "

" Hero and Cain, hold your hands together and come stand beside us, we are going to teleport now and since it's your first time, you better brace yourselves. "

" Hm, brother, here take my hand. "

" Hehe, look at you taking the lead, who are you and what did you do to Rei ? Sorry but I'm not into boys Rei, but I will always support you no matter what- "

" Br- Brother, don't make this weird- wait no- I'm into girls just like you ya hear me ? Plus you are to respect me now, I'm the hero- "

I started to tickle him before he could even finish the sentence and continued to do so till he admitted his defeat, it's the only thing I'm the best at and forever will be, the ticklish master, yup, that's me, He was trying to not laugh and I could see that but no one's ever made it out alive from the deadly tickle attack ,

The old man sighs and then casts the spell all over the world. I saw ourselves disappearing into thin air and mom going to sleep so I waved to her one last time...but who knew.....it truly would be the very last time that I saw her.