
Multi-Dimension Harem Adventure

R34 Economy with a twist. Disclaimer: I don't own all the crossover. Another Disclaimer: This is an Extreme AU

LuxVonDeux · Cómic
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105 Chs

Siege of Faysummit III

I look at hundreds of dragons attacking our barrier with their fire breath or their magic. I take a deep breath and pull the trigger of my Cambio Forma: Sniper. My attack hit the eye of one of the dragons and began to drill its eyes. I continue to pump my flame into Lily and see my attack pierce through the thick skull of the Dragon. However, to my surprise, the Dragon is still not dead.

I fired another attack, but this time, it was the combination of Sky, Storm, and Lightning flame. As my attack hits the enrage dragon, it consumes the Dragon and burns the Dragon alive. As the Dragon consumed by the fire, the Melammu Dingir hit the Dragon with a beam of destruction and finally killed it.

I look to the side and see the other fighting the army of dragons with their life in line. In front of me is Carol flying around, blasting the Dragon with her photon blast left and right. Sometimes she kills them in one shot, but to the bigger Dragon, she needs more than one photon blast before she can kill them. On her side is her Animal box partner Goose the Harpy Eagle, who currently in its giant form and attacking the Dragon with its claw and wind attack from its wing.

Around Carol is the sky squad. Our new team is equipped with Fiamma Shoes, the dwarf created with my recommendation.

Carol and her new squad is not the only one fighting the army of dragons. Mordred also fought the Dragon with her sword even though she didn't have the Fiamma Shoes. She uses her strength to jump up and land on the Dragon's back and stab it with her sword. Following behind Mordred are the dwarves, people that use some grappling hook to reach the higher place and attack the Dragon.

On the other side of Mordred and her group is Medea leading the elves and the other magicians who bombard and create a barrier around the one that fights on the front line. Behind Medea and her team of magic users is Amelia controlling the mosquito around the battlefield. While the mosquito is not enough to penetrate the dragon scale, it can fly through the mouth of the Dragon and begin transferring a deadly virus toward the Dragon making it weak enough that the other can kill it quickly. The mosquito also releases a rain flame in the air making the Dragon attack slow and weak. It is even slowing the evil dragon movement.

However, even after all that, I still have a report coming from the west wing of the barrier.

"My Lord! The west side of the barrier has been breached by a group of twelve dragons attacking it simultaneously."

It Looks like we are too focused on the east and north side of the city and ignores the west and south side of the city.

I look at the people near me and say.

"To me!"

A few seconds later, we arrive in the west side of the city and see fifteen dragons attacking the barrier with their fire breath or physical attack. I even see a small crack on the barrier, and from it, one of the dragons releasing a black mud through the crack and coming from that mud is a little dragon that immediately causes chaos inside the city.

"Sun, Rain, Mist, and Storm! Hunt down those mini dragons! Lighting and Cloud to me! We will patch this hole up!"

I run toward the nearby cannon and fire it toward the Dragon that releases the mud inside the barrier as the attack hit its target and threw the Dragon a few meters away. Seeing the Dragon thrown out, I immediately create a barrier with my Lightning flame.

"Cloud! Infuse your flame into my barrier! I will stabilize it!"

"Yes, My Lord"

"Lightning! Go with the Could and protect them! I will cover you from here!"

"Yes, Sir!"

I look at a few dozen men jumping out of the wall and run toward the hole on the barrier. I flare my Sky flame and make the barrier stable enough, so the Cloud and Lightning did not fight each other.

Suddenly I look up and see another dragon is coming from the north. I begin to think that they are another reinforcement of Tepes army, but I release a relief breath when I see them attacking the evil Dragon.

They are the dragons that make a nest in the northern city. They are the dragons that promise to protect the city if we get attacked and look like they are fulfilling their promise to us.

With the northern side of the city is taken care of by our new reinforcement, I can focus on the one in front of me.

"Aim our cannon at the evil Dragon in front of us! The Red and Blue dragon is our ally! Don't shoot them!"

I don't know if they can hear me, but I trust them not to shoot our ally because they are the only Dragon with a different color than the evil Dragon.

I touch one of the Melammu Dingir next to me and push Lightning, Storm, Cloud, and Sky into the cannon. When Melammu Dingir fires its beam of destruction toward the evil Dragon, it begins to multiply, and the usual golden color begins to change into blood-red color with a bolt of green lightning surrounding it. The Dragon in front of me gets hit by multiple attacks of Melammu Dingir. A second later, I can see the corpse of the evil Dragon. Seeing one of the dragons is dead, I look at the remaining Dragon on the west side of the city.

"Seven more. Ready the cannon!"

"Yes, Sir!"

Hearing my command, the men that came with me began to load the cannon with ammunition. While they were reloading, I filled the cannon with my flame, and when we finished the preparation…


Another volley of the beam of destruction hit the group of dragons and pierce their body. I continue to push my flame inside the Melammu Dingir near me. Five Melammu Dingir fires its bullet while enchanted with Cloud, Lightning, Storm, and Sky flame. A hail of beams of destruction rain down on the evil Dragon, and it keeps happening as my men keep reloading the canon with the special bullet the dwarves made.


I quickly look to my back and see Kushina already entering her Jinchuriki form. I see her body enveloped in dark red chakra, and on top of her head is an endoskeleton and lastly, behind her is an eight tail made of the same dark-red chakra as the one surrounding her body.

I begin releasing a relieved sigh when I see her still in control and not attacking her ally in the battle. However, I frown a little when I see the south side of the city begin to lose as they get overwhelmed by the dragons, and the only one hold out south is Kushina and her shinobi squad. While they are strong, they don't have enough members to hold against twenty or so dragons. When I see another reinforcement come to this section, I shout to all people around me.

"Hold this side! I will help our southern side!"

"Understood, My Lord"

After hearing that, I immediately rush to the city south wall. I arrive there a few seconds later, seeing Kushina fire her Bijuu ball toward one of the evil dragons on a point-blank range, creating a massive explosion.

Without hesitation, I appear near the Melammu Dingir and pump my flame inside the canon.


Hearing my command, the people in charge of the cannon begin to reload it. When they finished reloading, I shouted.


However, to my surprise, the Dragon successfully weakened the Melammu Dingir attack using some barriers around their body. Look like I need an attack that can penetrate that weird barrier and their thick scale. I can do that, but I need to change Cloud with Rain flame. However, if I do that, then the evil Dragon can dodge the attack.

"Kushina! Can you hold these bastards for a second?!?"

I look at Kushina, who nods back at me and seeing her confirmation, and I load the Melammu Dingir with Storm, Rain, Lightning, and Sky flame.

"Wait for it!"

I look to the sky and see Kushina using her chain to hold the Evil dragon movement and when I see my chance.


The attack hit the struggling Dragon and pierce its chest then killed it in one hit. After seeing me kill the evil Dragon, Kushina begins to charge at another evil dragon near her with her chain behind her like a tentacle and grabs the next target for me.


This continues for another few minutes. Kushina chose the target and immobilized it with her chain, and I let Melammu Dingir kill the target. However, before I could hold another evil dragon Kushina, the biggest Dragon on the east side of the city, roared with all its might.



Its body then begins to release black aura. Its body begins to grow larger and larger until it stops making its body twice its original size.


The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts