
My adventure in a fantasy world

The story follows two brothers, Cain and Rei, who had been living their lives peacefully..... until on that fateful day, that happened, Strange people from another world descended upon earth, announcing some prophecy and the birth of a hero. To Cain's surprise who witnessed it all first hand, there came a light from his house two days later while he was out to find more clues on the strange people who came on earth, the hero, the younger brother seemed to have been chosen as the one which they had announced about, "Rei you- you are the prophecies hero ?" A life changing moment took place in Cain's eyes, he has been given two options, to stay with his parents at earth or go along with his brother to another world and fight as a warrior beside him to defeat the demon king and bring peace to their world. But surely, every action comes with a consequence which decides your own fate, in Cain's case, it was in a form of karma....a betrayal.

Kirigayasenpai08 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A gamble on myself

" We greet you the prophecies hero, I know all of this may seem unreal to you at first but you will get used to it, before we go any further and start with anything else, I wanted to ask you, is the person behind you….. Is he your brother ? " The man and his comrades looked at me and pointed for Rei to notice me, " Wha- ? " Rei then turned around and saw me and his face changed,

" You- " A red aura-like thing then filled the whole room, it was visible to even someone like me but I couldn't feel anything ? I looked at the woman with the huge blade and she was terrified, her face- it was almost as if she saw the angel of death himself, she was trying to put her huge blade back in it's sheath but she wasn't able to move properly,

" Help- This- Sir- argh…..Sir- " The woman tried to speak but couldn't,

" My goodness, to be able to put the sword master into this state just from his aura, he definitely is one of the strongest, his potential…..it surpasses that of our previous summonings...very well, you proved that you are his brother indeed, that's enough now hero, we are not here to harm anyone, you can calm down. " The person in the robe said to Rei, " Huh ? What do you- " I interrupted Rei and then said,

" Rei, it's ok, they are not here to harm me or anyone else, they didn't mean it, you can stop now. " I said with a smile on my face to calm him down, "....Ok, if you say so brother" , " Now then, You, old man in a robe, speak, what is happening with me and who are you people ? Why did this woman put a blade on my brother's throat and your reason for trespassing into my house ? " Rei said to them in a cold tone,

" We deeply apologise to you for this inconvenience but we couldn't afford to see you get hurt by someone in our presence. I shall explain everything once we reach the otherside- in other words, our kingdom where everyone is waiting for you, we don't have enough time, we shall hurry. " The old man in the robe said to Rei,

" Wait a second, how can you just take him without even letting him have a say in this matter ? Mom doesn't even know that he is leaving- wait- where is Mom right now ? "

I asked the old man,


" Both your Father and Mother are safe and have been put to sleep with a spell already before anyone else, they will wake up after a certain amount of time after we have left, they- including everyone in this world will forget about the incident that happened two days ago and about what happened today too, they wouldn't remember a single thing. "

" Oh and talking about your parents, It's up to you hero, we can make them forget about you temporarily till the time you return here or you can say your final goodbye to them before we leave. I say choose what you want to do fast because time is running out. " The old man said to Rei,

I was a little anxious, thinking that Rei was going to leave with them anyway, so I spoke up, " Rei, you should....say goodbye to them, their memories won't be there anyway after you leave so….why not meet them before you go ? " I looked him in the eye and waited for his response,

He was thinking hard I could tell because it was not something like going outside the country, he was leaving, going to another planet far away from here, unbelievable but it was happening really in front of my eyes, " I...want to meet them. " Rei said to the old man,

" Very well, As you wish, Hero. "

The old man then ordered the others to bring Mom and that bastard to us as we wait and after that he used a spell on them, which woke them up right after, Both of them were confused and got a little scared when they saw all of these people surrounding them but Rei and I calmed Mom down and that idiot and explained what was happening,

After a while,

" Is….there really no other way ? Can't you just transfer the mark onto someone else ? You all can use magic right ? Then it should be possible, why should my child bear the burden and responsibility of being a hero when he didn't want it in the first place ? " Mom questioned the old man,

" Miss you- " Someone from the group was trying to say something but the old man stopped him and said, " Stop, she's the hero's mother, she has every right to question and to be angry at us. "

" I am sorry for this miss but… we have to take your son with us, there is no other choice, he's the one and only hope for our planet, if you don't let us take him with us… our planet will be exterminated and taken over by the demon king, I beg of you, please. " The old man said to Mom and bowed his head in front of her,

" S-Sir you don't have to- " The old man interrupted his comrades and said,

" Quiet, no one will dare say anything, I'm talking to the mother of the child, whom I am about to take away from her, if I can't even do this, then for what reason did I take a pledge on that day ? "

I could see that Mom was stunned from the old man suddenly bowing his head in front of her, Rei wanted to say something but was interrupted by Mom, " Sir, please, raise your head, I don't know- I don't know you or what is happening and I don't even know if this is real....but ...I ...don't want to leave him alone, we are talking about a different planet, a whole different place, and he will be all alone with no one familiar person by his side, can you even guarantee that living there all alone will not break him from the inside ? " Mom said to the old man while she helped him stand up,

" I can assure you that the hero will not be alone miss, there are comrades waiting for him on the other side whom he can always rely on, as for him returning, the concept of time is different on both of the side, if your son, the hero stays on our planet for about 3 or 4 years, the time here amounts to only 3 to 4 months here. "

" It's difficult to grasp and understand the knowledge of time even for us but I can assure you of this, he will return. " The old man said to Mom. " ...… " Mom was silent, she didn't say anything, " Old man, what's your name ? " Rei asked him,

" It's Geraz Ul Rezir but you can just call me Geraz. "

" So, I have a request before you take me, do you think you can do it ? " Rei asked the old man, " Of course hero, your request is my command, just say the word and I'll do my best to assist you. "

" First of all, It's Rei, my name, you may call me by this name. Second of all, what I want you to do is, Let my brother tag along with me. " Rei said to the old man which left everyone present there shocked,

" Huh ? " The old man was confused and asked Rei again if he heard him right,

" Hero- Rei, do you really want to bring your brother with you ? It's different for you since you are the hero but he still is a normal human being, he won't be able to handle anything on his own and most likely just become someone who gets in your way during crucial times. "

Ouch, that hurt, but still he is right, just what will I be even able to do there ? Fight the bad guys ? Kill some bandits ? I'm literally smaller in height and not even that strong… unlike him, but I guess….. it's still better than being stuck here, he's the one asking the old man and I'm pretty sure I won't survive here alone with this bastard anyway, they could make them forget about me too right ? Though it all depends on his approval to bring me along or not.