
My adventure in a fantasy world

The story follows two brothers, Cain and Rei, who had been living their lives peacefully..... until on that fateful day, that happened, Strange people from another world descended upon earth, announcing some prophecy and the birth of a hero. To Cain's surprise who witnessed it all first hand, there came a light from his house two days later while he was out to find more clues on the strange people who came on earth, the hero, the younger brother seemed to have been chosen as the one which they had announced about, "Rei you- you are the prophecies hero ?" A life changing moment took place in Cain's eyes, he has been given two options, to stay with his parents at earth or go along with his brother to another world and fight as a warrior beside him to defeat the demon king and bring peace to their world. But surely, every action comes with a consequence which decides your own fate, in Cain's case, it was in a form of karma....a betrayal.

Kirigayasenpai08 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The meeting of turning point


" We have arrived, this is your first time travelling through like this so both of you may have thrown up, Don't try to hold it in though, even I threw up at my first time- Huh ? Where did they both go ? "

" Sir, both the hero and his brother are right there."

" ..."

" Woah.... this is... beautiful, you seeing this Rei ?"

" Yeah….this place looks so different and beautiful, it's amazing that a place like this can exist even, brother let's go there, see there's a cliff there."

" Haha you brat, look at you all excited, alright I guess, let's go. "

Gazef's Pov

Both of them are… fine ? I would understand if it was the hero who stood up and didn't face any backlash but his brother too ? Hm….now that's interesting, I might just have to keep an eye on you now boy, you have piqued my interest, your presence- could it be-

Gazef's Pov ended

" Hero, Cain, both of you come here, there are people waiting inside the castle, we have to hurry up otherwise we all will get scolded by the emperor in front of everyone. "

Gazef called out to us,

" Fine fine, Rei, let's go, we will come by again and explore this place afterwards, we have all the time in the world now."

I said to Rei,

" Ok brother. "

Rei and I then proceeded to run towards Gazef-sir, All of us then started to walk towards the castle. Rei and I saw many people along our way, from different races to different kinds of people with status/authority. There were many people looking at Rei and even me… they were very surprised….or happy even ?

After a few more minutes of walking, we arrived at the castle, " This looks much bigger than we saw from far away doesn't it ? " I said,

We then proceeded to enter the castle, just after entering the castle, I saw how big it actually was, big doors and the roof way up above, torch/lights that lit the whole place,

" This is only the entrance, we are yet to go to the main hall, this is your first time so don't worry, we will have someone to teach you the ethics, rules and laws about this place soon too. "

" Just- when the emperor and empress arrive, copy what I and the others do, that much should be obvious even to you both since they are someone with high authority, Did you both get it ? "

" Rei, look at this, the torch flickers whenever we pass by them, isn't that like totally cool ? "

" Yeah brother, even the height of this roof is pretty admirable, everything is just so big and sturdy, I wonder if magic was used to build all of these. "

" ....sigh Both of you, we are about to meet the emperor and everyone else, at least be nervous or excited, don't make any mistakes while you are in front of them, just be like how you normally are- "

I interrupted Geraz and said,

" Old man- "

" It's Geraz. "

" Yeah yeah, geraz sir, don't worry, we are not that clueless, I'm with Rei so don't worry, it's not like we are totally clueless on what's about to happen, just lead us to them, we will be fine, right Rei ? "

I say and then look at Rei,

" Yeah, brother is right, Gazef sir, I know you must be anxious considering we don't know anything about this world or its culture but don't worry, like brother said, we will be fine. "

Rei said to Gazef,

" See ? "

" ...Alright fine, just be quick on your feet, we are almost there now. "

" Aye aye captain. "

We both then followed Geraz and after walking for a bit, we arrived at a door which looked twice the size of the door we just entered in,

" We are here, please for the love of the sun god, don't create a scene unless you want to see the royal family against you, even I won't be able to help you then. "

Gazef said to us and then opened the door,

The sight I saw was indeed something else, what I first saw was the people,

There were many people there,

The whole place including the atmosphere, it was very tense yet it had somewhat of a welcome vibe to it ?

I gave Rei a little push and then we started to walk towards the emperor's direction, everyone present there had their eyes on me and Rei, They all started to stood up one by one as we passed by them and I saw a few people's gaze on me and me alone,

It was creepy but it's not like I could react to that anyway, otherwise what Geraz asked me for...it might end up happening and I don't want that,

" We have arrived, May the blessings be of the sun god on everyone, I greet the emperor and empress of the sukovia kingdom. " Gazef said and then lowered his head in front of them and bowed,

Everyone then started to do the same so I looked at Rei and gave him a nod as I thought we were supposed to do it too like how Gazef instructed,

" Hmm…..You all may rise. "

" My lord, I have brought him, we succeeded and have found the prophecies hero just exactly and as you told us. "

" Hero, please come forward. "

Rei looked at me and then I gave him the nod to go,

" Hm….hero, what is your name ? "

The emperor asked Rei,

" I greet the emperor and empress of the sukovia kingdom, My name is Rei your majesty. "

Rei said to the emperor bowing down exactly like the old man did,

Everyone around then started to chatter among each other, I looked at the empress and she had a smile on her face while she looked at Rei,

" Hm, Rei huh…..were you told anything about how the law and everything around here is ? "

" No my lord, but I have been said that I will be given a instructor or a teacher as you know to guide me through it all, I don't know anything about the ethics or laws, even your names my lord, but I will try my best and provide you with the most satisfactory answer. "

....Wow, that was a great way to speak Rei, both the emperor and empress were impressed.

Now is it my turn ? Do I go next or ?